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As well as Curbar, Forggatt Edge is well known and well used by rock climbers. This walk is around 4 miles, climbing meters and will take a good 2 hours.
If you would like to walk along Curbar Edge and Froggatt Edge with a longer walk, try our guide for the Curbar Edge walk which is over double the distance. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Follow the road to Froggatt Bridge keeping left down a lane, stone steps lead right over a wall and down to the River Derwent. Follow the path along the river to another bridge, here go up the steps and cross the road and back down to the path along the river.
Continue alongside the river passing a weir and mill ponds at The Goit until reaching a lane. Thirsty walkers may take refreshment here in the nearby Bridge Inn before turning left up the steep hill into Curbar. If you have parked at Curbar Gap continue up the hill and bear right across fields back to the car park.
Twitter Pinterest. Curbar Edge from Curbar. Curbar Edge looking North. Curbar from Curbar Edge. Curbar Edge and Baslow Edge. September 26, Chris Stokes. September 19, Mark Lavin. July 31, Julee Harris. July 7, David Ellis.
June 30, Jade Lawrance. June 26, June 22, Dan Hawtin. June 19, Iain Morrison. June 13, Jamie Booth. May 3, Lewis Froggatt. April 25, Ben Roberts. April 17, April 10, Alicia Robertson.
March 21, Briony Evans. In Andrew Wilson then published a guide for Froggatt which include about 70 routes. The crag was re-bolted in and , during this re bolting a lot of the lines between routes were filled in and new areas like Slug Wall were opened up. The next significant development at Froggatt was not climbing related, but rather a commercial development.
The new owner set about transforming the crag ready for commercial use, scrub was removed, lines rebolted and paths and sign posts installed. However, any plans to charge for access were put on hold. The Froggatt Edge farm was sold to new owners in December , a Waikato farming family with strong links to the climbing community. The Aotearoa Climbing Access Trust have negotiated an agreement with the new owners that ensures continued access for climbers.
Please continue to be respectful and responsible when visiting the crag. The agreement provides the Access Trust with a right to register a legal easement over the crag area that will ensure access and management of the crag by the Access Trust even if the farm is later sold. The purchasers and the Access Trust share a vision of ecological restoration around the crag.