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Why is forty days significance in the bible - wmh

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Why Easter is celebrated after 40 days. And they say Life begins at Even Pass mark starts at Each period of 40years marks an epoch generation. So if the bible in the Hebrew context talk of generations, it talks of one period of 40yrs to another. So Noah made the ark for a whole generation, meanwhile preaching repentance, in which God was patient for a whole generation to pass before he destroy the earth.

The Israelites traveled through the desert for a whole epoch. God took a whole epoch to work out their salvation to the promised land. The desert was a period of testing, trial and judgment. Those who passed were saved—the entered the promised land. The Babel tower was not put to its finishing. God allowed the 40days, a period of testing, trial and finally judgment, by which He literally scattered them, confusing their language.

He also took a period of 40 days appearing to the disciples between his resurrection and ascension, that was a period for which the Truth of his resurrection final victory over death, sin and Satan could be tested, trialed, and be attested to. Easter is celebrated 40days from the palm Sunday because, he enter Jerusalem for the last time on the palm Sunday, followed by a period of perfect forty days for testing, trial and judgment after being judged by human judges was condemned, so that his being condemned for our sake will be authentic.

Life begins 40 or a fool 40 is a fool forever because after being in existence for an epoch, through all the necessary testing and trial of life, the sentence judgment of either one is fit to go with life crown in dignity is dependent on the result of the period of those forty days for testing and trial.

I made the above interpretations, based on the theory of forty days or years for an epoch or period of testing, trial and judgment. I hope you find this interpretations inspiring? Remain blessed!

Thank you very much for this has helped me understand the 40days or years of events in the bible. Well, I turned 40 today and have been surfing the net reading lots of things about forty. Scary and sweet. Hallelujah hallelujah and glory be to God. I have long wanted to know what figure 40 signifies. This is the right time God has allowed me to learn. Thanks for the revelation. This is very powerful I always wondered what the number forty meant but now with your revelations iam really blessed and I will be able to answer any one who asks of the same.

Very interesting. Learned more about the significance of the number Biblical and Spiritual meaning of the number Thanks for sharing. Wonderfull revelation…indeed its Gods revelation… Be blessed,,continue to grow in spirit,,amen. Noah took 80yrs to build the ark my brother.

In the year grace that God gave the earth before judgment. Mathematicaly is good to consider as God is a great mathematician. The Greatest Original Designer does everything for a reason. Notice that there is always a blessing after a trial. EL Shaddai probably understands the limits of human endurance and always takes his servants to the edge, to show his bountiful and abundant nature in a blessing and exonarate his most holy name.

Any help from God at the end of human limitations is always recognized as coming from the divine and not man. As El Shaddai he sustains abundantly so that you have no lack. Saul may also be a part of this group [Acts ], but this is controversial [1 Sam ]. Skip to content Q: What is the significance of the number 40 forty in the Bible? By: Steve Shirley. Trial, Testing, Or Judgment: When God destroyed every living thing on the Earth by flood, it rained 40 days and 40 nights Gen ,12, The Israelites were in captivity to the Philistines for 40 years for doing evil Judg Goliath taunted Israel for 40 days and nights 1 Sam , until David defeated him.

God proclaimed judgment against Egypt, saying it would be desolate for 40 years Ezek God gave Nineveh 40 days to repent or be overthrown Jonah On the basis of Genesis and other passages, many consider 7 to be the number of completeness or perfection:. Revelation seems to infer this. Then I saw a Lamb, looking as if it had been slain, standing in the center of the throne, encircled by the four living creatures and the elders. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God Revelation The number 6 is thought to be the number of man.

Man was created on the 6th day; man labors 6 days a week. Man consistently fails to measures up to God. Imperfect can never make perfect. For more detailed information, please visit our Affiliate Disclaimer page. Looking at the number 40 in the Bible is fascinating. It is mentioned or times in scripture, depending on the translation.

The symbolism of 40 in the Bible generally symbolizes a period of testing, trial and then, finally, triumph. Through hardships lasting 40 days or years, we endure to become more spiritually aware of our need for God. Many numbers in general have a symbolic meaning in the Bible. As mentioned above, it is often associated with the time of testing, trials and judgment.

See below for a free printable with Bible verses about the number From Jesus to the Israelites wandering in the wilderness, 40 in the Bible features prominently. Biblical scholars have pointed out, and God makes clear in scripture, that faith that is not tested is vulnerable.

So God made the Hebrews roam the wilderness , living on manna, for 40 years. The people of Israel ate the manna forty years, till they came to a habitable land. They ate the manna till they came to the border of the land of Canaan. Can you imagine fasting for forty days and nights? I often struggle with one day! What must that have felt like? How hungry and tired He must have been! Being hungry, how hard it must have been for Jesus to not turn stones into bread, yet Jesus defeated the Devil at his own game.

Then Jesus was led up by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil. And after fasting forty days and forty nights, he was hungry.

Many people fast when they are trying to overcome a major sin or temptation or when they are laying their needs out to God because of a difficult trial in their life.

While God was carving the Ten Commandments in stone, the nation of Israel was already doubting and and worshiping an idol. In addition, he also sent spies, for forty days, to investigate the land God promised the Israelites as an inheritance.

Moses entered the cloud and went up on the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.

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