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Cumberbatch is fine if we are to judge him on his twitches and gurnings, and the chumping of his teeth seems to play homage to the zombies on The Walking Dead. Miller is a wide-eyed, sleep-deprived Frankenstein, and like his monster, hardly still. He shouts, croakily, to almost everyone he meets, and yet he still manages to arouse pity in ways that Cumberbatch cannot.
It will be interesting to see whether, when the roles are reversed, Miller retains the sympathy of the audience. A key scene has been edited out in the filmed version, and this omission can misdirect any compassion one has for the monster.
But therein may lie the problem; what could be a wonderful play about ideas is jettisoned for action. Permission is required for any further use beyond viewing on this site. Remote control icon created by Bjoin Andersson from Noun Project. However, this is an independent publication: we take care not to let commercial relationships dictate the editorial stance of content or the writing staff.
Select a Page:. Review Overview. Cumberbatch April 1, James R. Pick a Channel. A look at modernity from the eyes of an innocent creature, supposedly not a human. Yet, we contradictory recognise more humanity in him then in the people that don't see him as such. Victor is one of them. He was able to create a creature who learns the value of being human sooner then him.
Frankenstein seeks in the dead what he can't recognise in the living. For he doesn't know how to relate to others, and can't seem to find the value on his wife to be. Silent, with no purpose but to serve his own. He asks the creature how if feels to be in love "That's how it feels? And so, Victor achieves what, for him, was the unachievable. He finds love, but not by or for himself.
And because he doesn't know love, he can't allow his creation to have it. Progress seemed the only answer, and in the end, it is the only thing Frankenstein has. But at what cost? Educhico Feb 26, Details Edit.
Release date March 17, United States. United Kingdom. Official site. Teatro Nacional en vivo: Frankenstein. NT Live National Theatre. Box office Edit. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 2h 10min. Related news.