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Why thicken formula - cmo

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If your baby has food allergies, make sure the ingredients in the rice or oat cereal they recommend are appropriate. We have heard from several parents that their child reacted to certain brands of rice cereal, only to discover that some contain soy, or are made on shared equipment with other major allergens. As always, read the labels carefully for ingredients.

It is also possible for babies with multiple food allergies or food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome FPIES to be allergic to rice protein. It really depends on the circumstances and it is something for the healthcare team and the parent to decide. That said, the nutrition in Neocate will not be harmed by the addition of a thickener, but they can be diluted by a thickener. As long as the doctor or dietitian recommends it, there is no problem with thickening Neocate.

Keep in mind that thickening formula may make it difficult for the baby to drink it, so you may have to adjust the nipple size accordingly. When a child has swallowing problems, the physician or feeding specialist may recommend altering the consistency of liquids and solids in the diet to make swallowing easier.

Sometimes the physician may recommend thickening with rice cereal, and other times they will recommend a commercial thickener such as Thick-It. In the case of dysphagia, there is no problem using a thickener with Neocate, so long as it is recommended by a healthcare provider and it contains no ingredients that are allergens for the child.

Your First Name. Your E-Mail Address. Your Comment. And as a tummy doc in America's largest children's hospital, I can attest to the fact that most parents have tried this by the time they reach my clinic.

Few, however, report glowing results. But that's just me and my simple observation. But is there any evidence of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of cereal to the baby with reflux? A group of Polish pediatricians performed what we in the business call a 'meta-analysis'.

Essentially what they did was to take all of the research on thickened formula done in recent years and put it together into something of a survey of surveys.

And here's what they found:. A healthcare professional can diagnose a food allergy. If you suspect your child may have a food allergy, these 8 questions can help you talk to your healthcare professional about your concerns.

Also, children with eosinophilic esophagitis EoE can have symptoms of dysphagi a and often have symptoms of reflux. Thickening their food or formula may not be needed once the allergens are removed if the reflux also comes under control. If your child does have reflux, there are typically strategies that are tried before thickeners.

These can include smaller, more frequent feedings and upright positions. Your healthcare team should advise what you should try first and in what order. They can tell you how long to try before moving on to new strategies. This can help make them easier to swallow and keep down. When fluids are too thin or liquid, some children have trouble using their tongues and the muscles that help to swallow correctly.

This can cause liquid to get caught in the airway passage and then get into their lungs, or aspirate. Aspiration — — can be dangerous! Thickening the formula and other fluids can help the liquids stay together during swallowing. This can decrease the risk of aspiration. Other times, the amount and frequency of spit up may concern the healthcare team. Thickening formula or breast milk may help to minimize spit up frequency and volume. Healthcare professionals may suggest adding something to formula or expressed breast milk to thicken it for some infants with reflux.

Some healthcare team recommend adding certain foods to achieve this. Using foods as thickeners carries known risks. These have been studied more extensively than food-based thickeners.

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