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Why does eating cherries cause diarrhea - cyj

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Fructose, artificial sweeteners, and lactose are part a group of poorly digested sugars that can cause diarrhea, known as FODMAPs fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols.

Other sources of FODMAPs include wheat, rye, onions, garlic, legumes chickpeas , lentils, beans , honey, pistachios, cashews, asparagus, and artichokes. Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley, rye, beer, and even salad dressings. People who are gluten-sensitive may have a hard time digesting gluten and get diarrhea as a result.

In people with celiac disease , ingesting gluten provokes the body to attack the lining of the small intestine, which can cause serious damage. Fried or fatty foods. Some people have a hard time digesting creamy or fried foods. Spicy foods. Spicy sauces may mask high fat content, especially in Tex-Mex dishes or curries. And there's this unpleasant side effect: "If you eat a lot of hot spicy foods, you may get burning in the rectum," says Dr.

Caffeine speeds up the digestive system. It's found in coffee, tea, chocolate, many sodas, and foods flavored with coffee or chocolate. Greenberger recommends identifying the foods and drinks that seem to trigger your diarrhea.

Keeping a food journal is a great start, and so is seeing your doctor to make sure something else isn't responsible for your symptoms.

If food is the culprit, Dr. Chronic diarrhea can interfere with your life, at home and at work. Even if it is not severe, its unpredictability and urgency can make you reluctant to socialize. And some people hesitate to bring the problem to a doctor's attention because they think it's not serious, or because it's embarrassing.

Greenberger recommends that anyone with chronic diarrhea contact a doctor, particularly if there are other warning signs, such as low appetite or weight loss. In older adults, diarrhea often turns out to be a side effect of medication. As a service to our readers, Harvard Health Publishing provides access to our library of archived content. Christine Mugnolo. Christine Mugnolo is an experienced editor, wife and stay-at-home mom who lives in New Jersey.

With fitness and health in mind, she is an adventurous eater who is just trying to teach her kids and dogs that a Happy Meal is not a food group. Cherries can cause gas, bloating and diarrhea for some people. Video of the Day. Cherries and Digestion Problems. Cherries and Gas. Cherries and Bloating. Cherries and Stomachache. Cherries and Diarrhea. Eat in Moderation. Avoid Other Triggers. Some other fruits, like apples, pears and peaches Some vegetables, like artichokes, asparagus, onions and garlic Beans and lentils Dairy products, including cow's milk, yogurt and ice cream Wheat-based foods, such as bread, crackers and cereal.

Chew Slowly. The more your food is broken down, the easier it is to digest, Kravitz says. Tip To know for sure if cherries are causing your digestive symptoms, you can try cutting them out of your diet completely for a few weeks and then slowly re-introducing them.

But an allergic reaction after eating cherries may also be triggered by exposure to cherry blossom pollen or other plant pollens contaminating the fruit. Cherry allergy signs and symptoms.

Food allergies in general can manifest at the level of multiple organs and systems hence the range of symptoms including respiratory coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, closing of the airways , skin hives with red, itchy bumps and swelling , eyes itchy, watery, red eyes , nose itchy and runny nose with abundant clear or white mucus discharge , ears itchy ears and swelling , cardiovascular low blood pressure, shortness of breath , neurological headaches, agitation, fainting, seizures, loss of consciousness , digestive nausea, vomiting, loose stools and diarrhea , and systemic anaphylactic shock.

In case of a cherry allergy, the symptoms may be limited to the mouth and throat. This is known as oral allergy syndrome and typically involves symptoms such as itching and swelling of the lips, tingling sensation in the mouth or throat, swelling of the tongue or throat and also difficulty breathing and closing of the airways. In rare cases, more severe symptoms and progression to anaphylactic shock may occur. Another possibility is a full-range allergic reaction that culminates with anaphylactic shock unless emergency treatment is provided in due time.

Some people find cherries constipating. Under normal circumstances, cherries do not constipate. On the contrary, they are good for constipation find out what are the real benefits of eating cherries. Cherries are a naturally laxative food thanks to their good content of dietary fiber and, as a result, promote easy and regular bowel movements.

The exact mechanisms behind cherries causing constipation have not been completely worked out yet. However, it is presumed that an excessive intake of the fruit, eating the fruit with pits or an underlying intolerance or digestive condition could lead to such an outcome.

Excessive intakes of the fruit can easily cause diarrhea as well as constipation. Different people will experience different outcomes. Similarly, what constitutes an excessive intake varies with each person. While uncommon, some people and children in particular may eat cherries with pits.

Because cherry pits are not normally digested, eating them will impact digestion which can lead to constipation. Too many can, in rare instances, lead to an intestinal blockage.

Underlying conditions such as irritable bowel syndrome IBS are known to cause constipation and diarrhea in response to certain trigger-foods. Cherries are a FODMAP, a type of food containing fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols e. What does eating too many cherries cause? Cherries and diarrhea Does eating sweet or sour cherries really cause diarrhea? How do cherries cause diarrhea? Cherry allergy signs and symptoms Food allergies in general can manifest at the level of multiple organs and systems hence the range of symptoms including respiratory coughing, wheezing, difficulty breathing, closing of the airways , skin hives with red, itchy bumps and swelling , eyes itchy, watery, red eyes , nose itchy and runny nose with abundant clear or white mucus discharge , ears itchy ears and swelling , cardiovascular low blood pressure, shortness of breath , neurological headaches, agitation, fainting, seizures, loss of consciousness , digestive nausea, vomiting, loose stools and diarrhea , and systemic anaphylactic shock.

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