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Why citizens should not be allowed to bear arms - afk

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Or your child? Guns kill too many people just read history in Norway at least 80 innocent people where killed as a result of a gun. In there was a school in Dunblane which killed 16 children and not to mention the school called Sandy Hook which killed 27 children all because of some mad man with a gun.

It may be fair to say that America is a free country and you may be aloud to own a gun but think about s of innocent people who have died because of it. Youre all nuts If youre against Americans having guns you must have some serious problems.

If we got rid of guns the idiot "killing" your siblings wouldn't have a gun. The U. I realize guns don't shoot themselves its the people holding the gun that need to be regulated but does the same concept go for people and their cigarettes?

Cigarettes aren't poisoning peoples' lungs all by themselves but they're on the market and there for people to do what they please with them. Some of the arguments for guns are ridiculous. Your government is going to rise against you? Doubt it. How many people have protected themselves from a terrorist? Not really a concern for the average American. You say how can you believe in God. But then you call your "creators" all mighty and that their ideas were all good. That amendment is stuck in the past.

Time to really crack down on gun control, make it really impossible for criminals to get guns, fix the social issues that lead to a life of crime and hardship, treat mentally ill people properly I mean treatment, not killing. Fix your country instead of focusing on your individual rights. Glad I don't live in the states. Even with all your guns for "protection" I feel kind of uncomfortable knowing that everyone has the ability to shoot me. It is not clearly stated that bearing arms is an individual right, unlike many other rights we have as individuals.

However it is hard to tie this into the happenings of today's society. The second amendment was written when the most dangerous weapon was a single-shot musket with powder and a ramming rod. Arms today include rapid-fire assault rifles. Private rights have always been balanced by public safety. Just remember this, the day before the school shootings the shooters were just Americans with the right to bear arms. The right to bear arms refers to the firearms of the period, single shot, muzzle loading, black powder rifles and pistols.

You want to own one of those for home protection, hunting and as part of an organized militia? If you want to own any modern firearms and you're not in the active military, you have no right. Arming the bad guys! I can't believe how dumb you Americans are! Just remember this, the day before the school shootings the shooters were just Americans with the right to bear arms!

Your rights arm the bad guys!!! They may not have used their own guns but it doesn't make any difference! Eight out of ten Americans are retards. The Batman killings were an example of just how easy it was for someone to access weapons and ammunition. The assailant legally bought the AR [a high powered assault rifle capable of firing 60 rounds per minute], two caliber Glock handguns and a gauge Remington shotgun at local gun shops.

This just shows how easy it is for anyone to buy weapons and ammunition in America, and how easy it is for anyone to get their hands on a machine designed for ending real human lives with real families. This is a jaw-dropping, not to mention pants-browning statistic, at the sheer ease at which people can access these kind of tools legally, with no question as to why they need them. We should have the right to defend ourselves and hunt for food.

Killing for sport, unless the species is over-populated, should not be allowed. Killing humans should not be protected.

Irresponsible Gun Behavior The Right to Bear Arms certainly includes a few flaws, such as in the case where the gun gets into the wrong hands like children who just do not understand how to use or manage it. As a consequence, accidents can happen.

For a teenager, it might be a game, but it can kill in an instant. Aside from this, a gun can even be dangerous to older people, which is often observed if they are under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Even those who are known to be responsible can make the mistake of using a firearm when intoxicated.

More Risk of Violence According to research, people carrying a gun for self-defense were 4. This means that firearms may not be the most reliable and effective form of self-defense.

Furthermore, many people claim that adults with guns are often not adequately trained, and there are some states that do not even require a lot of training for concealed gun ownership. Individuals who are committed with physical and emotional stress tend to be more vulnerable to extreme self-consciousness and anger, which most probably lead to homicide.

Higher Crime Rate In contrast to crime rate reports by pro guns, there is research that found the Right to Bear Arms can lead to a higher crime rate. Interestingly, reports about the connection between firearms and crime seem to contradict each other, but in one certain report, such laws increased rates of violent crime, rape and robbery.

In addition to crime, some even argue that firearms can increase suicide risk. In fact, in , more than half the number of all suicides in the country involved a firearm. Not only do people believe that firearms can increase crime, but they also think that these guns can also increase suicide. Nervous People Around Many people claim that armed citizens are making other people very nervous, where there were reports that scared citizens were informing the police about suspicious people who are looking armed with a handgun.

Plus they could have fun and we could a a purge, and then everyone would die exept for kin jong un because he is korean and they can not die. Our founders created an amendment that allows our people to bear arms to protect from the government and others. If we do not have the ability to protect ourselves, what will we do? Are we just going to let the government pass a law to get rid of firemans.

We should be able to bear arms as a way to protect ourselves from each other and the government. Our founding fathers gave us the right, and guns have done much more good than bad, for sure. The USA secret service society CIA has seen what you have done accomplishments, deeds and decided you are would be good to hire you as a possible recruit for us. As a former recruit myself, I can tell you that this is not a trick or prank. This is urgent, because we obviously need more agents, as we are resorting to recruiting potential new agents like you.

Please reply immediately, ASAP. Surprising as it is, you have been recruited for the CIA. People, through the utilization of guns, certainly have caused many unfortunate massacres. As cliche as I know this is, guns don't kill people, people kill people. You must address problems at their route, try to understand what motivates people to do to this kind of thing.

When people are that upset, disturbed, on edge and mentally unwell, someone needs to intervene before it gets to that stage. Besides, if you were to ban guns outright, it's enforcement would be extremely difficult, the opposition would be unbelievble.

The right to bear arms is an important part of American culture, and I think an outright ban would risk a civil war type climate. People should not be able to bear arms because people and guns have caused many deaths in the world, For example, The innocent lives lost in Syria and Kenya, The Trayvon Martin's case, The innocent children killed at school by a man, The Illinois shooting spree with the guy who pretended to be the joker. To reduce the crimes committed in our society, I say that we ban guns for good.

Yes I know it's in the Constitution. It really shouldn't matter. Jurists with a much stronger formation that all of us amateurs in Debate. Org don't all agree that the Constitution is a sacred cow that can't be touched. Some believe it is a key document that reflected the needs of its time and as such, it is subject to interpretation and modification. I strongly believe the right to bear arms is a time-specific requirement which made perfect sense when a young, newly formed nation had to defend its independence from a much larger colonial power with a larger professional army.

But it does not make any sense now. The US Army is the largest in the world likely too large, but that's a different topic. Unfortunately, these noble acts of defying tyranny with the force of a well armed populous have been all but forgotten in contemporary discussion about gun control. Instead, tragic instances of shootings from Orlando to Sandy Hook have filled the American people with urgent concern about the legality of firearms.

In this blog, I will outline the reasons why conservatives believe that the right to bear arms should not be infringed by examining the Constitution, the beliefs of the founding fathers, and the overarching morality of gun ownership. One argument for the right to bear arms comes from the U.

First, a conclusion drawn by those on the left side of the aisle is that the rights of a well-regulated militia to bear arms, i. This interpretation allows for the liberal use of regulations on types of guns to be owned and implementation of extra processes that must be completed to own firearms.

A conservative reading of the Second Amendment, however, emphasizes the idea of the right of the people, i. Logically following from this approach is support of policies protecting citizens from restrictions on types of guns allowed to be owned and from odious processes that must be completed to legally own guns.

Additionally, different methods of gun ownership including concealed and open carry are fully permitted by this position on the absoluteness of the right to bear arms.

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