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Where is grizzler in aika - xrp

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Captain Cromwell has recognized your progress and directs you to the Pran Station in the Commercial District of Regenshein. You are given a quest to prove your worth, where you need to kill Breeding Boars, Moguns, and Kubari. After collecting the items from these MOBs, you must head to the Pran Station where you are given the option of what affinity Pran you'd like to choose.

The perils of your long journey require the assistance of a devoted partner. This companion should act not only as a reliable sidekick in battle, but also as a close friend. The Pran fits both descriptions with ease as she casts helpful spells on you and grows to trust you over many interactions.

She is your fairy familiar! A fun feature of the Pran is her many different per- sonalities. The specific personality she develops is largely dependent on the way you interact with her as you fulfill quests and undertake adventures together.

All Pran in Lakia are given lessons on basic social behavior and proper etiquette before they are permitted to work with Aitan. After this training, they await their sum- moning by a qualified potential partner. Always remem- ber: you are the Pran's master! Treat her properly and she will return your good will with camaraderie and magi- cal blessings.

The bond between the Aitan and the Pran is singular and revered within the world of Lakia. I think that you might be one of my best friends, master!

That makes me really happy! Tough Some dumb Pran was running her mouth, so I socked it shut. Spunky Yes, I really like being happy, too! Yay, this should be easy! Hand over some cash.

Um — please. There are different types of equipment enhancement combined with a rich variety of craftable, buyable, or findable items result in. Be careful, however, as certain processes carry the risk of damaging or destroying the item being enhanced. THE ANVIL - Anvils will transform ordinary materials into the finest weaponry and armor - Drop-down menus state the components needed, the price of crafting, the required level for crafting that particular item, and a full description of the finished product.

TRANSFER - Blacksmiths can infuse equippable items with the properties of other equipment - One-to-one reassignment of a particular item's offensive, defensive, and magical statistics to another of the same type of item. In Castle Siege, guilds contend with each other for control of each nation. In Relic War, entire nations fight each other over hoards of treasure and artifacts whose mystical properties can tip the international balance of power.

Aitan may apply for citizenship to the nation of their choice at level 10, and after their requests are approved they are fully able to join guilds, earn special rewards for fighting Aitan of other nations, and battle alongside fellow citizens for national glory. Once an Aitan has reached level 10 and decided which nation he or she wishes to pledge loyalty to, the quest for citizenship must be completed.

Applicants should be in the nation of choice either channel and visit NPC Magnus Trovato in southern Regenshein to receive the quest. Magnus Trovato will ask the Aitan to collect certain items which are dropped by MOBs in Verband, and after these are collected he will bestow national citizenship, XP, and a financially rewarding settlement package upon the Aitan. For those who wish to leave their nation, there is an item sold in the Aika Item Shop called an Exile Warrant which assists in this goal.

Once de-nationalized, Aitan must re-initiate the citizenship quest in a new nation of choice in order to gain citizenship and its attendant benefits. The names, personalities, and flags of the five nations are listed below, and it's also helpful to visit different nations in-game and their boards on the Aika forums to make an informed citizenship decision.

VANOV Cunning, Militaristic, Ruthless - Very militaristic nation - Reputation for their ferocity in war - Renowned for their strategic and tactical prowess - Building their military strength is their national goal - Only involved for a benefit to themselves - Not the ideal place for the anti-establishment type - This nation is about group efficiency and power.

Citizens of Vanov have national pride and may trust the people they form groups with, but they remain closed to everyone else. FEONIR Explorative, Knowledgeable, Tenacious - Less inclined towards war - Tend towards exploration and acquisition - Independent-minded and won't attack preemptively - Defend their relics and altars fiercely - Guard their nation's borders with tenacity - Some may consider Feonians stubborn and overly skeptical of others - Resistance to outside pressure is evidence of considerable inner toughness - Interested in depth and variety built into the world.

Citizens of Feonir consider themselves more knowledgeable about the world than people of any other nation. ALETHIUS Honorable, Lawful, Noble - Concerned with justice and fair play - Want to preserve order in their nation - Value respect and chivalry - Sportsmanlike battles - Effective structure of their social establishments - Strive to be honorable - Great importance on maintaining a stellar personal reputation - Morally superior to people of other nations - If any nation, group, or individual attempts to cheat an Alethian, rest assured that the offending party will be dealt with swiftly and severely.

Citizens of Alethius are willing to help non-Alethians provided the terms are fair to everyone. LENARIA Friendly, Good-natured, Harmonious - Very focused on the social aspect of Aika - Enjoy cooperative activities - Social bonds are paramount in this nation - Value strong community ties and fellowship over more materialistic, quantified goals - They gather themselves into guilds and parties to hang out with their friends and cultivate connections with fellow citizens.

Citizens of Lenaria think the other nations take war too seriously, but they may initiate alliances with them for the sake of building friendly interna- tional relations.

OSTYRION Chaotic, Predatory, Treacherous - Not for the faint of heart - They don't trust anyone - May band into packs to prey upon others who are weaker or bear riches - Tends to lack significant organization - Only the most callous and rapacious will thrive - They believe that they are all the most skilled fighters in the world - They possess no national pride, with the exception of looking down on the citizens of other nations more than they look down on each other.

Citizens of Ostyrion lust for the kill, no matter how unfair or immoral the fight may be, and they do not hesitate to double-cross each other on a whim. G uilds are Aitan organizations which possess special pow- ers within Human civilization in the land of Lakia. Guildmates may ini- tially band together for purposes of raiding or dungeon exploration, or they may rally around a common cause or set of values. Perhaps they see the profit in pooling their re- sources to more efficiently acquire the necessary goods for crafting and completing quests.

Whatever the reason might be for a guild's cre- ation, those who take part in the sys- tem would do well to recall that guilds are privy to a powerful process in Lakia's political system whereby a guild processes, including accepting Knights.

Lord Marshal's and Archon's single guild or an alliance of up to four and removing members, assigning Knights enjoy special status benefits guilds may rise to ultimate su- certain powers to members, main- and, as a function of their policing premacy in governing one of the five taining the guild warehouse, editing powers, are not subject to the nor- nations.

The guildmaster may control their own nation. However, as the existing guild is the first step towards Administrator to begin this process guildmaster has the final say, it is es- leading an entire nation to glory. The and respected if the guild is to pros- or who dream of controlling vast guildmaster has authority over all per.

If the guild or guild alliance then manages to succeed in usurping the ruling re- gime, that guildmaster becomes Lord Marshal-military commander of the nation who also wields immense political and economic power.

Every week, all five nations will each be host to a potential military revolution, where the Lord Marshal and his ruling regime must defend the Fortress against an onslaught of would-be usurper guilds and guild alliances.

As the Fortress is very heavily fortified and the incumbent administration is given large status and damage bonuses, it is no simple task for the invaders to achieve victory within the designated time limit. This must be accom- plished within the Castle Siege time limit, which is one hour. Once a guildmaster has successfully acquired the flag, the Castle Siege is over and that guildmaster's guild or guild alliance has won su- preme control over the na- tion for the week.

If the battle was won by a guild alliance, the guildmaster of the lead- ing guild in the alliance be- comes Lord Marshal and the A guild which aspires to trymen. The Archons as- to three other guilds and perfect a ances may apply via the Castle Siege sist the Lord Marshal in ruling the strategy for takeover. However, Administrator in Regenshein during nation, and they and their guild mem- since only one of up to four alliances a specific time window to participate bers receive status boosts as well.

The enamel is very durable and resistant to scratches. The pots have two layers of qualitative blank enamel on the outside and matt black enamel on the inside. The pot also has a practical self-sealing lid with a distinct drop structure which distributes the condensation evenly over the food.

The shape and weight of the flat lid captures the steam perfectly and preserves the tastes and vitamins of the food. Kategoriat searchcategory : Paistinpannut. Puhelimet ja tarvikkeet. Kuvaus ja videointi. Urheilu ja ulkoilu. NPCs are "Non-Playing Characters" that give you quests , complete quests, sell items , or otherwise interact with you.

Mobs are "Mobiles" which basically translates into mobile hostile creatures. These mobs may be aggressive and attack you without provocation or may not.

They drop items for crafting , quest items, and equipment. Equipment dropped is typically based on the level of the mobs. Mobs in Swamp area dropped increased amounts of Agate at the time drops were recorded.

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