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Who is rh positive - rub

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They may have given it after second pregnancy but back then doctors did not tell u a lot. They kept me sedated three days after second birth. My second and third pregnancy produced healthy babies. Did them saying my blood could not be given to others be due to rh negative factor? Told me my blood could kill others. Kinda made me wonder how it worked in me. We are not able to give you any medical advice.

My blood type is O rh-. My question is this, am I also considered O- rh-? I had that very question. Your response: Hi Ethan. That is correct the only way for someone to have negative blood type is for both parents to have at least one negative factor each.

If so, Please explain. My daughter is pregnant 10 weeks, her blood test result is O positive and RH negative, what does it mean? Is she under risk for future 2nd baby pregnancy? What do you think? My sister was born in , her blood was not changed so she is rh-. My sister asked the doctor to humor her and give her a blood test to see what blood type she was and it was rh-.

This is very confusing to me, I hope that I have explained it right. Thank you for any help that you can give me. I want to know if this has anything with my pregnancy. Is there an honest RH- blood type registry door those in need of this blood type? I am RH- always anemic and can not donate blood. I also have abnormal blood cells not sure what that means so I can not donate plasma either.

In my first pregnancy, i was given the antigen injection only once immediately after delivery. I am pregnant with my second child now.

Please i want to know at how many weeks i need to take the antigen injection and how many times. Hello, I am O neg, and I have been carrying an Rh id card with me since I am always curious and somewhat confused about the meaning of the reference Immune Globulin and the word Human next to it in.

What does it mean, Human blood. Is my blood not human? Please clarify if you can. Thank you in advance. My daughter has an blood group of b rh positive and she is now 8yrs old. There is no issue with being B-. All donations made through Carter BloodCare are done so freely. We do not pay for blood as we are a not for profit business. This is how I received O negative. When I was in the military, I looked for other O Neg persons in my unit and made them my battle buddy.

If they had blood loss I was there, and vice versa. Hi, thanks for the informative article. My mother was very surprised when I told her my blood type. My question is, since I have O- blood type and you say that everyone has 2 rh factors, what would my other rh factor be? Would it be another negative or positive? My blood type is A negative, I have had one successful pregnancy, my son been A positive and I have had two miscarriages after him, I really want to have another baby, is it possible through having this injection.

So are you saying that in order for an th negative blood type baby to be born , at least one parent has to have the RH negative factor? What if both parents have positive blood type and their baby had the RH negative blood type? Hi, My mother was RH-. I was her second child. She did not receive the rhogram injection at all prior to my birth. I was the second born. I am RH- and have received the injections as recommended for my deliveries. My mother was not in the healthcare field so I have some questions surrounding my birth.

She told me when I was born, that I was very red. What was the treatment for a child born under these conditions. I understand most children die because they were miscarried or are severely mentally ill.

How often does a child survive from what I have described. Can you please share any details you may have. Hello Sir, My wife is with B rh -ve blood group. She had Coombs test positive in last pregnancy with titre Is there any treatment available in this case to get positive result for baby? I had a miscarriage in , at the age of I got pregnant again about 7 months later. I was informed I was Rh-, and received the Rhogam shot at 28 weeks.

I am 45 now and not through menopause yet. Want to know if there is still a risk of getting pregnant and miscarrying again? Being I did not receive the Rhogam shot in a timely manner? Will she need Rhogam Shots? Is there any impact on the Pregnancy? Is this a rarity? Is rh positive and rh negative the same that needs rhogam shots during pregnancy?

Or only the rh negative? If neither parents are rh neg, can the child still have rh neg blood? Teaching a lesson on Blood Typing and Rh factor. This was amazing and very informative in assisting with my teaching lesson. Thank you so much for being thorough. It should not be a mystery.

You can visit your dashboard on our website and it will show your blood type in the top left corner. While pregnant with my daughter, i received 2 Rhogam injections.

Then during some routine bloodwork they discovered that i am not RH negative and neither is my spouse. This was back in Is there any risks associated with receiving vaccines that are not needed or necessary for either the mother or child?

We are not able to give medical advice. Really great article. I lost three babies, all early miscarriages even though I was given the injection after each miscarriage. My oldest child a 17 yr old girl has an autoimmune disease that is idiopathic. I am Rh- that has had multiple deeply remorseful abortions with Rhogam injections after each. I hope I remember some injections? With hx of anemia. Hgb increased to 14, RDW high at And the undertones of my hands and skin are bright red, and body is radiating heat Is it possible that old rbcs or fetal tissue remnants still in uterus from a previous positive pregnancy have come in contact with my Rh- blood now that it is in abundance.

Last termination was Are cells affecting my spleen or my liver? I am very worried. Please advise. I was given a Rhogam card to carry after I received the Rhogam injection. Just curious because I have lost it over the years.

If I should carry it, how would I get it replaced? Will there be any complications in our pregnancy? How can that be? My mom is RH negative and my dad is O negative. I am O positive. I had anemia for almost 18 years of my life. Was this because her blood was attacking mine? And how come I am a positive when both of them are a negative?

His dad is o positive with rh positive. However, Rh Neg types are each used and needed differently. It would be fantastic if you could ask how your blood type can be best used when they make your appointment. Hey i guess i have a rear type of blood which is AB rh negative! Is there something i should know about? I always had to have the rhogam shot after each of my 5 pregnancies.

I am rh negative and would like more info please. I have AB neg blood my hubby O positive fortunately my first pregnancy have a baby with A neg blood. Is any problems occur in second pregnency. I am the second child born to her, before the RhoGAM injection was available. I was born jaundiced with yellow skin and eyes. According to my mom, while the doctors tried to decide whether or not to give me a blood transfusion, I was placed under lights in the nursery.

I was not given a blood transfusion, but was given iron supplements for most of my childhood. Are there studies showing negative future effects of this blood factor problem? I am rh negative I got all my shits with all preganacys. When my daughter was born they told me she to was rh negative.

They kept her a few extra days in the hospital to make sure our blood did not mix. All her life I was under the impression she had the same blood type as me until at too became a mother. She was tested for her unborn child and they said her blood type was rh positive. I told them what happened when she was born and they have no answers as to how or why her rh factor changed. Or could it have just been an error in one of the testing of either her at birth or her at adult.

Either way the answer I may never know. I do want to know if this has happened to anybody else. Iam o- and rh-. Are u automatically rh- if ur blood type is -? My son is o- aswell is he rh- aswell?

We welcome plasma donors at any of our donor centers! Dear, My blood group is O negative from birth. I had first miscarriage, second healthy baby with B negative my spouse ifs B positive. Third as well miscarriage and now I am 10 weeks pregnant. I did took Anti-D shot after my third miscarriage. Now I took my blood test as per routine checkup and its showing my blood group as B-ve.

Can the blood group change from O-ve to B-ve during Pregnancy? Is there any problem for worrying? With my first pregnancy the doctor office did a blood test in office and told me I was A-. Which led them to take more blood to test. Finally the senior lab tech told me that I had the RH antigen, however I have fewer of them present on the outside of my blood cells than is average. If RH negative blood is so rare they call it the golden blood. Why does it seem so many of these comments are made by RH negative ppl?

I myself and my daughter also are RH negative. And you do have golden blood! This is a great explanation. My dad was in the military so of course she knew, it was stamped on his dog tags. Article is well written however in many articles such as this they do not point out that it requires both parents blood types to determine whether the Anti D shot is required.

From my understanding when both mother and father are rhesus — such as in our case then the injection is not required. It is only required if the mother has been transfused during birth with rhesus positive blood due to lack of supple which is rare. I have not been able to get a definitive answer about my blood type.

One nurse said it started out negative and almost a minute later, it turned positive??? Where should I go, or what should I ask for to get a definitive answer?

Hi, I have A positive blood with antibodies. Do A positive blood types need the injection? Alanna — a person cannot have both positive and negative Rh. In that I was curious if a person with my blood type can donate stem cells the same way whether they match my blood type or not?

I have had two blood tests. They know that I am type O but are having a hard time determining my rh factor so are labelling me as negative. I am very much okay with this and not panicking.

It is more of a curiosity… have you heard of this happening? What could be the cause? When you give with us, we can give you your blood type within a few days! I have r h a negative blood. Is it dangerous for me to have this type? I was told I have alien blood lol. Is that just a myth? I am very healthy at Only high blood pressure. Should I worry about anything? No need to worry. My wife and I just had a miscarriage. She was 14 weeks along when the miscarriage happened.

This is her first baby mine to known to us. Or an oversight? Hiya, if you are O neg, does that instantly make you rhesus negative or are they 2 separate blood types? Hi, I have O- blood. Does this mean that my blood type is A-? As part of your prenatal care, you will have blood tests to find out your blood type. If your blood lacks the Rh antigen, it is called Rh-negative. If it has the antigen, it is called Rh-positive. When the mother is Rh-negative and the father is Rh-positive, the fetus can inherit the Rh factor from the father.

This makes the fetus Rh-positive too. You may develop antibodies to an Rh-positive baby. This condition is called hemolytic disease or hemolytic anemia. It can become severe enough to cause serious illness, brain damage, or even death in the fetus or newborn. A Rh-negative mother may receive RhIg after birth, even if she decides to have her fallopian tubes tied and cut to prevent future pregnancies for the following reasons:.

Once a woman develops antibodies, RhIg treatment does not help. A mother who is Rh sensitized will be checked during her pregnancy to see if the fetus is developing the condition. The baby may be delivered on time, followed by a blood transfusion for the baby that will replace the diseased blood cells with healthy blood. It features meal recommendations, kicks counter, blood glucose tracking, and more. Johnson, Robert V. Danforths Obstetrics and Gynecology Ninth Ed. Scott, James R.

Rh Factor Blood Type and Pregnancy. How do I know if I am Rh negative or Rh positive? It can occur if an Rh-negative woman has had: A miscarriage An induced abortion or menstrual extraction An ectopic pregnancy Chorionic villus sampling A blood transfusion How can problems be prevented?

A blood test can provide you with your blood type and Rh factor. With increasing age the vertebral column and dura mater lengthen more rapidly than the neural tube and the caudal end of spinal cord shifts to a higher level of the vertebral canal.

The "Dragon's Tail", in English. The Draconic Zodiac, is used by some astrologers searching for hidden spiritual truths.

Tali or Theli refers to the 12 Zodiacal constellations along the great circle of the Ecliptic; where it ends there it begins again, and so the ancient occultists drew the Dragon with its tail in its mouth. Some have thought that Tali referred to the constellation Draco, which meanders across the Northern polar sky; others have referred it to the Milky Way; others to an imaginary line joining Caput to Cauda Draconis, the upper and lower nodes of the Moon.

Once upon a time Hmmmm For the Earth as a whole , this would be in August of ! Set out on a journey and find the Dragon. And everyone lived happily ever after Going back into time They wanted to Mate with those who were not Rh-Negatives.

Rh-Negs are Hybrids. Thus "Blue-Bloods", if they survive. He pointed out the high Rh-negative concentrations among the people of Morocco, the Basque country of Euskadi, Ireland, Scotland and the Norwegian islands.

The only people among these still to speak their original neolithic language were the Basques They show unusual patterns for several genes, including the highest rate of the Rh-negative blood type. Their language is of unknown origin and cannot be placed within any standard classification. The population of Iceland is about two-third of Scandinavian and one-third of Irish descent.

The other populations with a proportion of Rh-negative individuals similar to Iceland occupy the eastern half of Asia, Madagascar, Australia and New-Zealand. Are the Basques genetically different from other Europeans? Apparently, yes. Recently, however, the geneticist Luiga Luca Cavalli-Sforza has completed a gene map of the peoples of Europe, and he finds the Basques to be strikingly different from their neighbors.

The genetic boundary between Basques and non-Basques is very sharp on the Spanish side. On the French side, the boundary is more diffuse: it shades off gradually toward the Garonne in the north. These findings are entirely in agreement with what we know of the history of the language.

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