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Who owns wmal radio - tiq

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Others will. There is no way WMAL can move to another site without compromising the signal in some directions. In a search on FCCInfo. So expect similar coverage. Bonus link. Source: FCCinfo.

See Demolition of Bethesda radio towers will take a piece of history, rare open space , in the November 3 Washington Post. Jonathan Elbaz on February 10, at am. Hi, this is Jon, who wrote the original article in the Montgomery Sentinel. Doc Searls on February 10, at am. Thanks, Jon. Based on that input, I just revised the post.

Added in some other details as well. Where this goes will pave the way for many other choices made by AM radio station owners in the coming years. Jim Weitzel on February 12, at pm. Doc Searls on February 12, at pm. I suspect in 50 years it will be nothing but the latter. Paul on February 13, at pm.

If a replacement station is built, and if it is to survive, the management must concentrate on better programming. It seems to me that broadcasters and the parent companies have lost their direction. Profit has trumped programming. Programming has been going down hill for years and I feel that it has gotten so bad that the only alternative today is satellite radio or the internet.

AM has also degraded. The sound is reminiscent of a radio which is not tuned in correctly. It brought many people to the AM band.

This was very important for people driving on I95 and other highways. And one final comment about the radio business. We must find a way to appeal to younger people. They see radio as a quaint, obsolete technology that is mostly broadcasting commercials.

Andy Ockershausen: But that was Larry. Andy Ockershausen: Was unbelievable. But having an overnight personality, and using those two words together overnight and personality. Overnight radio- now is turn on the auto- yeah. Sign off or turn on the automation. Andy Ockershausen: and sign off. But we stayed on. With a personality and a news guy and a staff to back him up.

That was Bill Mayhugh. Janice Iacona Ockershausen: And she turned the lights on and woke him up. John Matthews: You never knew where you were gonna find Bill. Janice Iacona Ockershausen: No. Andy Ockershausen: He was able to change his life to meet his job specifications. Instead of sleeping at night, he was working. But then during the day he could play golf, he could be around, he could do things, he went to a lot of events and so forth.

He just turned his life and he was able to do it. Andy Ockershausen: It was a tough beginning, but he did it. John Matthews: It was wonderful. Andy Ockershausen: Oh yeah. John Matthews: Who is somebody who I hired out of college at Syracuse, by the way. Andy Ockershausen: Syracuse, another one. They send people down here for semesters.

And he was interning at ABC news and looking for some part time work and I hired him right out of there. But he was otherwise a New York kid. One of my stories that I was privy to because I heard it, news guy, Eric Engberg. But Steve Gilmartin was a broadcaster and a very delightful man and a great broadcaster.

John Matthews: Former voice of the Redskins. Eric was a big fan of WMAL. In spite of the things that went on in the news room with Deibert and the guys were all part of a team. Deibert was an early morning riser, he was here all the time. Andy Ockershausen: He made it part of his life. Dorothy Jones, it was her life. The week after I started here, this again September of and this video exists and I suggest you play some of it.

It was the week I started, you guys recorded a whole bunch of commercials, walking through with you, walking through the news room. Andy Ockershausen: Oh yes.

John Matthews: And it is such a great time capsule of WMAL during the time because you walked through the news room, not only do we see you, and the news room looks pretty much just the same as it did then. John Matthews: We put new desks in there, but the layout looks exactly the same. John Matthews: Because he never did that in real life. Karen Leggett, and all of that is just with you walking through the news room and then the commercials ends with you walking down the main hallway and greeted by Harden and Weaver.

And it is such a wonderful, just a wonderful time capsule of what this place was. And the same series of ads, the same year there was an ad with you walking through the main lobby of the Kennedy Center.

Andy Ockershausen: Kennedy Center. With all the talent. John Matthews: With all the talent, all of them wearing shirts so you know exactly who they are. And all the way down to the weekend personalities, Karen Henderson and Diana, and Bill Grant and you made sure you got every single stinking person who worked at that radio station- Andy Ockershausen: Everybody was in that.

John Matthews: Was in there. Andy Ockershausen: It was terrible. Andy Ockershausen: We had every single talent on the air that morning.

John Matthews: You did. Those were wonderful commercials. Andy Ockershausen: We were supposed to shoot that outside and the weather was bad, but it was a blessing to be inside. And it worked great. Andy Ockershausen: We had the airplane too. It was such a wonderful time. And to get back to my point about you as a pitch man, as a PT Barnum making the radio station not bigger than it was because we were a huge institution at the time when FM radio was really nothing and AM radio was king.

We had a presence in this town. Our personalities on radio were as big or bigger than any TV personalities at the time. Andy Ockershausen: No question about it. Andy Ockershausen: We got them all in eventually. I am so delighted you agreed to do this on Our Town because you know as much as any human being about what greatness is and what greatness is. And you were a big part of that greatness, John.

Even as a young man, you were part of it. And you helped develop the talent. Andy Ockershausen: The people that we had, and as you know how much Janice has done for this broadcast, and I know it. John Matthews: Yes. Andy Ockershausen: Because of you. John Matthews: I absolutely will. I could sit here and talk- Andy Ockershausen: I know you could.

Andy Ockershausen: And I love it. I know. John Matthews: Which is why you had me in. She was here back in the good old days. Andy Ockershausen: Janice knew her then. Andy Ockershausen: An old type news man was what he was. John Matthews: Old time news man. That whole circle of life thing, what goes around comes around. I have become Bud Steele. And I kind of take some comfort in that.

I take comfort in it. John Matthews: My pleasure. John Matthews: Oh great. Matthews will say about that. John Matthews: Okay. For athletes like me playing every down in a pro game is like getting in a car accident. No surgery, no more pain. That got my attention. I went to the seminar to learn first hand all about it.

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For any information, you can go online to tonyandjoes. Call to make reservations. Everything is fabulous. Andy Ockershausen: This is Andy Ockershausen. And I know one of your great, great attractions is Disney. Not the company, but the characters of which you are now one.

And I was telling you off the air, I had the pleasure of being at a table with Walt and his brother Roy at a seafood place in San Francisco many, many years ago. I was working for, not working, but I was part of NAB as one of the presidents and so forth.

And my admiration for Disney is unbelievable. So I became a receptionist here at the radio station. Andy Ockershausen: Great job, incidentally. John Matthews: It was a great job, but it was a part time job. WMAL has been part of the lives of Washingtonians for many years. As we focus more and more on in-depth breaking news coverage, both through our news department and talk shows reacting to breaking stories, it melds nicely with the history of WMAL.

Adding It provides equal status of an FM signal with WTOP, whose expansion to that band actually started considerably earlier and involves two such frequencies The soap opera that is the Washington Redskins gets some attention.

The primary responsibility for our desk assistants is to update news on the website and to tweet updates. It is a very competitive market to be doing that and we feel it is important.

It is one more way to touch prospective — and often younger — listeners. We have some very experienced people in our newsroom and a great managing editor — John Matthews. He has been here a long time and is a former news director. By title, that job does not exist here now. John is able to oversee some newsroom operations but his primary responsibility is website content. He drives that aspect of what we do.

When there is a breaking news story, everyone on our team is involved. Those are tough days, but it is rewarding when you do a good job. Precisely two years in advance of joining WMAL, Hess was appointed senior vice president of programming for the now defunct liberal-leaning Air America Radio.

It is much more nimble this way. You can act quicker and react more personally to the audience. Given the vital task Fisher House performs, Hess felt the station should step up its involvement, so he expanded the on-air project to two days — Friday and Saturday.

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