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Where is the dwarven mechanism in skyrim - oqb

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I'm on the sword quest now, and found the sword next to the Centurian master docking station after I killed him. I'm trying to find out which quest this Dwarven mechanism is for, which is how I stumbled upon your question. I thought I would let you and others know that you don't need to open the mechanism to get the sword.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. How do I activate this Dwarven mechanism? Ask Question. Asked 9 years, 11 months ago. Active 8 years, 7 months ago. Viewed k times. Improve this question. Ullallulloo That mechanism leads to blackreach a huge underground area there are other ways in but I forget which way I took my first time.

Anyone know what item it is I need to activate this? I found a strange object called a dwarven cogwheel somewhere in a cave somewhere and for the life of me cant remember where but it must be a part of what your looking for, im not entirely sure though, i need more information on what it is that your searching for in the ruins. User Info: SkyguardianDiro.

Accepted Answer. Go to Septimus Signus' Outpost just north of Winterhold. Speak to Septimus Signus and he will give you the quest related to Mzinchaleft and its Dwarven mechanism.

Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status Dwarven? Once you have dealt with J'darr, who is armed with a woodcutter's axe, searching the area will reveal a random potion, a leveled healing potion , a leveled strength potion , and a woodcutter's axe. J'zhar's pack looks like an ordinary knapsack, and contains several empty skooma bottles and two random potions. The path continues to the north past a barrel holding a bottle of alto wine , a small coin purse, and four loose coins.

Just before the next opening, there is another barrel to the left holding a small coin purse, a barrel to the right with a lit lantern and a Dwemer cup, and a pickaxe and a shovel lying on the ground in between. Straight ahead through the opening is a table with Umana's Journal , some pieces of Dwemer metal, and the remains of a Dwarven spider on top.

Follow the path around the corner to a large room, with a table at the entrance holding several Dwemer items. There are several oil slicks on the ground around and on a raised area. On either wall are scuttles that house Dwarven spheres. In the northwest corner of the room, there is a table holding more pieces of metalwork and a random filled soul gem. Behind the table is a set of three pistons which thrust up vertically.

You can "ride" the pistons up to access a ledge with two unlocked chests, a leveled healing potion, a leveled strength potion, two Dwarven metal ingots , and a flawless emerald. From this ledge, you may optionally use Whirlwind Sprint then jump around some pipes and grating to the south to bypass the following section, then simply follow the path around the room to the Animonculory.

Exit the room via the northeast corner. This passage has flammable gas in the air. The next room contains a forge , as well as many Dwemer metal items and the remains of three Dwarven spiders.

There is also a large oil slick on the ground, and several scuttles, two of which house Dwarven spiders. In the northwestern corner is a novice-locked gate, behind which are two chests, one apprentice-locked and the other adept-locked, along with two sets of shelves holding various Dwemer items.

Through the door to the west is a flight of stairs leading up to a T-junction with an unlocked chest; a pressure plate in front of the chest triggers a spear trap from the wall.

One Dwarven spider scuttles in the corridor to the south, and another can be found down a flight of stairs ending in a cave-in to the north. A cloud of flammable gas at the bottom of the northern stairs can be ignited to help fight the second spider. After it is destroyed, an adept-locked chest can be found in the rubble. Taking the path south, there is a bedroom to the east, with shelves holding a random stamina potion and a random healing potion.

Opposite to the west is another caved-in area. Farther along there is another caved-in area to the east, with an apprentice-locked door opposite that leads to a second bedroom.

This bedroom features two stone beds, two tables holding several pieces of Dwemer metalwork, and an unlocked chest, all guarded by a Dwarven sphere. The path continues to the south, up a flight of stairs. At the top of the stairs is another T-junction, with two sets of shelves ahead. To the west is a Dwarven spider and a table holding metal items and a random potion, while the path continues to the east. Before turning to the south, you can look down upon the first large room with the two Dwarven spheres and the three pistons.

The path goes around the western and southern walls; a series of five horizontal steam pistons can push you off into the room below if you're not careful. There are scuttles housing Dwarven spiders in the southwestern and southeastern corners. The path traverses some rubble past the southeastern corner, and continues along the eastern wall. At the end, the path turns to the east and leads to the door to Alftand Animonculory. Upon entering the zone, there is a bedroom to your left containing an unlocked chest and two tables holding several pieces of metalwork, a Falmer helmet , and a shield.

Across the hall from the bedroom is a cave-in. The path continues past this to the east. There is a second caved-in area off the path to the north. At the end of the corridor is a door that opens into a large room, with pipes crossing above ahead. A gap between the metal panels under the pipes leads to an adept-locked chest.

Next to the chest is the body of the Wood Elf Endrast , a member of the expedition, two lockpicks , and his journal , which describes how he ran away after being captured by the Falmer and hid here until he died. To the right of the pipes is a flight of stairs leading up to an area covered in an oil slick. There is a Dwarven spider and a Dwarven sphere in this area, and a scuttle on the north wall that releases a second spider.

Against the south wall is a set of shelves holding a random potion and various Dwemer metal items, with three chaurus egg sacs to the left of the shelves. Opposite the shelves is a table with metal items and a Falmer sword. Three more chaurus egg sacs can be found in the northeastern corner, along with a gap in the floor where you can drop down to Endrast's body. To the east is an ascending ramp with a spinning blade trap triggered by a series of pressure plates. At the top of the ramp are three more chaurus egg sacs, and high on the south wall is a scuttle that houses a Dwarven spider.

Around the corner to the north, a lever on the right lowers a set of bars, allowing access to a huge vertical cavern. Take the walkway across to a caved-in area with a Dwarven spider, a novice-locked chest, and two overturned sets of shelves holding a random potion.

There is a ramp leading down on your right. Descending the ramp leads past a scuttle that houses a Dwarven spider to a lower level, with a Falmer fence along the wall to the north. Behind the fence are three more chaurus egg sacs, while an apprentice-locked door is to the east. You can look off the edge of the ramp to the west to see yet another platform below you, with a ramp coming out of the south wall behind some pipes.

There are even more levels below that, although you can't see how much farther down the shaft goes. Through the door is a treasure room with a Dwarven spider and two gates. The gate to the south is already open, with an unlocked chest behind it.

Behind the expert-locked gate to the east is a table holding a Dwarven helmet , a random potion of magicka , and a leveled potion of resist element. There are also two more chests, one with a master-level lock, the other unlocked, and a lootable skeleton holding in its hands the Lockpicking skill book The Locked Room.

Between the two gated areas is a caved-in section that contains nothing of interest. Returning to the main chamber, there is no ramp down from the landing; you must jump down to the west to the next level.

On landing, you find the broken ramp that was mentioned in Endrast's journal. Beside this is the body of the Orc Yag gra-Gortwog , another member of the expedition, along with a potion of minor healing.

There is a cave-in to the northeast, and curving ramps leading both up and down. The ramp up to the west leads to an unlocked chest guarded by a steam piston that can be triggered by a nearby pressure plate, but which extends intermittently regardless. Above the piston is a scuttle housing a Dwarven spider. The ramp down is to the east, past a waterfall.

Care must be taken, as there is another piston that can push you off the side of the ramp, and several Falmer and Dwarven spiders in the area. At the bottom is a landing along the eastern wall of the cavern. A tripwire that triggers a Falmer claw trap is just past the waterfall.

Past the trap, another curving ramp continues down to a landing with a skeever near a cave-in, with a chunk of solid Dwemer metal hidden between the cave-in and the cavern wall on the far side of the rubble.

From here, a straight ramp leads down to a door. The path passes under a flame spout; you can either wait for it to temporarily stop, or just go around.

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