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Why do people hate wahhabis - fwg

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The Saudis began spending heavily on mosques, propaganda and teaching in order to spread the creed. Wahhabism has become known as an intolerant and aggressive form of Islam, both by Muslims and outsiders. By calling it Salafism, some Muslims say followers have appropriated and misinterpreted what they perceive to be "pure" Islam.

The movement was associated with violence from the beginning: Wahhab himself was expelled from his home town for his attempts at puritanical reform and for attacking the tombs of early Muslims; jihad was declared against Muslims who refused to adopt the ways of the salaf. After Wahhab's death, his followers became more violent, murdering their way across the land and, in , forcing Mecca to surrender.

According to the New Statesman , Wahhabism has also been blamed for forming the root of Islamic State's ideology, which is why it has become such a headache for Western and Islamic leaders alike. It's not just in the Middle East either.

Last month, a report by the Henry Jackson Society claimed that Wahhabist Saudi funding was sponsoring extremism in the UK, having "primarily taken the form of endowments to mosques and Islamic educational institutions, which have in turn played host to extremist preachers and the distribution of extremist literature. According to The Guardian , it added, "A number of Britain's most serious Islamist hate preachers sit within the Salafi-Wahhabi ideology and are linked to extremism sponsored from overseas, either by having studied in Saudi Arabia as part of scholarship programmes, or by having been provided with extreme literature and material within the UK itself.

The Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia has declared that "the ideas of extremism, radicalism and terrorism do not belong to Islam in any way". In an opinion piece for the New York Times last year, one observer said that Wahhabism had become a "boogeyman" in the West, and that blaming the movement for terrorism was a "dangerous red herring". For example, it said, most of the Taliban come from a different Islamist strain known as Deobandis and that al-Qaeda also follows a different creed.

IS has been put on the back foot of late, with the group losing Mosul to Iraqi forces. Still, the extremists remain a force to be reckoned with. For the last six months, The Guardian reports, Theresa May's government has been sitting on its own report into the foreign funding of extremism. The delay, critics allege, is because it focuses on Saudi Arabia, a major trading partner.

Last month, a UK high court ruled that the government can continue selling arms to Saudi Arabia. Britain has been heavily criticised for selling billions of pounds' worth of arms to the country, which has been fighting a proxy war in Yemen against Iran and the Houthi rebels.

Skip to header Skip to main content Skip to footer. Home News World News. In Depth. A return to a "purer" form of Islam Wahhabism is a conservative movement within Islam's Sunni branch. Isis: what does the future hold for the terror group? This doesn't make sense to me its actually pretty stupid have you heard of the book Nahjul Balaga? Shias read this do sunnis or wahabis? I highly doubt it. I think most Sunni dont hate Imam Ali as but dont like him because Shia's venerate him so much. We compare him to the three Shaykhs and not the Rasool saw perhaps thats why.

This is absurd, we love Ali ra , not like him, Ah, what do y'all know about sunnis besides the propoganda you hear? The majority of Sunnis believe that Nahjul Balagha is a mostly fabricated work and does not contain the real sayings of Imam Ali A. Thank you!! It was mostly written by someone called Sharif Al-murtada. It does contain some true sayings of sayidna Ali ra ,..

By Laayla , 14 hours ago in General Islamic Discussion. Guests can now reply in ALL forum topics No registration required! Donate to ShiaChat. More More More Search In. Rate this topic 1 2 3 4 5. Share More sharing options Followers 0.

Start new topic. Recommended Posts. Truth-Ali Posted June 11, Posted June 11, Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Link Posted June 11, Site Administrators. Advanced Member. YZehra93 Posted June 11, They don't believe in the event of Ghadeer, i think, correct me if im wrong.

They say that we say that Imam Ali A. They think differently about him A. S then we do. Abdel Hassan Posted June 11, Wahabis don't hate Ali. Guest Hope. Salaam, Brother i dont truly believe they can tell you why they hate him , because once they dig deep down they see no reason for this hatred.

Posted June 11, edited. Veteran Member. Abdaal Posted June 11, Akwa Posted June 11, Then what do they believe? HusseinAliYounes Posted June 11, Abdaal, I see you using ' as ' for Maula Ali.

Lets just say, the unjust rulers. Have you read the commentary on the following Qur'anic verse: "Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet. O you who believe call for Divine blessing on him and salute him always" Holy Qur'an Even Imam al-Shafii said in their honour: O household of the Messenger of. Panzerwaffe Posted June 11, I know most muslims sunni and wahabis do not hate Ali. But many of the scholars certainly do hate Ali otherwise there is no reason why they should support and defend muawiyah, I do understand why sunnis admire the early muhajireen even those who had differences with Ali but to pay such glowing tributes to a man like muawiyah whose crimes are so welldocumented is really quite amazing.

Those people are like the stars of the night, for whoever misguides in the dark nights Ali, Fatim a and Al Hasan, and who could be wise as them?! Was Salam Alykom brother.

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