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Why does beyond birthday like jam - rcx

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He also felt just a little off after the Yamanote arc, so that might explain it. Also, the definitely could have been switching places whenever they were working on the investigation or not. It would explain why Watari also seemed to have a friendly bond with L, because it really was him most of the time.

I think BB could definitely have been as composed and stable as he appeared to be because of medicine and therapy. That was really what he needed to avoid going insane in the first place, and L figured that would also help Light.

When it was time to get back to the case after L got the call, he sent in BB so he could be safe and perhaps watch from the shadows. It would also explain why L seemed to eat less strawberry cake as time went on. Towards the end of his screen time, he seemed to be eating less cake and more finger food sweets like macaroons and the panda crackers.

But it would make sense if Watari banned it since this strange eating habit might give him away. I actually looked it up, and it said on the Beyond Birthday wiki page that it does look like he loves his strawberry jam.

In fact, it kinda helps the theory. How else does L catch on so quickly that all Second Kira needed was a face to kill someone? Also, I believe that BB explained his Shinigami Eyes to L, which is why he freaked out when he heard that word used to describe an object or living thing.

I strongly believe L, and possibly BB, were autistic. That would contribute to BB cracking under pressure and going insane, turning into a serial killer.

Good or bad, never mind legal or right. Back to the day L was hearing bells, it probably really was L in the rain that talked to Light, and dried his feet as a symbol of understanding and forgiveness. He understood how too much pressure on the mind could make a person go insane, and he wanted to help Light with his mental sickness and keep being lov- ahem, I mean friends. So yup- that brings this theory to a conclusion! A big shout out to Josie Lou for taking an interest in the original theory and refining it to near perfection.

What do you guys think of the new theory? Let me know your thoughts below! Thank you so much for giving me credit and using my direct words. You are so sweet! Although, I feel bad I left some grammar mistakes in there since I was in a hurry. Like Liked by 2 people. Doing this post again makes me want to sit down to draw him again. Depending, I might or might not make a post out of it if i like the way it turns out.

Like Like. Like Liked by 1 person. Okay, because my computer is saying I was posting at 4 in the morning too- and I knew for a fact that I had made one of my comments around 9pm.

Something must be up. Thank you! I love puns. I may not always laugh at puns, but they do tickle my fancy. Yeah, I just followed you on pinterest. You actually gave me hope. Anyway, maybe B. It would be best to think L switched with B. Good catch! So the biggest problem would be when Misa gets her Shinigami eyes. Nicely done! Where L appears to be alive?

I also believe L is alive cuz what if the person who saw lights dead body was L himself, alive? I would LOVE for there to be another season of L coming back and fighting someone, but I think the creators wanted to put the Death Note series to rest. To be fair, there might be way too much controversy if they released another season. You are commenting using your WordPress.

You are commenting using your Google account. You are commenting using your Twitter account. Little is known about B, though he and A real name unknown were the first two children in line to succeed L. The pressure of Wammy's House proved to be too great for A,which caused A to commit suicide, while B wound up running away at some point. His whereabouts remained unknown from May to the beginning of the story, L having tracked cases around the world to search for him.

Beyond Birthday came up with a plan to surpass L, as the "World's Greatest Criminal ", giving L a case that B hoped he would be unable to solve. Beyond Birthday's first known victim was the freelance writer Believe Bridesmaid , whom he killed July 31st, , after drugging him and then choking him with a rope. Four Wara Ningyo straw dolls were left at the crime scene, and in post-mortem mutilation, Bridesmaid's chest was slashed several times; the killer also took the time to re-dress him.

When looking at the autopsy photos, Naomi Misora found that the wounds were made to resemble letters in actuality, a Roman numeral code spelling out the name of the next victim. The second murder happened four days later, on August 4th.

The victim, Quarter Queen a year-old girl , was also drugged before her death, the cause of which was blunt force trauma to her skull. Her eyes were also crushed in further post-mortem mutilation. Three Wara Ningyo were left at the scene of the crime. This was only in the second anime. A killing almost happened 7 days after Quarter Queen's murder.

Darlene and Amanda whom are twins were eating at a burger joint with Light and Shion while studying. BB was standing outside and lured Darlene away form her table with a teddy bear. His plan was to shoot her with a bolt gun and in the confusion kill Amanda she was born a few minutes after Darlene. He wanted to see if he could kill a pair of twins right on their identical ages. However, when he finally lured her in killing range he hesitated for too long and Light pulled her back to her table, not even noticing Beyond Birthday.

The third killing happened nine days after Quarter Queen's murder. Backyard Bottomslash was a year-old bank worker who had also been drugged before her death, though her age fell in-between those of the previous two victims 44 and This happened when Beyond Birthday wanted to find out if a human can die of an internal hemorrhage without rupturing any organs.

Beyond Birthday conducted this experiment by drugging and then beating Backyard Bottomslash's left arm without breaking the skin. When this did not work, her death was caused by loss of blood, with her right leg and left arm cut off.

The right leg was discovered in the bathtub later. The left arm was taken by Beyond Birthday. Two Wara Ningyo were found nailed to the walls in a similar manner to the other two cases. On August 22nd, Naomi arrives at the location where the next BB murder will be committed, and comes to realize that Rue Ryuzaki , the mysterious private investigator she has been working with, isn't what he seems.

After figuring out several clues, she finds that Ryuzaki is in fact Beyond Birthday, and that the final murder is actually his attempted suicide. She manages to stop B from burning himself to death, and arrests him.

A year and a half later, on January 21st , Beyond Birthday dies of a heart attack in prison, presumably one of the many criminals killed by Kira. If the events of this novel are canon to the anime as well, he would have died in

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