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Why soak grains - rvr

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Grains and the Human Body Protected by their indigestible enzymes, grains can pass through our digestive system completely intact. Should I eat grain? Overnight Oatmeal. This quick-and-easy overnight oatmeal is packed with nutrition and will keep you going strong until lunch. Course: Breakfast. Prep Time: 5 minutes.

Cook Time: 5 hours 43 minutes. Total Time: 5 hours 43 minutes. Servings: 2 servings. Calories: kcal. Author: Full of Days. Instructions Add rolled oats, 1 cup water and acidic medium into a pot with lid. Let soak overnight, at room temperature or at least hours. The next morning, add one cup raw milk or water , a tablespoon of butter and proceed with cooking.

Add a dash of good quality sea salt , to taste and berries or other mix-ins. I am a wife, a mother of five, and forever a learner. I spend my days homeschooling our four older kiddos and wrangling our youngest , cooking food the traditional way, and unabashedly doting over "The Hubs". I'm constantly refining it all while sharing with you Leave a Comment. Thank you for rating this recipe! It is a method of food preparation that is important for us to use when preparing these foods because when they are soaked in filtered water with an acid medium they become easier to digest and this then improves absorption of nutrients.

Grains, legumes, nuts and seeds contain anti-nutrients called phytates and phytic acid, that block the absorption of key minerals. Phytic acid acts like a storage container which holds potassium, magnesium, calcium, zinc and iron. Phytates bind to these minerals like a glue which keeps them in the container. As the minerals become bound, mineral deficiencies can result.

This is why soaking is an important step in their preparation others methods are sprouting and souring. So my decision for now is to soak the grains when I remember and when I have time. Sometimes I forget and bake the recipe just the way that it was written.

I used to find myself really stressing out when I realized that I hadn't planned for soaking or had completely forgotten about it. But stress is clearly the bigger problem here so I know for sure that soaking nuts and seeds is beneficial, and so is the soaking of beans before cooking in addition to the addition of ajwain or epazote to the cooking water. However, the grain soaking thing exactly how to do it is still a bit up in the air from the research that I have read.

With some stiffer recipes like pie crust, thick bars, or my doughnuts it will be hard to mix at this point. However, if you're willing to put in a little elbow grease and make sure that all of the ingredients get mixed in well like salt and baking soda Soaking grains using the above method works fine for grains that are high in phytase buckwheat, wheat, or rye , but for grains that are low in phytase oats, rice, millet, corn, etc.

I'm trying to find it again but can't. There is actually some really interesting information that recently came out about soaking and I hope to share that with you in the near future. So stay tuned!

Meanwhile, soak when you can and trust God for the results until better information comes along. How about you? Do you soak your grains?

Photo Credit. She has a background in research, journalism, insurance, employee benefits, financial markets, frugal living, and nutrition. Seeking a better life for herself and her family, she uses research and consults with many physicians and other practitioners to find solutions to the variety of issues they have dealt with including life-threatening food allergies and thyroid and adrenal concerns.

Posts are reviewed and verified by the Whole New Mom team. Your email address will not be published. Tick this box to stay connected when new comments are added. Yes, you are correct! Thanks for catching that.

It's fixed now! I am working really hard to update so many posts. So little time! Thanks again! They seem to agree with your supposition and make reference to research. Hello there! Yes, I believe that is the same information but from another source. The author of that blog is an online friend of mine--she's a great gal. Thanks for reading! This is a very good article you have written on soaking grains, nuts, seeds, etc. I have issues with vinegar. I was told by an herbalist at the local health foods store that I am not allergic to the yeast in the vinegar it is the way they commercially produce the yeast that is ,an issue for me.

I become still all over. To add egg and leave it out on the counter over night concerns me. I will of course research this. In the end one will cook it and I am sure that is helpful. Thank you! Many soak with milk in there but some choose not to do so. You can add the eggs after soaking.

Thank you so much for all you do. Red lentils do not need soaking but all other larger lentils should be soaked. Another website soaks her flour but I really did not understand.

Now I totally get it, thanks to you. Also I rinse the starch out of my diced red potatoes, and other things I soak. I am diabetic and cannot have starch. Can you imagine? No one needs extra starch. I love using a "sprout jar" to do my soaking now after seeing that someone did this. I had a new, unused jar with the green top, now it gets used almost everyday.

Thanks again, take care So great! Is that what you do with your potatoes? We are watching starches as well. Are you using the sprout jar for nuts? May I ask if wheat bran is one i could use for this, as i have a bag lying around already?

Not sure I understand the process of soaking that you describe above. Are you saying that you can soak flour? Would love to see a video if you ever get the time.

This is my first visit to your site. I think it's great and has lots of value for your readers. It's the latest addition to my bookmarks bar. Yes, you can soak the flour in liquid. A video will probably be awhile in coming but hope that helps. Thanks so much for the kind words!

Hello, I loved reading all these comments because this has been my lifelong quest as well. I'm a health sciences major as well as a GAPS practitioner and herbologist aka natural research scientist. I think I can fill in a few of the missing details about how phytic acid interacts with bionutrients and natural yeasts.

They originate from the soil but spill over and thrive on and in every substance and surface on our planet. There are millions of different species and our bodies ideally utilize about a thousand of them at any given time.

That's a very utopic and general statement! Realistically, our bodies in this area of the world nurture enterotypes foundational bacterial ecosystems that make up our intestinal flora to about different species which is very low.

All of this is a fancy way of saying that these microorganisms are essentially the enzymes that digest the food we choose to eat; if we can nurture a greater variety of these microorganisms in our systems, we can digest a greater variety of foods. I culture a lot of the food I eat for this very purpose and my kitchen resembles a cozy science lab at any given time.

It is safe to leave things open and most bacterial cultures need the variety of lactobacilli introduced from its surrounding environment to thrive, but if there are fruit flies or other pests present parasites that would use the microorganisms to reproduce for their own benefit , you will want to preserve the culture for yourself and I like to use a lot of coffee filters or tightly woven cheese clothes secured with rubber bands to do that.

I like the idea of using a larger bowl of water to keep out creeping organisms! Do not be fooled, when you add liquids to your dry ingredients, you're not just soaking them, these mixtures are very much alive and although you can't see it with the naked eye, chemical reactions are taking place, communities of bacteria enzymes are growing exponentially, and your grains are predigesting right under your nose.

It's very probable that your body doesn't support the necessary enzymes to completely digest the wonderful array of nutrients housed inside the grains you're about to partake of and introducing an opportunity to culture the bacteria from your natural environment is the most effective way, in fact the only way I'm aware of, to begin the digestive process and trigger the necessary chemical reactions to ensure the presence of any missing enzymes that your enterotype may not have established.

Mold that grows because of exposure to the air is not harmful and can simply be plucked off and discarded. As for the phytic acid, it is a molecule that acts as a storage place for phosphorus and inositol, both nutrients that are beneficial for our bodies.

Phosphorus is responsible for knitting our bones together and it stimulates and conditions the brain for clearer thinking. Inositol removes excess fats from the blood and helps the production of lecithin, assisting the heart by reducing blood cholesterol levels.

It also stimulates digestion and normal growth and survival of cells in bone marrow and eye membranes, and promotes hair growth. The only way to gain access to these essential benefits is to digest them.

There is a specific bacteria enzyme called phytase that is responsible for breaking down the phytic acid molecules we consume. Without it, the phytic acid molecule acts as a foreign substance and triggers an immune or inflammatory response if there becomes a significant amount built up in your body.

The phytase enzyme will unlock the phosphorus and inositol from the phytic acid molecule that our bodies need, and you guessed it, we can culture this enzyme from the bacteria in our environment just by adding water and letting nature take its course. This is why it's so significant to soak your grains or culture your milk or ferment your vegetables or brew your tea or create a sourdough starter , it all comes down to nurturing and activating the lactobacillus that would normally remain somewhat inert in our environment otherwise.

There really is a lot more detail to this explanation that affects many more strains and organs and systems that I couldn't possibly expound on in this post, but I love to engage in those topics so feel free to PM me if you'd like to chat some more!

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