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Why are genres useful - zqg

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The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines slapstick as comedy that involves physical action such as falling down or hitting people. The plot is an inner conflict that builds and ends with these various comedic episodes. The setting can be any time or place that best exemplifies the comic antics that the characters go through. Jack is down on his luck. He helps a girl, Suzie, whose car broke down near where Jack works.

He helps her, and then she leaves, but he cannot get her out of his mind. Then he sees her in one of his classes. He is afraid to talk to her though. Every time he tries to go up to her, he either stumbles and falls or gets involved with helping someone with disastrous consequences. The last time someone asked him to hold onto one of the ropes of the theatre rigging system where the backdrops were attached, too many stage weights attached to the rigging resulted in Jack flying into the air because he did not let go of the rope.

As luck always has it in a slapstick comedy, Suzie is still driving the old broken down car. She breaks down again in almost the same locations as last time.

Jack swallowed what little pride he had left, and went to help her. He got her car started, but she did not drive away immediately after getting it fixed but stayed to talk to Jack. They talk, kiss, and accidentally turn the outside sprinkler system on, getting soaking wet in the romantic conclusion.

From this example, you can see that slapstick comedy is all about the characters and the episodic situations that they get into, resulting in physical comedy. The plot is inner conflict where Jack, the protagonist, wants to turn his life around. This then becomes the story. The story has a climax between Jack and Suzie. The setting is a college campus. Plot has more prominence in farce than in slapstick because there is a satirical story. In other words, the story concerns a topic that is ridiculed in an extreme way.

We can adjust the last example quite easily to demonstrate this. Jack and Suzie are college students, and Alec is a well-known actor coming to the campus to play a role in the theatrical production at the college.

This event has been arranged so the college theatre department can make money. Jack takes a dislike to Alec, but Suzie finds him fascinating. Alec finds himself fascinating. Slapstick is shown by the over-the-top acting that Alec does.

Jack has a difficult time wondering why Alec is famous. Suzie soon finds disenchantment with Alec because he is only concerned about himself. Jack and Suzie and the other theatre majors decide to take the actions of the play to the extreme to humiliate and humble Alec. In a water scene, where Alec is supposed to pantomime having water thrown on him, real water is used.

This drives Alec into a hysterical rage, and he chases Jack and Suzie on stage, off the stage, around the theatre, and out the theatre doors. Alec winds up accidently knocking himself unconscious. Jack states that the most natural acting that Alec has done is being knocked out. Next, Jack develops a hair-brained scheme so the theatre department can make money. Jack and Suzie make a list of the wealthiest men and women in the area. They invite as many of these wealthy people in the area to participate in an auction.

There will be five male winners and five female winners. The prize is that they win Jack and Suzie for a day to act as their slaves. You can see that a farce has more of a story than slapstick comedy.

The plot has an inner conflict of the protagonists, Jack and Suzie, needing money. This creates a story where college theatre students try outrageous ways to make money to save the theatre department.

The story ridicules colleges, actors, and theatres in general. The actions of the characters are very slapstick with physical comedy throughout the movie. Satire is subtler than farce or slapstick in the actions of the characters. The plot develops an inner conflict, but the story is more realistic and may, at times, not even appear to be a comedy.

Jack and Suzie, once again, are college students. Alec, though, is the instructor, who has a drinking problem, and he is directing a class that Jack and Suzie have to take as a requirement of their theatre major. Alec tries to convince the students that there is no right or wrong way to direct, act, or design. In his mind, theatre is all done with emotion.

If it feels right, then do it. He does not understand why he has to go through four years of college if he just has to recognize what feels right. Jack asks Alec for more of a discussion on what feels right. He questions the college administration as to why they are paying so much for Alec.

The college administration retorts that Alec is one of the best in his field. Jack states that Alec teaches absolutely nothing of any value.

Defeated, Jack goes to see Suzie, his last hope. Suzie tells him not to be too quick to judge. Suzie states that she believes she understands what Alec is driving at with his ideas. Suzie tries to demonstrate the statements that Alec has mentioned. After a few hours Suzie becomes frustrated and states the both of them must go to see Alec.

After two hours with Alec, Jack and Suzie are delirious. Being delirious, they finally fathom what Alec means. From this discussion of the characters and story, physical actions do not enter as a predominant element that they do in straight slapstick or farce. The satire is an obvious ridicule of theatre as a major and the type of people in theatre. A more subtle satire would be Jack and Suzie acting as a clique and by being prima donnas. They mock a new theatre major, Alec, who wants to do a good job.

Alec starts to develop his talent under strenuous and often humorous situations with consequences to the amazement of Jack and Suzie. But then he realizes what he has to give up for it. He quits for his own self-respect. When does extreme satire become farce? A good way to judge farce or satire is how much unrealistic physical comedy is in the movie. Dark humor and black comedy are terms that make fun of or ridicule taboo topics like death.

The characters are involved in a story that goes to the point of being grotesque and not being funny. With this example of a college theatre as the setting, and the plot being the inner conflict of the main character, how can the characters and story become absurd, morbid, and grotesque when discussing the taboo topic of death? Quite easily actually! In order to relieve himself of his frustrations, Jack tortures and kills everyone who receives this part in the most brutally visual ways imaginable.

He does this in hopes of eventually receiving this specific coveted role. Jack, though, is the only one who believes this role is so desirable and sought after.

Jack kills the first person who is given the role, Alec, by drawing and quartering him before he hangs him. The second person to be given the role is Suzie, which really angers and infuriates Jack that a woman would get the role before him. This action adds absurdity to the story. This is a dark humor movie rather than a serious movie because of the reasons, background, and extreme actions in the story. The characters act realistically based on their personalities, which are all unusual. The physical action is real so this scenario cannot be considered slapstick.

This comedy sub-genre is named after a baseball pitch, the screwball, which was perfected by baseball pitcher Carl Hubbell in the s. Screwball comedy only lasted from , when the Great Depression was in full swing, to , when World War II began. Screwball comedy was based on reverse class snobbery where it is more noble to be poor than rich.

The rich were portrayed as eccentric and wasteful fools. Romance is one of the key elements of screwball comedy. With the two classes of upper and lower or middle class working together, screwball comedies can be considered as recommending socialism. The story is a little different, but overall, it can be considered within the realm of satire because the current society was being ridiculed. Any referral to a movie as a screwball comedy after is inaccurate, even if it is a re-make of a movie released during the period.

A re-make does not have the same relevancy, power, or passion as the original movie. A contemporary screwball-type comedy generally is fast paced with an eccentric character, but it does not have the class snobbery. Any class snobbery in the movie does not have the contemptable hatred toward the upper class as it did these movies during the Great Depression. The emotional rage cannot be duplicated.

However, the overriding story of the movie concerns reporters and editors doing anything in order to get the story. Comic romance is a big element in screwball comedy also, but other story lines are more dominant. Can you think of a movie that has the primary story line as being a romantic relationship?

If you can, how did you like the movie? Comedy is varied and complex. You can see how the stories, along with the personalities and actions of the characters, change, developing different sub-genres of the comedy being expressed. All comedy stems from either slapstick or satire. The first point is that every aspect of the crime genre is dramatic, so the elements are quite different than a comedy.

The setting for crime genre can be any location in the world and any year, because crime is something that has always existed in society. We will try to narrow this down for our example. The characters develop from the story and plot. First situation: Jack is a nice, helpful individual at the beginning of the movie.

He soon finds that he has to help a friend, Suzie, get out of a jam because she owes a lot of money to a gambling boss, Alec. Alec laughs at him and is going to throw him out. Jack, even though he is a nice guy, has a very bad temper. This often is the situation in the crime genre. Jack becomes extremely angry with Alec laughing at him, and he kills Alec.

Suzie likes the new Jack and wants to be his girl. Suzie is aroused by the violence in Jack and cannot keep her hands off him. Jack soon becomes more successful than Alec ever was, but he begins to become too egotistical. With his ego getting in the way, Jack makes a mistake when trying to take over a gambling casino.

Jack is killed and the men kill Suzie. The most jealous, vindictive, right-hand man in the gang takes over the gambling empire. Stories in the crime genre are often about people seeking power. Usually, the criminals want control over the city where the story takes place. Generally, they want to be in charge of the drug trade, gambling, liquor depending upon the year , or they want to rise up in the family or gang.

If you put confusion into the mix, even the tiniest bit of confusion, the audience is going to be apprehensive. An audience needs to feel, when they sit down in that chair, that the storyteller has them by the hand and is leading them through the Story.

Shawn spent 25 years grinding on this. He listened to writers explain the Stories they wanted to tell. Then he figured out a way to categorize it and explain it to the art and marketing departments so they could target the book to the appropriate readership. More on that later.

The clover has five leaves; time, reality, style, structure and content external and internal. Choosing a genre in writing means making a choice about each of these leaves. Note that the clover considers literary to be a style. The beauty of this system is that any kind of Story we can conceive, can be mapped out using the clover. Even LitRPG, which is an evolving genre, has a home here. Since we started as readers, we call this science fiction.

And it is. However as writers, we have to go deeper. I know I said that before, but it bears repeating. We have to ask ourselves what our Story is really about? The content leaf is divided into two sections; yellow and blue. The yellow contains what Shawn calls external content genres, and the blue are the internal content genres.

You know all the conversations authors have about whether they write plot-driven or character-driven novels? Plot-driven books fall into the external content genres the yellow. Character-driven books fall into the internal content genres the blue. Stories do not have to contain both internal and external content genres, but they can.

When Stories contain both internal and external genres, one of them must take priority. Otherwise your reader will get confused. He picked up your book expecting a spy thriller and got a spy who spends more time agonizing over his abusive childhood than solving the crime. Shawn talks about the global genre — by that he means the content genre in writing that takes priority in the Story. Understanding genre in writing, and how the five leaves work together, is the key to success.

Your choices from the genre clover would look like this:. Style: Epistolary because Dracula is written as a series of letters, journal entries, telegrams and newspaper articles.

Yes, it does. Go deeper. What Story are you really trying to tell? Think hard. In using genre theory we create a short cut in how we are to describe films. Genre theory through it's use is a method of shortening academic works. It is the repetition and variation of the conventions but it is not just a simple means of labelling or classifying films. For example, in the past Western Cowboy movies were the most popular and helped to encourage new ideas for future films like actions, horrors, thrillers, Sci-Fi's and physiological thrillers.

This theorist suggested that genre helps the target audience of producers to capitalize on the success of previous films because audiences may choose to see a film based on the genre or perhaps the content of the film, or even the actors in it. For example, the action film James Bond. The actor Daniel Craig may interest an audience that like action films.

This makes it easier to standardise and stabilise production. Hybrids: 1. The setting of a long desert road helps to relate to the genre as it is quiet and secluded. The writing is in bold to engage the audience and the striking yellow background also helps to attract attention.

The facial expressions also show the shock of the people and interest the audience about the genre of the movie. Hybrids: 2. James Bond. The glowing band around the actors wrist is very high tech and suggest an anbormality and therefore reflect the genre of the film.

Hybrids: 3. This would in turn attract a potentially bigger audience as his films are very successful. The setting in the posters etc is very dark and chilling, which helps to engage the audience too and reflect the mysterious sci-fi genre.

They can come in and out of fashion everyday, for example Westerns was one of the first ever film genres, and now new genres like rom-coms and psychological thrillers have came about after different audiences grew different interests and the socio historical context society and cultures changed.

This has therefore boosted movie ratings and the advance in technology has also helped produce amazing films. The genre is now one of the main factors in creating a successful film that engages audience. The first genres that came out were Westerns and Musicals as they engaged people and were simple. If I missed something, I apologize. Hi Frank, thanks so much for reading the article and for your comment.

Biblical scholars sometimes speak of two different ways of communicating a truth. In a nutshell, because it determines meaning. Thanks again and I hope this clarifies things. God bless. Hi Mathew, Good question. Carson in his commentary on John refers to the imagery in as a metaphor. This imagery is reminiscent of a number of OT passages which compare Israel to a vine Isa. Jesus is the true vine. Israel failed to be fruitful, but Jesus is the perfect expression of what Israel should have been.

Therefore, it is instructional or didactic teaching material. Verses are also instructional. Thanks for the question Mathew. I hope this is helpful. I especially enjoyed your explanations which used what I call explanation using opposites. Please add me to your list. Thank you Edyth! God bless! Would you please allow me to make copies of your genre list to distribute to my bible study group? I got the genre list off of Google. Usually, if a person is not making a profit off of an image, it is alright to use it.

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