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Who invented robotics - qah

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In the western world, we only truly began to see the evolution of modern automation in the 17th century. Jacques de Vaucanson, a French inventor, developed three automata. The first automaton was capable of playing up to 12 songs on a flute. We can only thank De Vaucanson that it wasn't a recorder. The second automaton could play a tambourine, drum, and flute. And the third, and most renowned, was a duck. The duck was capable of flapping its wings, moving, quacking, and even "eating.

However, the first modern automaton would be invented in by Friedrich Kauffman of Germany. This robot was designed to look like a soldier. By using automatic bellows, the soldier would blow a trumpet. The development of mechanical programming was advanced by Ada Lovelace. Ada Byron, the Countess of Lovelace, was an English mathematician known for writing the first algorithm for the Analytical Engine.

The Analytical Engine was a general-purpose computer proposed by Lovelace's husband Charles Babbage, another mathematician. It was Lovelace who was able to recognize the machine's applications and explain the machine's function to the British establishment between and Lovelace died at the age of 36 and Babbage was never able to complete the Analytical Engine.

However, the engine served as the precursor for today's digital computer. In , famed inventory Nikola Tesla constructed a wireless torpedo that could be controlled with a remote. It was a process he called "tele-automation," and the robotic torpedo was demonstrated at Madison Square Garden. However, the term "robot" wasn't used until when Karel Capek, a Czech writer, coined the word to describe automata in fiction.

The complementary term "robotics" would later be made famous by writer Isaac Asimov in After the World Wars, Isaac Asimov's robots didn't just capture the popular imagination of Post-War America; they kickstarted a new era in robotics history. Also in , George Devol would invent Unimate , the first industrial robot.

Unimate could transport die castings and weld them into automobiles. Similar to modern automation in manufacturing and other industrial fields, these industrial robots would be programmed for a specific function as a means of replacing unskilled labor.

Unimate was one of the most important milestones in the history of robots. The s and s were the decades of arm-like automatons. Shakey , the Stanford Arm , and the Silver Arm gave rise to Puma and CyberKnife , which both served as innovative robotic technology in the medical field.

In fact, these arm-like automatons resemble much of modern robotics. A product of AiTreat, a Singaporean startup, Emma is a one-armed robot engineered to provide massage therapy to human patients.

The automated side of robotics are well-known by many Americans even if they haven't been given a name. How often have you noticed automated machines during the three hours you've been sucked into watching How It's Made? These automated machines replace repetitive manual labor to give humans the ability to learn new skills in the same field.

This comprehensive anthology of theoretical and practical mechanics describes various devices with many detailed illustrations, providing an invaluable contribution in the history of engineering and robotics. Al-Jazari invented camshaft, a shaft to which cams are attached, a device which appeared in European mechanisms only in the 14 th century.

His other significant inventions include segmental gear, crankshaft and crank-slider mechanism, and escapement mechanism in rotating wheel to control the speed of rotation. These devices made a tremendous shift in the field of automata. Al-Jazari built several types of automata like automated moving peacocks driven by hydropower, different types of automatic clocks and earliest humanoid robots. The drink was stored in a tank with a reservoir from where the drink drips into a vessel and, after seven minutes, into a cup, after which the waitress appears out of automatic door serving the drink.

He also invented hand washing automation incorporating a flush mechanism which is used in modern flush toilets. It presents a female humanoid automation standing by a basin filled with water. Then when the user pulls the lever, the water drains and the female automation refills the basin again. Al-Jazari also created a musical robot band, which was a boat with four automatic musicians that floated on a lake to entertain guests at royal parties.

Another invention of Al-Jazari, the elephant clock was the first clock in which an automaton reacted after certain intervals of time: a humanoid robot striking the cymbal and the mechanical robotic bird chirping. It is worthy to note that this water clock in the shape of Asian Indian elephant represented the earliest example of multiculturalism represented in technology.

Al-Jazari also made a robotic man for the sultan. This robot, modelled on a year old boy, provided water, a towel and a comb for the sultan during his ablutions.

Besides timekeeping, it had multiple functions, including a display of the zodiac and the solar and lunar orbits, and an innovative feature of the device was a pointer in the shape of crescent moon, which travels across the top of a gateway, moved by a hidden cart, and caused automatic doors open every hour.

It also had a device of five automata musicians who automatically play music when moved by levers operated by a hidden camshaft attached to a water wheel. They were tortoise-like robots that were programmed to find their charging stations once they started running low on power. In George Devol invented the first digitally operated and a programmable robot called the Unimate. In , Devol and his partner Joseph Engelberger formed the world's first robot company.

In , the first industrial robot, Unimate, went online in a General Motors automobile factory in New Jersey. With the rise of the computer industry, the technology of computers and robotics came together to form artificial intelligence; robots that could learn. The timeline of those developments follows:. Commercial and industrial robots are now in widespread use performing jobs more cheaply or with greater accuracy and reliability than humans.

Robots are used for jobs which are too dirty, dangerous or dull to be suitable for humans. Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly and packing, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory research and mass production of consumer and industrial goods. Actively scan device characteristics for identification. Use precise geolocation data. Select personalised content.

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