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When was sophie lancaster killed - gqy

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He worked closely with producers on Murdered for Being Different, a factual drama about the crime and the police investigation, and agreed to do one newspaper interview. On one side, the need to put some distance between himself and his attack - to rebuild a life. On the other, the horrible sense that the woman he loved was becoming a memory beyond his reach or recognition.

The timing of the attack did not help; it was one of a series of unconnected crimes that triggered a period of intense media coverage and national soul-searching. On the same night, 25 miles away in Warrington, teenagers attacked Garry Newlove outside his home. He died two days later. The next week, a year-old boy in Liverpool shot and killed year-old Rhys Jones. There seemed to be a pattern; groups of young men, who were known to police but not to their victims, committing horrific attacks in public without provocation.

Coverage of the crimes and the campaigns they inspired focused variously on knives, binge drinking, antisocial behaviour and troubled families. In Bacup, tackling hate became the focus for the Sophie Lancaster Foundation , launched by her family in her memory. She and Maltby were attacked because, as goths in Lancashire, they looked different. After an initially friendly encounter in a petrol station soon after midnight, where Maltby had been buying cigarettes, he remembers feeling anxious as he and Lancaster went with a group of local teenagers to Stubbylee Park.

The attackers had been drinking on the skate ramps. He is relieved that he does not remember what happened next. As the couple chatted with the group and shared cigarettes, Ryan Herbert, then 16, and Brendan Harris, 15, suddenly began kicking and punching Maltby in a frenzied attack that left him unconscious, his brain bleeding.

Lancaster knelt by his side when the gang attacked her before fleeing. After a trial in March , Herbert and Harris received life sentences. Brothers Joseph and Danny Hulme aged 17 and 16 , and Daniel Mallett 17 , also from Bacup, were convicted of grievous bodily harm and have since been released from prison.

There might be some OK people but they're not in the majority. I mention this to a local, drinking alone in a town centre pub. He smiles. The ringleaders in the park attack were Brendan Harris, 15, and Ryan Herbert, Harris denied murder but was found guilty and given a life sentence with an order to serve a minimum of 18 years in prison.

Herbert admitted murder and was given the mandatory life sentence with a year tariff. Three other youths - brothers Joseph, 16, and Danny Hulme, 15, and Daniel Mallett, 17 - received sentences for grievous bodily harm ranging from four to nearly six years. All five have lodged appeals against their sentences.

On members' Bebo pages now removed the background had yellow crime-scene tape and listed their interests as 'GBH'. Ryan Herbert had posted a video on YouTube of him rapping with three others on a track called 'Where U From Bacup ' on which he walks towards the camera brandishing a wooden stick.

Dressed in a black hooded top, he is also filmed swaggering through the town, posing at local landmarks, joining in the chorus of 'The Bacup Crew'. Herbert, who is known as Peanut or Razzy, never knew his father. He lived with his mother, Christine, and sister. Christine, along with parents of the other defendants, has refused to speak to the media.

Locals say she is in denial about her son's behaviour. The mother of Brendan Harris, Martine Harris also known as Martine McGuinn , is thought to have left the area; the curtains of her back-to-back terraced house in Stacksteads, near Bacup, have been drawn for weeks.

The Hulme brothers lived in nearby Shawforth on a travellers' site. Joseph Hulme was bailed last year on a witness intimidation charge but the case was never brought to court. Daniel Mallett was the only defendant said in court to come from a 'good home'.

He lived with his mother, Tracy, in Bacup. During police interviews Harris admitted starting the attack, claiming he did it because he was 'drunk and showing off'. Detective Superintendent Mick Gradwell, Senior Investigating Officer, says Harris was laughing and joking with his mother during the first interview.

At about They stopped at a petrol station for cigarettes and spoke to some teenagers who were intrigued by their appearance; one girl took photographs. Robert, an art student, has a pierced lip, backcombs his hair and routinely wears make-up. Drifting into nearby Stubbylee Park, they began talking to a group of youths at the skate area.

At first they chatted amiably, even sharing their cigarettes. Then the mood changed and Robert was 'volleyed' in the head by Harris before the onslaught began. Jonathan Smethurst was the first in their circle to know something was awry. His phone sounded at 1. Robert Maltby's name came up.

Nothing could be heard, so Jonathan texted back to check his friend was OK. The next time it rang, 40 minutes later, a young male said: 'Have you got two friends down in Bacup Park? I just saw her dreadlocks and knew it was her,' he said. Robert recovered but now suffers health problems including a lack of co-ordination and depression.

Catherine Smyth, news editor of the Rossendale Free Press, believes one of the motives was jealousy. They didn't like that they were suddenly getting all the attention and wanted to do something about it. After the attack, Sylvia Lancaster released a photograph of her daughter's battered face, taken while she was in intensive care - knowing it would draw intense media interest. I felt I had to do something, I had to become her voice,' she says. Before long, Sylvia, who had never before appeared in a newspaper, was interviewed by a host of publications, from the Daily Mail to Kerrang!

Sometimes it is a bit scary but I don't think about it too much; I just get on with it. It's all about the campaign and that has taken on a life of its own. If Sophie could see what is happening she wouldn't believe it. The campaign is run from a couple of terraced houses in nearby Haslingden, the work done in downtime. Before offering to help, Kate had established a local branch of Amnesty.

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