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Who is ghirahim - ovx

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These attacks are also used in his Hyrule Warriors appearance. Ghirahim appears in Super Smash Bros. He attacks fighters with both his sword and his knives, and traverses the stage primarily by teleporting. He can be flinched if he's attacked. If he is knocked off the stage, he can teleport back; attacks also cannot interrupt Ghirahim's attacks, and he can also reflect any projectiles thrown at him.

Ghirahim's trophy appears in both versions. In Super Smash Bros. Ghirahim has strong physical strength and agility. He is also recognized for his mastery with swords. He is seen to be able to catch a sword in his hands without sustaining any injury from the contact.

He has a similar version to the Skywards strike which is more fiery based. When in his ultimate form as the Sword Spirit, Ghirahim's skin hardens and he can withstand strong blows even from the Mater Sword itself. Ghirahim displays magical talent as well, his spells involve diamonds and are activated by finger snaps.

He is seen materializing objects out of thin air, as he can create barriers, weapons, summon his minions or even transfer himself. When he summons his knives he tends to levitate them around himself and can project them towards his enemies.

Ghirahim can give life to inanimate objects and even transform them into monsters. He is seen to perform telekinesis and can fire beams of light from the sky above. He is a figure of authority in the land below Skyloft, and he thinks quite highly of himself, preferring to be called Lord Ghirahim. His main objective is continuously hunting for Zelda, in order to use her spirit as a goddess for his plan to resurrect his master, Demise.

Although at first Ghirahim thinks little of Link and his presence, the Demon Lord grows frustrated and erratic as he realizes the young hero is an obstacle to his plans. However, those plans fail to come to fruition due to Impa's intervention.

Ghirahim and Link, both pursuing Zelda, initially meet in the Skyview Temple, where the young hero finds the Demon Lord attempting to open the door leading to the Skyview Spring. Angered by the turn of events, Ghirahim vents his irritation by engaging Link in combat, promising to not murder the young hero as it would be unfair, and instead decides to beat Link "within an inch of [his] life.

With Zelda's presence already faded, Ghirahim leaves, but not before warning Link that he would kill him if their paths crossed again. Ghirahim constantly pursues Zelda and nearly captures her on several occasions.

In one instance, Zelda is captured by Bokoblin forces, but upon Ghirahim's arrival, however, he discovers that Impa has rescued her. After venting about the situation to Link, he summons Scaldera to take his frustration out on him and leaves. Later, Ghirahim nearly reaches her at the Temple of Time at the edge of Lanayru Desert, where he interrupts Link and Zelda's reunion by making his way in through the debris.

While it seems a little unlikely that that's happened again in Breath of the Wild 2, considering the prominent role Zelda has had in trailers so far, maybe Ghirahim sacrificed Ganondorf to Demise instead. It'd make sense that Ganondorf, the heir to Demise's hatred and manifestation of the eternal curse on Link, would house the kind of dark power necessary to bring the true Demise back to life. Alternatively, Breath of the Wild 2 might put a greater emphasis on Ghirahim's status as Demise's weapon in disguise.

He might alternate between being Demise's sword and being an independent agent taking on tasks for Demise as they work together to take over Hyrule. Link might have to fight Demise multiple times over the course of the game as he possesses Ganondorf's corpse or just generally regains his strength , and in that time he'll wield Ghirahim. This angle for Ghirahim would be a good way to bring the Master Sword back into prevalence in Breath of the Wild 2. After all, he's supposed to serve as a foil for the Master Sword and Fi throughout Skyward Sword, so it'd make sense to bring that theme back.

One may also wonder if there's any chance of Ghirahim coming back on his own. If Demise is too far gone to return in Breath of the Wild, then Ghirahim could still resort to revenge or claim power for himself. It'd make sense for him to try to restore Hyrule to the way he remembered it in his mad quest for vengeance, creating new flying islands. The magic hinted at by Breath of the Wild 2 trailers doesn't particularly look like Ghirahim's magic, which had a very unique geometric style, so Ghirahim probably isn't acting on his own.

If Demise is responsible for the game's events, though, then it can be expected that Ghirahim is there to help him.

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