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Why is ocean acidification a potential problem - epl

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The scientists found that over extensive ocean areas, excluding the polar regions, pH had been declining by a mean rate of about 0. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration found similar results in , looking specifically at aragonite concentrations. Cold water holds more carbon dioxide, and the scientists found that the Arctic Ocean, northern Pacific and Antarctic waters were acidifying faster than other areas.

At depths down to meters, NOAA found that aragonite saturation had fallen by an average rate of about 0. Scientists know from studying deep ocean sediment cores that acidification has wreaked havoc on marine life before.

Watch the video below to learn more. About 56 million years ago , during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum, temperatures rose and there is evidence that coral reefs collapsed and many deep-sea benthic foraminifers, which produce shells of calcium carbonate, disappeared. Monday, February 22, New paper assesses CO2 flux measured on the first autonomous circumnavigation of Exoskeleton dissolution Monday, May 11, Exoskeleton dissolution with mechanoreceptor damage in larval Dungeness crab rela Mission To advance our scientific understanding of the ocean carbon cycle and how it is changing over time in support of NOAA's commitment to improve the Nation's ability to anticipate and respond to climate impacts and to conserve and manage healthy oceans, coastal ecosystems, and marine resources.

Native fisheries in Patagonian waters may also be threatened, and dramatic change is apparent in the Antarctic, where the frigid waters can hold so much carbon dioxide that shelled creatures dissolve in the corrosive conditions, affecting food sources for fish, birds, and marine mammals.

Today, more than a billion people worldwide rely on food from the ocean as their primary source of protein. Many jobs and economies in the United States and around the world depend on the fish and shellfish that live in the ocean. Decreasing harvests could especially hurt the poorest people and the least developed nations that have the fewest agricultural alternatives.

These challenges may influence migration to more urban regions, which may lead to further social disruption and even conflict. Ocean acidification is expected to have negative overall effects on many marine species.

This could alter marine food chains and food supply to humans. Acidification could also decrease storm protection from reefs, tourism opportunities, and other benefits that are difficult to value. Smart investments in monitoring and observing are critical to hedging the risks. There is urgency to making such investments. The shells of pteropods are already dissolving in the Southern Ocean , where more acidic water from the deep sea rises to the surface, hastening the effects of acidification caused by human-derived carbon dioxide.

Like corals, these sea snails are particularly susceptible because their shells are made of aragonite, a delicate form of calcium carbonate that is 50 percent more soluble in seawater. One big unknown is whether acidification will affect jellyfish populations. In this case, the fear is that they will survive unharmed. Jellyfish compete with fish and other predators for food—mainly smaller zooplankton—and they also eat young fish themselves.

Plants and many algae may thrive under acidic conditions. These organisms make their energy from combining sunlight and carbon dioxide—so more carbon dioxide in the water doesn't hurt them, but helps. Seagrasses form shallow-water ecosystems along coasts that serve as nurseries for many larger fish, and can be home to thousands of different organisms. Under more acidic lab conditions, they were able to reproduce better, grow taller, and grow deeper roots—all good things.

However, they are in decline for a number of other reasons—especially pollution flowing into coastal seawater—and it's unlikely that this boost from acidification will compensate entirely for losses caused by these other stresses.

Some species of algae grow better under more acidic conditions with the boost in carbon dioxide. But coralline algae , which build calcium carbonate skeletons and help cement coral reefs, do not fare so well. Most coralline algae species build shells from the high-magnesium calcite form of calcium carbonate, which is more soluble than the aragonite or regular calcite forms. One study found that, in acidifying conditions, coralline algae covered 92 percent less area, making space for other types of non-calcifying algae, which can smother and damage coral reefs.

This is doubly bad because many coral larvae prefer to settle onto coralline algae when they are ready to leave the plankton stage and start life on a coral reef. One major group of phytoplankton single celled algae that float and grow in surface waters , the coccolithophores , grows shells.

Early studies found that, like other shelled animals, their shells weakened, making them susceptible to damage. But a longer-term study let a common coccolithophore Emiliania huxleyi reproduce for generations, taking about 12 full months, in the warmer and more acidic conditions expected to become reality in years.

The population was able to adapt, growing strong shells. It could be that they just needed more time to adapt, or that adaptation varies species by species or even population by population. While fish don't have shells, they will still feel the effects of acidification.

Because the surrounding water has a lower pH, a fish's cells often come into balance with the seawater by taking in carbonic acid. This changes the pH of the fish's blood, a condition called acidosis. Although the fish is then in harmony with its environment, many of the chemical reactions that take place in its body can be altered.

Just a small change in pH can make a huge difference in survival. In humans, for instance, a drop in blood pH of 0. Likewise, a fish is also sensitive to pH and has to put its body into overdrive to bring its chemistry back to normal. To do so, it will burn extra energy to excrete the excess acid out of its blood through its gills, kidneys and intestines. It might not seem like this would use a lot of energy, but even a slight increase reduces the energy a fish has to take care of other tasks, such as digesting food, swimming rapidly to escape predators or catch food, and reproducing.

It can also slow fishes growth. Even slightly more acidic water may also affects fishes' minds. While clownfish can normally hear and avoid noisy predators, in more acidic water, they do not flee threatening noise. Clownfish also stray farther from home and have trouble "smelling" their way back. This may happen because acidification, which changes the pH of a fish's body and brain, could alter how the brain processes information.

Additionally, cobia a kind of popular game fish grow larger otoliths —small ear bones that affect hearing and balance—in more acidic water, which could affect their ability to navigate and avoid prey. While there is still a lot to learn, these findings suggest that we may see unpredictable changes in animal behavior under acidification.

The ability to adapt to higher acidity will vary from fish species to fish species, and what qualities will help or hurt a given fish species is unknown.

A shift in dominant fish species could have major impacts on the food web and on human fisheries. But to predict the future—what the Earth might look like at the end of the century—geologists have to look back another 20 million years. Some The main difference is that, today, CO 2 levels are rising at an unprecedented rate— even faster than during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum. Researchers will often place organisms in tanks of water with different pH levels to see how they fare and whether they adapt to the conditions.

They also look at different life stages of the same species because sometimes an adult will easily adapt, but young larvae will not—or vice versa. Studying the effects of acidification with other stressors such as warming and pollution, is also important, since acidification is not the only way that humans are changing the oceans.

So some researchers have looked at the effects of acidification on the interactions between species in the lab, often between prey and predator. Results can be complex. In more acidic seawater, a snail called the common periwinkle Littorina littorea builds a weaker shell and avoids crab predators—but in the process, may also spend less time looking for food.

Boring sponges drill into coral skeletons and scallop shells more quickly. And the late-stage larvae of black-finned clownfish lose their ability to smell the difference between predators and non-predators, even becoming attracted to predators. For example, the deepwater coral Lophelia pertusa shows a significant decline in its ability to maintain its calcium-carbonate skeleton during the first week of exposure to decreased pH.

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