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Why voltage leads current in inductor - nsv

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Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Why does voltage always lead current by 90 degrees in an inductor? Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 4 months ago. Active 3 years, 4 months ago. Viewed 10k times. Rodrigo de Azevedo 1 1 silver badge 10 10 bronze badges. Roo Roo 3 3 silver badges 12 12 bronze badges.

Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Olin Lathrop Olin Lathrop k 36 36 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Inductors are linear devices: You analyze the behavior for an arbitrary periodic driving signal by decomposing the signal into pure sinusoidal components, and then analyzing each component separately. I myself first learned them at 16, admittedly in a physics course where the teacher gave a minute aside at the beginning of the course so we could follow the calculus-based derivations of kinematics.

It was clear, and made understanding the real thing so much easier when it came up in my actual calculus course. Andy aka Andy aka k 21 21 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. Hermelin Hermelin 61 2 2 bronze badges. Never assume that a coil is just a coil. StessenJ StessenJ 2 2 silver badges 3 3 bronze badges. There is not an electronics stackexchange in spanish, also. To say "international English should be enough" comes across as pretty arrogant to me.

I did not find that requirement in the guide to the site or FAQ. The current causes the flux to go through each turn of the coil. Further examination and Faraday's law leads to this model. Because the current inside the coil is what generates the flux, the voltage will change first, before the flowing electrons will get all the way through the inductor.

The inductance constant L is the Number of turns in the wire times the ratio of the current i to the magnetic flux, which is usually a constant. The D function being a derivative. Because the derivative of the current will change before the current actually does, voltage leads current in an inductor. Because the capacitor resists a change in voltage, while an inductor resists a change in current.

Voltage leads current or, more specifically current lags voltage, in an inductive circuit. This is because an inductor resists a change in current. In an ideal inductor, no, there is no voltage induced across an inductor unless the current in the inductor is changing.

However, since there are no ideal inductors nor power supplies, eventually an inductor will draw a constant current, i. An inductor opposes current changes.

In AC circuit, this opposition is observed as a lag in the current waveform. Eli the ice man. C Got it? Inductor stores the energy in the form magnetic flux, but the capacitor stores the energy in the form of electric charges.

In the inductor voltage leads the current, where as in the capacitor current leads the voltage. Current can lag or lead voltage in an AC circuit when the load is what we call reactive. The idea that current is purely a function of voltage only applies when working with DC, or when working with purely resistive loads, such as light bulbs and toasters.

Not so, when dealing with motors and power supplies. What happens is that an inductor resists a change in current. That means that, given a particular voltage and current at a particular instant of time, if you change the voltage, the current will not immediately follow - it will lag - because the inductor is a stored energy device.

Similarly, a capacitor resists a change in voltage, which means that if you change the current, the voltage will not immediately follow - it will lag - also because the capacitor is a stored energy device. Flip over current and voltage in the analysis of a capacitor, and you find that the current will lead the voltage, as opposed to the inductor's current lagging the voltage. This causes the phenomenon of power factor, which is basically the cosine of the phase angle between voltage and current.

Power factor is the ratio of apparent power to true power. Yes, an inductor works with direct current. It is called an electromagnet. Because of Ac supply, current lags voltage by 90 in Inductor. Current does not always lead voltage in AC. In a capacitative load, current will lead voltage, but in an inductive load, current will lag voltage. The maximum voltage induced into a perfect inductor occurs at the maximum rate of change of current flowing through that inductor. This is at the steepest part of the current's waveform -i.

So, if the maximum voltage occurs when the current is zero, then there is a degree difference between the two. Voltage source inverters use the dc voltage e. Please note that voltage can not be changed abruptly in capacitor as current can not be changed abruptly in inductor.

Difficult to explain without a diagram. However, the voltage induced into a conductor is maximum when the rate of change of current is greatest. This voltage opposes the change in current, so acts in the opposite sense to the current. Since the supply voltage is equal and opposite the induced voltage, it acts in the positive sense when the current is increasing and passing through zero -therefore, the supply voltage 'peaks' 90 degrees ahead of the current.

As current flows in the inductor, a magnetic field is produced. If the current is turned off, as the magnetic field collapses, it induces a voltage in the inductor windings, like a generator. Thus the inductor stores energy in the form of a magnetic field.

In circuits with primarily capacitive loads, current leads the voltage. This is true because current must first flow to the two plates of the capacitor, where charge is stored. Only after charge accumulates at the plates of a capacitor is a voltage difference established. When the capacitor is connected to the DC voltage source, initially the positive terminal of the DC supply pulls the electrons from one terminal and pushes the electrons to the second terminal.

They are determined by the sign of the phase angle between the current and voltage waveforms.

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