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Why does allah hate me - kyd

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My dear brother your the lucky one, Do you know, when we are enjoying life we forget Allah. When ever calamity befalls us, We then ending up to Allah for help.

Likewise Allah loves us so much that he wants us to remember him, Once you get in the habit of Praying on time, Hate sinful things; ur getting in a habit of doing things Allah loves us to do, you end up loving to pray not because you have to but you want to you want to thank Allah; This way ur mind changes u start to contemplate about little things, u value people and things, you try to help, you thing about misfortunate people, you develop Love.

And it keeps going. If Allah hated you,you be dead. Aww - sweetie pie. The poster of the question killed himself 5 months ago. So allah did hate him after all.

So sad when allah hates. What a hateful god. If you did you would know how stupid it is to joke about it! God comes from within. You can't control anything but how you react to things. How you react is a personal choice. Choose to be happy. No matter what. Very simple. Funny, But True.. Thanks Alot.. My pleasure. Its seems you never understood the assence of prayers.

First try to learn about prayers and then you will see the difrence, aslo you must understand what you are reciting in you prayers, that will work as an oinmnet on your inner pain. Believe it or not Allah Ta'ala exists and and he is closer then our breathing vien in throught. Also he loves us more then anybody in this world even more then our own mother who borned us. So what ever pain we go through in our life has its meanings and reasons. Allah loves us so much, he allows people like this to strap bombs to their bodies, and THEN kill themselves.

That way he can kill many more of us whom he loves more than our own mother , AND himself. That is SICK, to say the least! Whatever your need, Jesus is the answer. Don't believe any other advice you hear here!

At least He "did the dying" for you. But like a few others that posted here, I say, "you have to be courageous and make the move foreward, yourself". You are too valuable to be "wasted" through suicide.

I second that, don't compare yourself. Yeah, he was so eager to die for everyone else's sins that he had to be hunted down like a dog, from hiding, and draged to jail.

The bum died because he ran out of options. He wasnt eager to die that was his destiny, he asks gods when he is on the cross" why have you forsaken me". Jesus was a great great saint. The prohet Mohammed had to fight wars if you recall which was his destiny. Gods prophets have a role to play.

There is no need to change your faith, And on your old Religions lay a wreath. Ok, this is crazy, medit8er, don't kill yourself!!! Life sucks for a lot of people. Your life is important too ok. Forget what I said or anyone said, they don't want you to do something like that either. I been there already, it aint pretty especially when you are unseccessfull at knocking off your own life. God does answers prayers but you are looking for answers in the wrong place because if you still want to call it quits and you are sucessful, then He answered you and you didn't listen.

Don't expect miracles, accept help. Everyone suffers, everyone. Not me. Course it took a lot of suffering to achieve the non-suffering state - not for myself understand but for others. I hate to sound like an asshole, but whiners who go online or anywhere else for that matter saying I am going to kill myself.

Well I got one thing to say, a man has to do what a man has to do. Either, get up and start marching or pull the trigger, Otherwise you are just using up precious resources that people who really need and want help could use. Twas Allah that promised virgins in the afterlife right? It this be the case, then the knife isn't such a bad idea However, there are differences in terms of beliefs about the nature and life occurrences of this noble Messenger.

Source of information about Jesus in Islam Most of the Islamic information about Jesus is actually found in the Quran. The Quran was revealed by God to Prophet Muhammad peace and blessings be upon him , and memorized and written down in his lifetime.

Today, anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim believes in the complete authenticity of the Quran as the original revealed guidance from God. Source of information about Jesus in Christianity Christians take their information about Jesus from the Bible, which includes the Old and New Testaments. These contain four biblical narratives covering the life and death of Jesus.

They have been written, according to tradition, respectively by Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. They are placed at the beginning of the New Testament and comprise close to half of it. Encyclopedia Britannica notes that none of the sources of his life and work can be traced to Jesus himself; he did not leave a single known written word. Also, there are no contemporary accounts written of his life and death. What can be established about the historical Jesus depends almost without exception on Christian traditions, especially on the material used in the composition of the Gospels of Mark, Matthew, and Luke, which reflect the outlook of the later church and its faith in Jesus.

Below are the views of Islam and Christianity based on primary source texts and core beliefs. ISLAM 1. Do Muslims believe he was a Messenger of One God? Thus, believing in Prophets Adam, Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad peace and blessings be upon them is a requirement for anyone who calls him or herself a Muslim.

A person claiming to be a Muslim who, for instance, denies the Messengership of Jesus, is not considered a Muslim. The Quran says in reference to the status of Jesus as a Messenger: "The Messiah Jesus , son of Mary, was no more than a Messenger before whom many Messengers have passed away; and his mother adhered wholly to truthfulness, and they both ate food as other mortals do.

See how We make Our signs clear to them; and see where they are turning away! Do Muslims believe he was born of a Virgin Mother? She screened herself from them; then We sent to her Our spirit angel Gabriel and he appeared before her as a man in all respects.

He said: Nay, I am only a Messenger from your Lord, to announce to you the gift of a pure son. She said: How shall I have a son, when no man has ever touched me, and I am not unchaste? Do Muslims believe Jesus had a miraculous birth?

How shall I have a son when no man has touched me. It should also be noted about his birth that: "Verily, the likeness of Jesus in God's Sight is the likeness of Adam. Do Muslims believe Jesus spoke in the cradle? YES "Then she Mary pointed to him. I am a slave of God, He has given me the Scripture and made me a Prophet; " Do Muslims believe he performed miracles?

But these were performed by the will and permission of God, Who has power and control over all things. I strengthened you with the Holy Spirit the angel Gabriel so that you did speak to the people in childhood and in maturity. I taught you the Book and Wisdom, the Law and the Gospel.

And behold: you make out of clay, as it were, the figure of a bird, by My leave, and you breathe into it, and it becomes a bird by My leave, and you heal those born blind, and the lepers by My leave. And behold! Do Muslims believe in the Trinity? He has no partners in His Divinity. He is the Creator of everything and is completely separate from His creation. Do not exceed the limits in your religion, and attribute to God nothing except the truth. God is indeed just One God. Far be it from His glory that He should have a son.

To Him belongs all that is in the heavens and in the earth. God is sufficient for a guardian" Quran Do Muslims believe that Jesus was the son of God? NO "Say: "God is Unique! God, the Source [of everything]. He has not fathered anyone nor was He fathered, and there is nothing comparable to Him! The Quran also states: "Such was Jesus, the son of Mary; it is a statement of truth, about which they vainly dispute.

It is not befitting to the majesty of God, that He should beget a son. Glory be to Him! Do Muslims believe Jesus was killed on the cross then resurrected? Do Christians believe Jesus was a human being and Messenger of God? They say he is the second member of the Triune God, the Son of the first part of the Triune God, and at the same time "fully" God in every respect.

Do Christians believe he was born of a Virgin Mother? Christians believe however, that while she was a virgin, she was married to a man named Joseph Bible: Matthew According to Matthew , Joseph "kept her a virgin until she gave birth to a Son; and he called His name Jesus".

Do Christians believe he had a miraculous birth? When His mother Mary had been betrothed to Joseph, before they came together, she was found to be with child by the Holy Spirit" Bible: Matthew 4.

Do Christians believe he performed miracles? YES "And now, Lord, look upon their threats, and grant to thy servants to speak thy word with all boldness, while thou stretches out thy hand to heal, and sign and wonders are performed through the name of thy holy servant Jesus Bible: Acts Christians believe that Jesus performed these miracles because he was the Son of God as well as the incarnation of God.

Do Christians believe in the Trinity? YES With the exception of the Unitarian Christians, who do not believe in the Divinity of Christ, the Trinity, according to the Catholic encyclopedia, is the term used for the central doctrine of the Christian religion. These three Persons or beings are distinct from each another, while being similar in character: uncreated and omnipotent. The First Vatican Council has explained the meaning to be attributed to the term mystery in theology.

Viewed 6k times. Improve this question. Falak Falak 21 1 1 silver badge 2 2 bronze badges. This looks like an issue of discussion rather than a practical and answerable question about the topic of Islam. As-written, it is a poor fit for this site. Add a comment. Active Oldest Votes. Hard life is not a sign for hate You say: He put me into a horrible life This is never a sign of hating you, it could be he is preparing the best life for you: Prophet Mohammad did not see his Father, did not enjoy his mother long, he had to work as shepherd for very low return, he was called a liar, magician and crazy, he was hurt physically and morally by his own people, and much more, he was even poisoned, do you think Allah hated his prophet?

You say And I used to think the whole thing's a test You were right, the whole life is a test, the hard times and the good times, the more you grow , and the more experience in life you gain, you learn to find the wisdom behind things, learn from the story of Moussa PBUH with Al-Khader, things may look bad but they are not.

Like and Hate Allah will like you as long as you keep faith and do not become disbeliever. You decide whether he likes or hates you Your actions will decide if Allah likes or hate you, there is no way that you submit to him as he ordered and he will hate you.

Improve this answer. M 1, 6 6 silver badges 9 9 bronze badges. Featured on Meta. Now live: A fully responsive profile. Version labels for answers. Related 4. Our job is to respond to trials in a way that pleases Allah. When we fall short and make mistakes, then we pick ourselves up, repent, and keep moving forward. Obsessing about past mistakes will not change the past.

Failing a test from Allah can bring you closer to Allah, through the realisation that you are weak without Him. Remember that every human being alive today is tested in some way, and you are not alone in making mistakes. Turn to Allah and seek comfort in constant dhikr, dua, and waking up in the last third of the night. Finding Consistency After Ramadan. End Ramadan Strong with Yaqeen Webathon.

Minneapolis Webinar: Inspiring Contribution through Faith. See all news. Good Morning America: What Ramadan will look like this year. Ovamir Anjum. Faith in the Time of Coronavirus. Read Watch Listen Learn Donate. Najwa Awad Fellow. Sarah Sultan Fellow. September 5, Disclaimer: The views, opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in these papers and articles are strictly those of the authors. Furthermore, Yaqeen does not endorse any of the personal views of the authors on any platform.

Our team is diverse on all fronts, allowing for constant, enriching dialogue that helps us produce high-quality research. Case study. Ever since Rula was a young girl, she thrived in close relationships—mostly because she lacked connection at home with her parents. Her parents fought all the time and were consumed with their own issues, leading her to seek out connection with her peers at school. Her first close relationship was with a best friend in elementary school. The friendship lasted 7 years until her friend slowly began distancing herself from Rula as she fell in with a different crowd at school.

The same thing happened frequently in her other friendships: Rula became very close to friends quickly and trusted them wholeheartedly, but the relationship always ended with Rula feeling confused, needy, and unwanted.

As Rula got older she also noticed the same patterns as she was trying to get married. Rula would put ads on matrimonial sites and put her all into trying to make things work, but nothing ever materialized. In fact, sometimes Rula felt like she was being used or taken advantage of. Eventually Rula also began to feel this way in her relationship with Allah.

She would pray and desperately make duaa to Allah for things she wanted, but felt disconnected and cast off in that relationship as well. Rula wondered: Was He ignoring her? Did He not care about her? Was her constant duaa annoying and pestering Him? She didn't understand why her prayers were unanswered, when she tried so hard to connect with Allah.

What is happening to me? When we experience love and fulfillment in relationships, we feel secure in how we see ourselves and relate to the world around us.

Kindness, vulnerability, and loyalty are some of the best parts of our inner selves, and when we share those qualities with the people closest to us, it makes us feel good to receive those gifts in return. On the contrary, when we put a tremendous amount of effort in trying to make a relationship work and do not have the same affection and love reciprocated, we experience a great deal of emotional upheaval.

Feeling rejected is probably one of the most painful experiences in life and studies indicate that the neural pathway of rejection in the brain is the same as physical pain. When you experience rejection repeatedly, whether by the same person over and over or by many different people, it is not unusual to wonder if there is something wrong with you. You might ask yourself:. What is it about me that no matter how hard I try it never works?

Feelings of rejection by family and friends can also spill over into faith and spirituality. When you are trying your best and believe Allah has the power to help you but are not seeing the results you want, then you might start to wonder if there is a disconnect. Or perhaps you might consider that you are so unworthy that Allah will abandon you as well. The thought that Allah, the Owner and Controller of the whole universe, dislikes you feels catastrophic for a Muslim. When a family member or friend hates you, you can attempt to try to smooth things out directly in person, but how can you do that with Allah?

You cannot see Him or talk to Him face-to-face to assess the situation. He is so powerful and you may feel so small. Also, what are the implications of being hated by Allah? If he Hates you will you be rejected by Him and His creation in this dunia and in the akhira? Does that mean nothing in your life and the Hereafter will work out for you? Understanding your thoughts and emotions. Meaningful relationships are undoubtedly an integral part of life and everyone experiences interpersonal conflict every once in a while, but why is it that some people struggle much more in maintaining relationships than others?

Difficulties can involve patterns of intense connection followed by a huge falling-out, ongoing fighting, or perpetual fear of being alone and abandoned. Unstable relationships feel like coming home to find out that the locks have been unexpectedly changed; they cause a tremendous amount of stress because they involve people we love, trust, and expect to be there consistently. During these reflective times, it can be easy to go down a slippery slope in terms of making negative associations with things around you.

Places, people, and things that are neutral might begin to appear negative or bad because of the difficult circumstances you are in. This is because the feelings we have on the inside color how we see ourselves, our environment, and the people around us.

Similarly, if you are feeling pessimistic about life, then how you experience circumstances around you will also reflect that. When we start to make decisions based on how we are feeling instead of using logic or facts, we begin to engage in a psychological process called emotional reasoning. The same unhealthy logic we use in applying internal negative feelings to objects around us can also be applied to our relationship with Allah.

Not everyone who thinks Allah hates them arrived at that feeling with the same thoughts but the cause is likely the same: emotional reasoning. Emotional reasoning is very dangerous. If it is bogged down by distorted symbolic meanings, illogical reasoning, and erroneous interpretations, we become in effect deaf and blind. Allah states,. When one person engages in emotional reasoning in a relationship, whether platonic or otherwise, he or she is operating on an emotion-based reality that is not only unstable but untrue, likely alienating the healthier person in the long-term.

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