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Jimmy is random as fuck though. Well, you can't find a chubby varkid every time you do that cart mission since I didn't encounter one while doing it. Like all loot midgets he can only appear in preset locations, from specific kinds of chests. For starters, Jimmy Jenkins cannot appear in a Treasure Chest. He can only appear in an ammo crate, cardboard box, or locker in certain Hyperion areas. The current confirmed locations are, in the order you first come across them in the game:.
However, rather than have you run around looking in each area I will simply tell you the easiest method of farming him. You or the person you are farming with must be on the Doctor's Orders " side mission, given by Tannis in Sanctuary.
It becomes available once you reach the "Wildlife Preservation" story mission. Once you reach it immediately enter and exit it. Walk down the hall and turn to your right until you see the door.
To the right of it is an open area with a loot chest, an ammo crate, and 4 cardboard boxes. In one of the boxes you will see a shining blue light; it is an Echo Drive. Open the boxes slowly, one at a time, but do not take out the Echo Drive. One of five types of Loot Loaders should come out of the boxes:After fighting the Super Badass Loader you will enter the Specimen Maintenance cell area. The experiments will all be sealed so you do not have to worry about them.
If they aren't sealed for some reason then you are too far in the mission and need to find someone that isn't that far. In a perfect world the first box you open will have none other than good 'ol Jimmy pop out of it. However, he is the rarest loader so he most likely will not show himself quite that easy. He can appear in any of the four boxes, so you have four chances of getting him to appear.
It took me nine tries to get Jimmy Jenkins to appear using this method. It took my friends between 1 and 4 on average. To put this in perspective I had spent a combined 15 hours farming the widely confirmed Opportunity, Hero's Pass, and the Wildlife Preserve locations by myself to get him to appear, with zero luck.
I will add additional locations with videos and images later, so people that are playing through the game can make sure to open the chests when they pass through.
I will also record the process described and post it here. If you are having any trouble, suggestions, or questions feel free to post them here. Lastly, I'd like to give a huuuuuuuge thank you to Sonic-Thrasher and his cousin, for taking so much time to help me test and fine tune the farming method. Twiggy : Gamestop only pre-order bonus.
Top Voted Answer. Enter the bunker, turn around enter thousand cuts again, save quit and reload, u will start off at bunker entrance head back towards the beginning and loot every chest along the way, when u have past all the chests quit reload, do it again.
I was level 50 way past tannis doc mission and still got him to spawn 2nd try with this method! If u have any issues pm me ill help.
Ive gotten that blue bugger twice now second time by accident i hate jimmy jenkins and wow!! User Info: Elite To locate jimmy he isn't in 1 place but a of places, just look for his wanted poster he is usually in that location, i found him at beginning of opportunity to left. User Info: jonny The easiest way to spawn him is to have Doctor's Orders subquest active and have none of the echoes found.
You get the subquest from Tannis and it takes place in the Wildlife Exploitation Preserve. Once you have the quest, move through the area until you get to the containment area. Kill all of the skags and stalkers that spawn here and then find the room with a red treasure container on one side and 4 cardboard boxes on the other.
Each of these cardboard boxes will have a Loot Midget or Loader inside. I've only found Jimmy Jenkins once. He was in a random ammo chest inside the Hyperion facility for lack of a better word. I actually found him on my second storming of the facility to farm some items. I think finding him is completely random, like a loot midget, but I can't say definitively. User Info: TrigunCheech.
From what I've heard, he's just like a loot midget and can be found in any ammo chest. I haven't looked into it for a while, but I suppose your best bet is to open every chest you come across and hope for the best.
User Info: crazyj Google: "Borderlands 2 Trophy Roadmap", it'll be the first choice, under ps3trophies. They have a small guide dedicated to just this Challenge. Following this guide, I only had to open 6 Boxes in the area it mentions, literally 2 tries.