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Where is barenziah stone in thalmor embassy - osk

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According to Stones of Barenziah , the stone is by a dead conjurer near an apothecary's satchel in the cave; an image exists on that page that you can have a look at for reference. This is of course after progressing to that point in " Diplomatic Immunity ," however if you have an unpatched version of Skyrim then it will not appear back in the cave, and so you will have to glitch into the embassy.

According to some old versions of the page, the Thalmor Embassy stone is found "in Elenwen's Solar, in a bedroom during or after the main quest Diplomatic Immunity. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts.

No in Reeking Cave. Online will still be Broken :D. User Info: howdyneighbor You bring up a good Point. User Info: DigiOps You bring up a good Point I like you. But if sweetness can win-and it can-then I'll still be here tomorrow to high-five you yesterday, my friend. User Info: Iceaxe I doubt you'd be able to kill Elenwen anyway. I'm sure she is still considered a quest npc and cannot die much like how the Jarls and their stewards of each hold are. You can get their hp down to near zero, but you can't kill them no matter what you do exception being Ulfric.

Killing Elenwen. User Info: Sunrie. I was able to get in.. Did yours make the list?! If this is a glitch, what can I do to fix it and where do I go to report these glitches to Bethesda? User Info: mikehross I found or didnt find the same thing, i'm on ps3 though. Maybe its the new patch? Thanks for the answers, I will try both of those solutions and post on here with the results.

Accepted Answer. I returned to the Thalmor Embassy after completing the Diplomatic Immunity quest. When I returned I had to pick the lock of the front gate, but after getting through it I could not get into the Embassy without a key. I could not jump any of the walls either because there are invisible barriers preventing me from doing so. I did however, return to the Reeking Cave nearby by using the local map to locate the entrance.

I intended to use the Whirlwind Sprint shout to reach the ledge but before figuring out where to use the shout, I noticed a small area underneath the ledge. On top of a stone sat the final stone of Barenziah! Thanks to both of you for helping me out.

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