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Who said in chaos there is order - tfp

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From seemingly unpredictable events, such as volcanoes, forest fires, and economic depressions, there emerge patterns. Fractals are examples of patterning emerging from phenomena with no apparent organization. One must be careful, here.

The unpredictable events, such as the thermodynamics of a fire are not, in themselves random or entropic but processes, or events that are becoming so. Against all of this is the backdrop of the universe as a whole becoming increasingly disordered. That is, there is localized re-ordering but overall tendencies to disorder. For example, a student thinks the professor is counting by twos — 2, 4, 6, etc.

However, the professor answers "9", thus establishing a different algorithm for generating the series. It can be said, then, that order and randomness are relativistic concepts.

One is not able to discern the nature of chaos, except to say that it is not differentiated; it merely is potential. Order, as seen above, is not only the hallmark of information but is relativistic.

Or to refine it into the ten second answer which is what mot people want…. No determinate. Unlimited potential. Alternative Medicine. Health Care. You could instead give a much more retrospective answer, taking the last few years of your life into account, rather than delivering a succinct linguistic payload based on the very last thing to occur to you. You could have tripped and fallen, gotten a raise, finally asked someone out, realized you left the front door open, unexpectedly thought of someone you have not seen in years that you either love or hate, failed to remember that boy or girl's name, offended an entire nation, brought peace to a city, finished your masterpiece or ruined it, just realized that the numerical value of Pi looks like the word "pie" when seen in a mirror, discovered you have an imaginary pink rabbit following you around, or, just perhaps, you have recently stumbled across something that everyone on this pale blue dot should find out about.

It all depends on how small you decide to look. Do you look at and consider each tiny individual event and wonder why they happened in isolation, or do you stand back, observe the system, and find your strange attractors, those moments you seem to settle on, and find the order in all your chaos?

Chaos theory is a difficult topic to stop thinking about. After all, even reading this article is generating chaos in both your life and your own consciousness.

So if you have ever sat down after a long week, exhausted from deadlines and thoughts and considerations and hopes and regrets, and wondered why your life seems so chaotic, especially in retrospect, you can look far back in time and blame a dinosaur, or a butterfly, or perhaps a philosopher writing his imagination and ruminations on the universe down on a piece of paper.

And when someone in a job interview asks you where you see yourself in five years time, point to chaos theory, and state that you could be anywhere, from joining a travelling circus as a trapeze artist to burying a box on a remote Japanese island.

After all, it's scientifically sound to say so. He's currently working on an experimental volcanology doctoral degree in New Zealand, and will be presenting his findings at the AGU conference this December in San Francisco. Visit shrinkinguniverse. September 04, By: Kyle Hill. Aa Aa Aa. Email your Friend. Submit Cancel.

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It depends on a brain gene. April 06, Ants change the rules of an evolutionary arms race April 02, Gender ratios around the globe. April 01, Pheromones: the key ingredient missing from on It also addresses dynamic systems. There are two main types of dynamic systems: discrete and continuous. Every complex system, and especially every living system living systems are ususally refered to as self-organizing systems is also a dissipative structure. Thus, not only our physical body itself is such a structure, but every organ and cell as well.

The term itself expresses a paradox, because dissipative suggests falling apart or chaos, while structure suggests organization and order. French physiologist Claude Bernard proposed the law of Homeostasis which states that constancy or stability of internal environment is a necessary condition for a living being.

It uses it's internal autonomous regulation systems to accomplish this task. It may be noted here that the very logic of 'constancy' prohibits development with time required for a living being. In feedback control systems of Electrical Engineering, existence of a negative component is a must, and it is used as feedback to obtain automatic control of a system. Accordingly, development or growth should be called a 'disturbance' or deviation of constancy, and it is programmed in the genes of a living being for continuation of the species.

The law of deviation of Homeostasis was developed in by Soviet physiologist V. If these two fundamental laws are of opposite nature, then the biological system requires a balancing mechanism.

Tamas darkness, lethargy represents chaos. Rajas activity, restlessness represents the constant quest for order. Homeostasis is to be likened to Tamas because it has inherent characteristic to become lethargic. Deviation of Homeostasis is likened to Rajas which tries to bring order in chaos.

Satwa is the force which maintains balance or harmony between the two fundamental energies Rajas and Tamas. But it misses the the concept of the force Satwa which maintains the harmony and balance between the two. These concepts have implications in psychology.

The will to remain as bachelors represents Homeostasis or Tamo Guna. Sexual activity in marriage represents Deviation of Homeostasis or Rajo Guna. It has now been scientifically proved that love is more powerful than sexual relationships - love represents Satwa Guna.

Mort The Conqueror. T here is actually more order in chaos than in actual order. There are patterns in chaos that make it possible to figure out the results within a certain range. It is when a system is in perfect order that one little thing out of place can create havoc. Where there is already chaos, nothing can come in and screw it up, but will fit in just fine!

Seraphim - Angel of Ninja. M y parents taught me and I agree with it that "There is no excuse for rudeness. D o you agree when I say spitting is disgusting? W hat time do you have to get up in order to get to work on time?

W here do you order cleanse juice? A nswered prayer is great don't you agree? D o you think that everything happens for a reason? That even though something that hurts so much, will eventually work out for you later in some way? W ill you join the epic battle between Order and Chaos for the survival of the internet? D o you agree or disagree? Do you agree or disagree? Give your reasons. Ask away and we will do our best to answer or find someone who can. We try to vet our answers to get you the most acurate answers.

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