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See Also : gwinnett county school calendar 85 Used Show details. The Gcpsk Gwinnett County Public Schools will kick off the school year on the first day of school on August 4 with a staggered start for in-person learning.
We look forward to the new year and welcoming students and teachers back to learning and back to fun, and most of all. See Also : Gwinnett county schools start times 70 Used Show details. Just Now Welcome to the school year! We look forward to the new year and welcoming students and teachers back to learning and back to fun, and most of all being back together in our schools! See Also : Gwinnett county school start date 30 Used Show details. Adobe Reader is required to open PDF files linked on this web site.
Schools Details: Welcome to the school year! We look forward to the new year and welcoming students and teachers back to learning and back to fun, and most of all being back together in our schools.
Every year, GCPS recognizes a male and female student at each high school who has shown excellence in athletics, academics, and leadership roles in the school and community service. Help us celebrate our outstandingathletes from Archer and Peachtree Ridge high schools!
Skip to Main Content. District Home. Select a School Select a School. Sign In. Search Our Site. Jefferson City Schools - Friday, July 30, Lumpkin County Schools - Thursday, August 5, Madison County Schools - Friday, August 6, Marietta City Schools - Tuesday, August 3, Meriwether County Schools - Monday, August 16, Morgan County Schools - Monday, August 2, Newton County Schools - Monday, August 2, Oconee County Schools - Wednesday, August 4, Paulding County Schools - Monday, August 2, Pike County Schools - Tuesday, August 10, Polk County Schools - Tuesday, August 3, Putnam County Schools - Friday, August 6, Rabun County Schools - Wednesday, August 11, Rockdale County Schools - Thursday, August 5, Rome City Schools - Thursday, August 5, Towns County Schools - Thursday, August 5, Troup County Schools - Monday, August 9, Union County Schools - Thursday, August 12, Walton County Schools - Tuesday, August 3, White County Schools - Friday, August 6,