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What was rebeccas explanation of the girls behavior - gdy

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When he explains Rebecca's death to the narrator, Maxim also gives a more general background to justify the murder and explain his emotions leading up to the act; he describes Rebecca's immorality and the unspeakable things that she had told him about her life on the cliff in Monte Carlo. At the end of the novel, Maxim's act of killing Rebecca is further justified by the revelation that she was already dying of cancer and had simply manipulated him into ending her life quickly.

Gothic fiction, a combination of horror and romance, originated in with Horace Wadpole's The Castle of Otranto. Since its origins, the Gothic literary tradition has become associated with certain stereotypical elements, such as tormented heroes, secrets, the supernatural, death, innocent damsels, haunted estates, and more.

Although Rebecca was written long after the heyday of Gothic literature, Du Maurier was inspired by the classic Gothic novel, Jane Eyre. As a result, the novel includes all of the primary elements of the genre, including Manderley as the haunted mansion, Maxim as the tormented hero, and the narrator as the innocent damsel, plus the ominous Mrs.

Danvers, the secrets surrounding Rebecca's death, and a general sense of foreboding. For the majority of the novel, Maxim de Winter is not a particularly likable character. Throughout his early interactions with the narrator, he is rude, moody, condescending, and generally detached from those around him. The narrator is entranced with his sophistication and brooding temperament, but it is difficult for the reader to fall in love with him as quickly as the narrator does.

His behavior to the narrator when she finds the beach cottage, as well as after her entrance at the costume ball, is especially appalling. It is only after the truth of Rebecca's death is revealed that Maxim becomes a more sympathetic character.

His previous moodiness and detachment from the narrator are explained, and he is suddenly capable of treating the narrator as an equal partner in the relationship, rather than a child. From the very start, it is clear that Mrs. Danvers is the antagonist of the narrative; her rude resentment of the narrator establishes their relationship as the conflict that must be resolved.

However, Mrs. Danvers is also crucial as the physical representation of Rebecca's presence at Manderley. Danvers maintains all of Rebecca's traditions and habits in the house -- even down to the use of the house telephone for approving menus -- and strives to keep Manderley the same as it was during Rebecca's life. In this role, Mrs. Six year old boys are perfectly capable of keeping their hands to themselves and of understanding the very simple concept that no means no.

Not naming the problem only perpetuates the problem. Name it. Face it. And teach our children to respect personal boundaries, regardless of gender.

This is a lesson that benefits everyone, even the bullies who are still young enough to learn from it. Great points above with regard to no means no and what the author endured during junior high school is inexcusable.

No one should ever have to accept physical assault, boys, girls, men, women. Yes 6 year old boys understand right from wrong. But I would not want the term sexual harassment anywhere near a 6 year old boy or my daughter. His reputation is now damaged for life. I work with her to understand social cues of when affection is welcome and when it is not.

I wonder the reaction if this was a girl rather than a boy? The school dropped the sexual harassment charge, as described in my article. I am aware his file now reads misconduct and the words sexual harassment removed. However, as I indicated, thanks to the internet he will forever have the words sexual harassment attached to his name. Employers, schools, coaches, parents, future partners will always see this via an internet search, the internet never forgets.

If he has kids, grandkids, they will see this in his past. Other parents may think twice about sleep overs or tell their kids to stay away from him. He runs the risk of being ostracized by his peers. If he chooses to go into medicine, law, behavioral health, teaching, the military etc. The Nathaniel Hawthorne Scarlet Letter reference comes to mind here. This boy has been robbed of his due process, his civil rights trampled, and the girl in this case now has to try to understand what it means to be a victim of sexual harassment at the hand of her 6 year old peer.

This is why if you publicly or on record deem a person a racist, a bully, a violent offender, a sexual harasser etc. The news media snapped it up and shoveled it out without gaining all facts and information; unbiased, I believe it should be called. Go give her a great big hug, kiss, and tell her sorry. Everything will be just fine. My point, is the boy is in the wrong, but I disagree he is a sexual harasser, public record or not. Good work, Rebecca!

Years ago that boy would be put in reform school, but sadly there are no more reform schools these days. Unreal folks…and so it begins…. I told my mom about this and right away she told the school i dont know whats going to happen tomorrow but im really scared cuz i dont know whats going to happen. Victoria, I just saw your comment and wanted to send you supportive thoughts.

I hope your school handles it in an appropriate way that makes it clear that it was not your fault, and that the boy is punished appropriately for his actions. Can we please call my mom? Someone you feel would understand and sympathize?

Try to be brave and speak up for yourself. You deserve to be heard and taken seriously. Good luck and feel free to check back in here later! You have all my support. Victoria, I am so sorry to hear that. You do not deserve to have your space and your body violated.

You are right and he is wrong. Your mother is right to address it. All of that said, I can imagine how frightened you are, and I am sending you all my support and positive thoughts. I agree that any conversation that excludes your mother should include another trusted female adult.

The last thing you should feel now is alone. Lean on people. Tell them what happened. Speak your truth. Victoria, good luck; I will be thinking of you today. You deserve to be treated with respect and to feel safe at school. The boy was repeatedly told to stop.

He was told no. Yes that is the steel typical behavior of a rapist and if left unchecked and allowed to continue what he was doing then yes that could likely be his future. So did I call him a rapist? Did I contrast and demonstrate his lack of understanding a two letter word?

Do rapists care about that word? He was told repeatedly by the girl to stop. He was told by playground monitors, the teachers, and school administration repeatedly to stop. So at what age do you suggest he learn the word no and be held accountable for ignoring it repeatedly? This is not a boys as aggressor issue. He says no and she still continuously hangs on him etc.

If he attempts to assert himself to her in a firm manner, he sometimes gets admonished from one teacher or another for talking out of turn. This girl has severe ADHD. Now in first grade both these boys in her class again.

The one boy just told her today to kiss his penis. Kids are obsessed with saying they have boyfriends and girlfriends and its bs. No I dont find it cute. They are too young and need to be told that. On the other hand, one can understand Parris' concern over job security. Proctor criticizes Parris' request for the deed to his home, but Parris is acting reasonably because he knows Salem's history of getting rid of ministers.

Once a very successful businessman in Barbados, lifestyle and economic expectations changed dramatically when he became a minister; however, Parris continues to think like a secular individual. He is used to material goods, such as the gold candlesticks mentioned in Act II, Scene 3, and he is accustomed to examining all of his options. Just as a resourceful businessman investigates all possible outcomes of a business deal, so Parris attempts to cover himself just in case things do not work out in Salem.

Asking for the deed to his home not only decreases the possibility of a faction removing him from the pulpit, but it provides a place for him and his family if such an event actually occurs. Parris' argument with Proctor also symbolizes Parris' continual battle to obtain authority within Salem. Parris views Proctor as his primary opponent, demonstrated when he accuses Proctor of leading a faction against him.

Parris' anger stems from the fact that he feels that the inhabitants of Salem fail to recognize his authority when they refuse to acknowledge their "obligations toward the ministry.

Putnam targets Rebecca because she is in the room and she is one of the mothers who has not lost a child, so Parris targets Proctor because he is there in front of him and, therefore, representative of the other undutiful inhabitants of Salem. The end of Scene 4 reveals other animosities when Proctor and Putnam begin arguing over land rights.

Proctor goes to leave and states that he must haul lumber back to his home. Putnam accuses Proctor of stealing wood from his land, even though Proctor states that he had purchased the land from Francis Nurse five months prior. Just as Scene 3 results in a new reason for Abigail to accuse others of witchcraft, so Scene 4 provides the Putnams with a lucrative motivation to accuse their neighbors of witchcraft.

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