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Which surah in the quran talks about hijab - lwt

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Allah says in Surat-ul-Ahzab, "O Prophet! You should not see the hijab as a restriction, but rather as a form of freedom, as respect. We should not limit our understanding of the hijab to just the piece of fabric. Rather, we should understand that hijab reflects our proper dress along with a chaste attitude and modest behavior as well. Hijab means a "barrier" between two things. Hijab should put a barrier between the girl and the unwanted attention of men.

Did you know that every 6 minutes a woman is raped? And that 1 out of 5 women are raped in their lifetime? Well, these are true facts. But what do you think drives men to do this to the woman? Yes, it is their appearance and the type of clothing they wear because that is what attracts the man. But it is not the man we are blaming here, it is the devil, Shaytan who always interferes with our mind and thoughts.

He is here as a test from Allah and Allah only gives us difficulties we can handle. So whatever may happen or the hardships one might come to face, always know that Allah is there for you. Temptations are always urging us to do the wrong thing, and regardless how hard it is to resist the temptation, pray to Allah and ask him to help you, and give you resistance and patience.

And assaults don't happen untill Ppl don't put themselves in that situation. I am a married women, I am also a mother to 3 beautiful boys.

I have just recently told my husband my feelings about Islam and how I would like to convert. When I read the Quran, I have this overwhelming emotion. Ever since I said this out loud and have started to read the Quran. In Islam, the Hijab symbolizes modesty and dignity that both men and women are expected to abide by. The word hijab comes from the Arabic root, which means "to veil" but can also refer to any modest dress covering most body parts except for hands and face. The Quran mentions wearing a hijab in two places: Surah 24 verse 31 says Allah wants you to lower your gaze and guard your modesty; while Surah 33 verse 59 states, " O Prophet!

Tell thy wives and daughters, as well as all [other] believing women, that they should draw their cloaks veils over their bodies when abroad so that they should be known and not molested. Some other traditional forms of Hijab include a niqab covering all the faces except for the eyes or a burqa covering everything but the eyes. Why do Muslim women wear Hijabs? The hijabs that Muslim women wear are often viewed as a symbol of modesty and dignity.

They can also be viewed as a token of their faith and in many cases, finding the right style is a personal choice for a Muslim woman rather than a religious requirement. However, some women choose not to wear Hijab or traditional Islamic dress for several reasons. Many of the most liberal Muslim sects believe that Islam does not require hijabs.

Many others feel strongly about their right to make personal choices regarding what they want to wear without being judged by men in their communities. The Quran does not explicitly mention hijabs or any traditional Islamic dress, so it is up to the individual interpretation of Muslim men and women about what Hijab means in their faith.

Some people feel that covering one's head with a scarf shows respect for God, whereas others believe wearing clothing covering all body parts except the face is more important. Criteria for Hijab According to the Qur'an and Sunnah the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, may Allah bless him and his family , there is a six-point test for correctly observing Hijab: There are 6 points to achieving a proper hijab. The first consideration is the amount of body that must be covered.

The purpose of this verse was not to cover or to confine women to their houses but to make it safe for them to go about their daily business without being harassed. Apparently, instead of embracing the true message of Islam, the societies carried on with their cultural and tribal practices, and incorporated the lowest meaning of the hijab as a dress code for women rather than focusing on the deeper and vast meaning of Hijab.

Nazira Zin al-Din stipulates that the morality of the self and the cleanness of the conscience are far better than the morality of the veil. So the question is: whose heart needs to be purified most? Is it the hearts of the Sahaba and the wives of the Prophet, who were the best men and women of all generations?

Or does it apply to us as well, for our hearts needs purification more than their hearts? There is a story behind the proverb. Thus, he composed a love letter to the tent! I am speaking to no one but you. For example, Allah says to the Prophet — upon him be peace If you should associate anything with Allah, your work would surely become worthless, and you would surely be among the losers.

Is it possible for someone like the Messenger of Allah — peace be upon him — to even think of committing shirk? Of course not! So, this verse apparently addresses the Messenger of Allah pbuh but Allah knows that the Prophet will never commit shirk. In this way, he is warning the people and the believers. So we should not be so sure of ourselves. By Allah! If Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, were to steal; Muhammad would surely cut her hand off. Is it even possible that Fatimah — May Allah be pleased with her —, one of the four chosen women in Paradise, should even think of stealing?!!

That is impossible. So why did the Prophet mention Fatimah raa? He mentioned Fatimah — May Allah be pleased with her — to emphasize that the rule of Law has no exceptions.

For if the hijab was needed for those saintly men and women, it is definitely more needed in our times. Finally, we should remember an important but often forgotten point. It means that this communication should always take place from behind a hijab.

She would tell them about the Messenger of Allah; but she would do so from behind a screen. There should always be a hijab in between. This hijab can be a curtain or a wall in the house, it can be modest dress, and it can also mean our behaviour, our thinking and our piety. Outward hijab is not efficient if it is not accompanied with inner piety. Inner piety always manifests itself in modest dress and behaviour.

Piety is, by itself, the most important and the most efficient hijab; for it is piety which gives meaning to modest dress.

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