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Who is historys worst killer - xvs

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He received gratification by stabbing and torturing his victims. He was caught in and tried in the court, during which he was kept in a cage to save him from the families of his victims. He was sentenced to death and executed in It is believed that Henry Lee Lucas of America killed more than people, including his own mother, though he confessed of killing nearly people in a period spanning 20 years.

He died a natural death in , when he was serving a prison sentence. Another name on the list of top 10 killers in the world is that of John Wayne Gacy, the Clown Killer, who killed 33 young men, in the disguise of Pogo the Clown, which he played at parties and parades.

After killing his victims, he buried their bodies around his house. He was arrested after human bones were found in his home. Javed Iqbal from Lahore, Pakistan is considered as one of the most notorious killers in the world, who took responsibility of killing young boys. He lured his victims from street corners, drug them, rape them and finally kill them. He then dismembered their bodies and tried to dissolve them in acid, then throwing the remains in public drains.

Known by the infamous nickname of the BTK killer, Dennis Raider was responsible for the deaths of 10 people in Sedgewick County, Wichita, between the years of and The fame-hungry killer became famous for sending taunting letters to the police after his crimes, signed with the initials BTK short for Blind.

After his arrest, he immediately confessed and is currently serving 10 consecutive life sentences. He was later convicted of murdering 8 hitchhikers he claimed to have killed more than Peter Mandel is suspected of killing at least 18 people in Scotland during a two-year crime spree between and Police eventually managed to link him to the crimes after he was found using banknotes stolen from his victims while paying for drinks at a Glasgow pub.

English born John George Haigh was one of the most prolific killers of the s. A con man of the worst kind, he tricked wealthy people into believing he was a professional businessman, before luring them to their deaths in a derelict warehouse. His chosen means of disposal was to dissolve the corpse of his victim is a vat of acid earning himself the nickname of Acid Bath Murderer in the process.

As it turned out, his cleanup methods proved less successful than he believed, with police managing to gather enough forensic evidence to allow his eventual arrest, conviction, and execution in For 20 years, Fred and Rose West tortured, raped and brutally murdered at least 11 young women and girls.

Their terrible secrets were eventually revealed after police located the remains of several bodies beneath the floorboards and garden of their Gloucestershire house of horrors.

As it turned out, Rose was the only one of the pair to be convicted; during his trial, Fred hanged himself from the ceiling of his jail cell. In , Rose was found guilty of 10 counts of murder, and sentenced to life imprisonment. In , Arthur Shawcross sexually assaulted and murdered a year boy after luring the child into the woodlands near Watertown in New York.

The first kill apparently gave Shawcross a taste for blood, and he subsequently went on to rape and kill an eight-year-old girl. After serving 14 years in prison, Shawcross was released in … completely unrehabilitated. After killing 12 prostitutes between the ages of 22 and 59, he was eventually recaptured and sentenced to years in jail. As it turned out, he served very few of them, dying of a heart attack in Like Jack the Ripper before him, Sutcliffe targeted prostitutes; 13 sex workers in total met their deaths at the hands of Sutcliffe, whose later plea of not guilty on the grounds of diminished responsibly was rejected by the Jury.

Sentenced to life without parole, Sutcliffe is now living out the rest of his life at Broadmoor Maximum Security Mental Hospital. If he isn't 1 on the list then who is sicker??? I think the list should be longer, Mansons a sick SOB, anybody saying he doesn't belong high on here should get their heads examined. Jeffrey Dahmer should be placed as number 1 on this list cause of most of the thing he did.

Thanks for the comment, Stephinee. I'm sure in many cases serial killers such as Wayne Williams are blamed for murders they didn't commit, and you certainly can't believe the killers themselves because they often can't remember all the details and almost certainly inflate body counts as well, so they can appear on lists such as this.

Anyway, who knows what the facts are? The answer: Nobody. I knew I would see a comment re: Wayne Williams. There was tons of pressure on LE to solve these murders, racial tensions were getting ugly, as they were believed to be racially motivated murders. I apologize for the length as well as the fact that this is sort of off subject, but I'd love for people to be more aware of a view from the other side Great read. Thanks for the tidbits of information, Stevie.

I guess I'll have to study Dahmer's history a little closer - but not today, thank you. Most of the information on Dahmer is actually incorrect Also, he never practiced necrophilia on animals Finally, his sentence wasn't over 1, years it was just under at around - something like that. Another notorious serial killer who I believe should make the list is Angel Maturino Resendiz aka "The Railroad Killer" is suspected in over 30 murders in the US and Mexico , he would rape the younger female victims before killing them.

He is known to have murdered 15 victims, but is suspected in at least 15 more murders. Don't forget Kenneth McDuff aka "The Broomstick Killer" suspected in at least 14 murders who is known to have tortured, raped and killed 7 women and 2 men and is suspected in at least 5 more killings! Another notorious serial killer who belongs on this list is Wayne Williams aka "The Atlanta Monster" suspected in at least 31 murders of men and young boys is known to have killed 2 men and at least 23 young boys!

As for research, the Grim Sleeper was busted after I wrote this list. Should I continually update it? As for your claim there were serial killers druing prehistory, there's no proof serial killers existed during prehistory. As for Charles Manson not being worthy of this list, read the book "Helter Skelter," and then tell me you think he doesn't belong on this list.

Go ahead, I'll wait till you read it. Neither Ed Gein nor Charles Manson qualify as serial killers. Serial killers must kill 3 or more people. Manson didn't actually kill anyone. Henry Lee Lucas was a rapist, a necrophile, a pedophile and a piece of shit, but he probably only killed 3 people. As far as 'what's gone wrong with humanity' this shit has been going on since pre-history.

This is not a very good list. More like 'famous weird killers' or 'well known serial killers, plus a couple of others'. William George Bonin, killed at least 21 boys, serial child rapist. He was disgusting for sure. Victims were OLD women. Killed himself in prison. Lonnie Franklin Jr. They found hundreds of photos of women and pouring through them were able to find 6 more victims of his.

Ed Gein supposedly only killed 2 women however they were uncertain however he was just as sick but I agree Charles Manson was not a serial killer he was just capable of making people do his bidding I enjoyed the read. Thanks for the comment, St. Tragically, this list could be edited or updated on a continual basis - if you know what I mean? The "Grim Sleeper" could certainly be added. Anyway, I'll have to check out the record of Georgia Tann - when I'm in the mood. Thanks for the comment, susie bowes.

I was determined to keep out the grisly details and names of victims, which the website may not have allowed anyway. Thanks for your enlightened commentary, hailei. Serial killers are made, not born. Our society, such as it is, has spawned sociopaths and psychopaths. They are a disease of our modern civilization. I think the number one reason for serial killers is bad parenting. It makes me cringe when I here about mothers that had no idea their daughter was being repeatedly raped by "daddy", an uncle or a teacher, so on so forth.

Sure, there are exceptions too, but they are only there to confirm the rule. As a Washington State native, I know we are a breeding ground for weirdos and serial killers. Maybe we should just stick to being known for our rain.

As lame as many serial killers are, lots of them get away with their crimes for many years. In fact, I'm sure a fair number have never been caught. Most serial killers are a very lame lot. They generally pick their victems from the weak or helpless, women, elderly, children.

But Carl Panzram, that guy murdered and raped other men. Not some one to glorify but a notch above Sissies like Ramaraz or Gein. Yeah, Richard Ramirez, the so-called Night Stalker, could crack this infamous list. Hey, put him on yours.

Great list. I would have included Richard Remirez in there but overall I was enticed by this list of who's who amoung serial killers. Great job. Hey, JB, even though Charlie wasn't convicted for actually murdering anyone, he was guilty of conspiracy. At any rate, nobody is creepier than Charlie Manson.

You're right about Lake and Ng, though, they certainly deserve to be on somebody's list of killers. However, at this point, I wouldn't probably slip in the so-called Grim Sleeper. Charles Manson is no killer. He is crazy. Not a killer. Ng and Lake were worse put them in his slot. Hey, dude, I wrote that serial killers are "largely" a product of modern times; I didn't write "exclusively" or use some other word that would indicate they only happen in modern times.

Naturally people have been murdering others for thousands of years, who would argue? You also assume that many serial killers operated in the past, yet were never caught. Well, that's impossible to prove, although I'm sure a few did at some point or another. There is so much wrong with the first paragraph of this piece that it drives me nuts. It couldn't have been the fact that back then they didn't have police forces, detectives, adequate methods of communication between communities, fingerprint analysis and practically every other form of detecting a crime?

If anything, they were likely more prolific than ever in the past. What wonderful anonymity this provided them with! It's tough time for serial killers these days, however. God, I can't believe how stupid your lead paragraph is. Yeah, Mr. Shaw, Bundy's life is definitely one for the movies - an R-rated one, of course. Bundy makes your skin crawl but you can't wait to see what he does next.

It's an interesting subject. Gacy scares me to death. But the mind of Theodore Robert Bundy, and his amazing escapes from jail and prison. Many people believe that Lucas had simply been toying with the police, testing them, maybe hoping to embarrass them somehow, just to see how far he could go.

Lucas died of natural causes in , aged 64, taking the true number of how many crimes he committed to the grave with him. After killing around tribal women in Peru in the s, he was apprehended by tribal forces that were just about ready to execute him when they were convinced by an American missionary that was staying with them at the time to take him to the police force instead.

This carried on until he was caught in , but police were still unsure as to his guilt, but a flash flood uncovered a mass grave that had hidden many of his victims, which then led to his arrest. However, the Ecuador government then released him in , deporting him to Columbia. Gary Ridgeway — Body count: Convicted of 48, but admitted somewhere around 90 killings. Moses Sithole — Body count: 38 or so murders, 40 rapes.

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