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Well, almost everyone. ALT could probably care less by this point. After seventeen cycles, I finally got to put a face to the name Ken Mok , when he stepped in to tell everyone to start wrapping it up.

We have other lives here, Tyra! I would. Finally, the looonnnggg deliberations came to an end. I guess it was long; it seemed the same amount of time to me. They should have had shots of the girls in the back whining to be let out already.

It came down to Laura and Allison. And Laura was sent home. I was actually upset. I was waiting for Tyra to pull a Project Runway and let them both stay for the finals, but it was not to be here in Modelland. Lisa : He has huge—! He probably gets this a lot. Looks like the runway will be a bit of a doozy — flying is involved. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.

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Leave a Reply Cancel reply Enter your comment here Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in:. Where he gets the idea she's not his, IDK. He never mentions any reasoning that doesn't come across as paranoia 'You wouldn't let me be with you at the birth! The next day is T-DOD itself! Crazy Tree Girl has appeared to collect Tookie so they can run away together, but her family drive away, as anyone would if there's a random girl standing in your front garden screaming.

But of course! And she picks Tookie, of all people! Who could possibly have seen this coming? Apart from everyone. Before Tookie arrives in Modelland, however, she must pick up a few more candidates.

Our next stop is Bou-Big-Tique Nation, a country inside a giant department stores. Her target is Dylan, who isn't intentionally walking in the contest - she's just trying to give some of the walkers a pep talk.

Next, to a land called Canne Del Abra, where they produce candles. They are here for Shiraz Shiraz. Next to SansColor, a land where everyone has albinism which I'm pretty sure is a recessive trait, so this suggests some epic amounts of inbreeding going on , where the Scout collects Piper, the daughter of SansColor's Prime Minister, of all people. Let's pause for a description of these new girls. These are clearly supposed to be Tyra's idea of freakish people who have no chance being modes, judging by the reactions they get throughout the books, but Speaking of Piper, she is easily my favourite character in this mess.

I'm amazed she wasn't killed off in 5 minutes. The 4 girls become friends. Though of course, none of them are as freakish-looking as Tookie, because we can't have anyone stealing our heroine's emotastic glory. And now, finally, we arrive at Modelland. It turns out that our scout is actually - dun dun DUHN!

Whatever can she be doing in such a lowly role? Could there be something going on? There's a big opening ceremony, which has Tookie wishing her sister had been chosen as she would have enjoyed the dancing. ZhenZhen, who is tasked with showing the n00bs around, keeps dropping unhelpful hints about what is to come next. The next event turns out to be Thigh-High Boot Camp by this point in proceedings, you surely can't have been expecting better, can you? This is a series of trials.

If you've spotted the obvious then you're smarter than any of the newbie models. After the makeup has been applied, the girls get to admire themselves They behold hideous visages! I'm gonna have to quote here. It had a boil growing on its nose, letting out a smoke that smelled of rotten eggs and animal droppings. Much of its hair had fallen out in clumps, and many of the hanging strands had fused together into what looked like chunks of petrified wood.

Its eyes were bruised, swollen nearly shut, and its ears were swollen into what looked like bulbs of cauliflower. Her blood was visible, pumping wildly through her face. She resembled a skeleton with muscles and veins, with a thin layer of clear plastic keeping it all together. Her nose had become detached from her face and was sitting on top of the bed of hair.

When she screamed, her exposed vocal cords, which lay in a spaghetti-like tangle at her throat, vibrated. Even Zarpessa and Chaste looked like mutants, their noses falling off and their lips turning into slugs. Some girls are so shocked they immediately run through the door marked 'HOME'.

Tookie is initially tempted to go with them Then she suddenly realises it MUST be a trick! She talks the other 3 into trusting in her gut instinct towards the bloody obvious. And guess what? It turns out it was just an illusion! Bet you didn't see that one coming, huh? Yep, it was a warning not to share makeup. The other girls tell Tookie how super smart she is for figuring this out. She's starting to quite enjoy Thigh-High Boot Camp. But suddenly the items attack!

Earrings become heavy weights, necklaces heat up, bags strangle people with the straps! More girls run through the exit. It turns out the goods are fake! And this is exactly what designers feel like when you buy fake goods! What that was in aid of, I have no idea. But the trials are now over. Useful for tidiness, but very impractical. But I hardly needed to tell you that, did I? Yes, Tookie is such a loser that she gets a special bed for rejects. Somehow this actually works.

The girls go to sleep. This is at least the 2nd time they've been mentioned. I wonder if they'll be important later She then wakes up back in her bed with no idea how she got back. And it'll be the last one they ever get because nobody in Modelland has periods. While heading to her first class, Tookie encounters a superhot male model from the male academy, Bestosterone. He's called Bravo. He's helping to build a new stadium for Modelland, because that's all the guys do.

He chats to her like she was some kind of normal person or something. How very odd! And one of the items is a bra. Buggered if I know.

The girls also attend a pampering session in the OoAh - the Modelland spa. The pampering zone has a special feature where you can pick your environment holodeck-style.

Tookie picks "inside a whipped cream factory! With beach waves crashing outside the window! Here you can bathe, have a makeover, get a massage or a manicure Suddenly, a wild sub-plot appears! We see a group of people gathering for an expedition to gatecrash Modelland.

There is also a girl from Tookie's school called Abigail Goode, who is super hairy. And how her mother is hairy too. They even carry "duffels that sported hairy sewn-on patches promoting their pro-hair causes. Unless you have body hair. C'mon, Tooks. I know he was flirting with you but that is a pretty odd reaction. Tookie's next class is W. This is a debate class, ostensibly so that the Bellas can learn to sell products they are representing in their modelling careers, but really yet another clumsy narrative device so Tyra can drop more information into the story.

Because guess what? Catwalk Corridor is full of cats witty! It turns out that this is where wayward models go after being turned in to cats. One of the cats pisses on Zarpessa's feet when she turns up following Tookie, so I suppose that justifies it. Then the girls leave through an exit at the end of the corridor in the mouth of a talking wall carving which gives the cats a telling off that conveniently lays out the purpose of Catwalk Corridor but still not really explaining how it's a deterrent.

They find themselves transported to the hallway of their dorm, with no sign of any cats. The girls have an emo bonding session where they all reveal their insecurities to each other. Tookie just generally hates herself because Having got this far into the book I can't really fault her for that. Then when Tookie tells her that she should be proud of her heritage because her people are geniuses, Piper explains that she wants to be seen as unique wait, so you hate looking so out of place in Modelland but want to be seen as unique?

But Tyra's efforts to make her an outsider in Modelland bug the hell out of me. But Piper doesn't. If Tyra had wanted another non-standard beauty archetype, why not make Abigail the hairy girl a main character rather than a figure of mockery? Or just accept that Tookie can have one friend in her clique that isn't an outsider-but-not-as-much-an-outsider-as-T ookie?

Piper then takes Tookie to the Fashion Emergency Department Store aka the hospital to get her wounds from Catwalk Corridor stitched up. I'm positive the other girls got scratched as well, but screw them. Ho ho ho! That's not even the weirdest thing about them - their feet are rollerskates.

We don't have confirmation on how much Tyra's making for hosting and executive producing this long-running show for the second time around, but I'm pretty sure she just got a raise. A source told OK! Magazine that Tyra was looking to up her paycheck ahead of Season 30, saying, "Tyra is an incredible talent who knows her worth. She has taken a franchise that was a little past its prime and made it into the show everyone is talking about, but even more important than the buzz is the ratings she has been delivering, too.

At the end of the day, Tyra is a businesswoman, she deserves a lot more money to return next season. Obviously, it all worked out since she is, in fact, hosting the upcoming season. Tyra hosted 23 seasons of America's Next Top Model , and anyone who was watching TV in the aughts knows how massively popular it was.

I truly cannot even count that high. Okay, so obviously Tyra has made a ton of money from being a supermodel. I mean, she walked every major runway! She appeared on every major magazine!

She broke barriers and ceilings! Here's what Tyra said in :.

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