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Why does heaven have to be so far away - uzh

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There are times in our lives when God withdraws His presence because He wants us to pay attention to the destructive path we are on. I received a letter one day from a woman who wanted to know why God was not answering her prayers. She said she needed guidance, but God did not seem to be listening to her. Then she outlined her situation. She told me she was sleeping with three men, and she wanted God to show her which one was the right one for her.

Once I got over my initial shock, I prayed for wisdom and understanding. There are many in our culture who have no background in the church or who have been used or abused as children and have patterned their lives on that.

They need grace, acceptance, and kindness from us as God makes their path straight and repaints the picture of what love really is. When I wrote to her, I thanked her for her honesty. I told her about a man in the Bible called David, who loved God but really messed up. I reminded her of his prayer after he had sinned with Bathsheba. Even though David got what his flesh wanted, his spirit grieved at the separation he now felt between himself and God.

His prayer is recorded in Psalm God, be merciful to me because You are loving. Do not send me away from You or take Your Holy Spirit away from me. God, You will not reject a heart that is broken and sorry for sin. Please understand: each of our personal situations are different. We all come to God in different ways, asking for repentance in different ways.

And although God will always, always forgive us, His response to us comes in different ways. It may be a floodgate as with David; it may be a still, small voice in the night, or a feeling of calm like no other. It may come instantly or over time. It may be that our shame is replaced with peace or even that for some time we walk out the consequences of our choices.

But the point is that if we call to Him, God will be there. There are other times where our prayers can be hindered not just by how our behavior affects us but by how our behavior affects others. When we live with someone day in and day out, we have many opportunities to treat our spouses in a way, shall we say, not quite how God intended. No marriage is perfect; we all understand that.

But if we continually disrespect our spouse — for whatever reason — without working things out, we build a wall between not only our spouses and ourselves, but God and ourselves. We remember him in our prayers. We ask him to intercede for us. When our children list their cousins, Georgie is always included. Five years ago as I prayed during Mass on All Souls Day with tears streaming down my face, I was unable to see the light of the resurrection.

I believed Georgie was in heaven, but I was too deep in grief for my sister and her husband to see how much joy this little one could continue to bring to our family.

But he has. Our relationship with Georgie is the most extraordinary gift. Thinking of him and his brief but well-lived life helps me keep the challenges we face in perspective. When I am praying for impossible intentions, Georgie is my go-to intercessor — and I feel so comforted knowing I have his ear. As much as I thought I valued life before knowing Georgie, he has truly transformed my perspective. When a friend or family member announces a pregnancy, I never ever take that new precious little life for granted.

Every baby is such an amazing gift — and with a profound impact. Randy also quotes Adoniram Judson, who served as a missionary in Burma in the early s for almost 40 years. Karen Coleman served as a ministry assistant at Eternal Perspective Ministries for three and a half years.

She spent 23 years in Cameroon, West Africa involved in Bible translation and missionary care. In June , Karen went to be with Jesus.

Sales from our online store help fund the work of EPM and free us up to continue giving away the royalties from Randy's books. By Karen Coleman. It might be helpful to explore deeper into why you feel afraid to meet Jesus. Is there fear that Jesus will reject you? That seeing Him will be frightening somehow? I know I'm going to spend it in Heaven with Jesus, but I still get a full-blown panic attack when I realize Heaven will last forever and won't end. A Pastor's Fear of Heaven video February 6, Randy Alcorn tells the story of a conversation he had years ago with an evangelical pastor who confessed to him a fear of Heaven.

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