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What should i pack for leeds festival - ohu

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Put on sun cream every few hours throughout the weekend — as high a factor as possible. Those sun rays are sneaky and can get you even when the sun is hiding. We all know what British weather is like, we talk about it enough. Remember, we only allow empty plastic bottles to be taken into the Arena. It looks like Javscript is currently disabled. Please enable it to use all the features of this site. Back to: News. Get Leeds Festival ready with our ultimate checklist Once again, try to pack in as much healthy good drinks as you can.

At festivals I love bringing big bottles of coconut water Vita Coco is my all time favourite! The key to a successful festival is keeping yourself hydrated whilst being able to have fun, the odd drink never hurt anyone.

This range is perfect for inner creatives of all levels. Same for your face and body, wet wipes and roll on deodorant are always the solution. This is where you can be sensible or go full out. You could probably eat a different cuisine each day of the festival and still not taste all thats on offer. Spent all of your money on your festival ticket and booze?

Wise decision, but you're still going to need some sustenance to see you through the weekend. Stodgy foods such as cakes and bread should certainly be on your list of festival essentials, as well crisps, biscuits, nuts, cereal bars all good sources of protein and energy to get you through the day and fruits such as oranges. You're going to need those vitamins, friend. Pot noodles galore! Same goes for disposable BBQs, provided you are allowed to take them. Check the festival website or contact them directly to be on the safe side.

Hygiene has never been more important given the state of current affairs across the globe, and it's always been of high importance at festivals, simply because there's usually such a lack of it. Make sure to acquire and take a reasonable and responsible amount of cleansing materials and products.

Get a couple of those little hand sanitisers that you can carry around with you and remember to keep it on your person at all times. Using some God-awful portaloo's will make you scream blue murder and shake your fist to the sky if the sinks are just as filthy and you cannot wash your hands which is usually the case.

Sanitise those dirty hands regularly. It might also be a good idea to pack a face mask. Although we're expecting to be out this mess before festival season comes a knocking, there may still be restrictions in place at festivals in the summer to help minimise the spread of Covid. Waking up with a banging headache or acquiring a dodgy gut from one of the food or beer stalls can happen. Ibuprofen can cover all bases and help alleviate those aches and pains.

Another top Skiddle recommendation not quite Ibuprofen but still - buy a tub of multivitamin effervescent's. These little tablets of goodness have saved our heads many times before now.

Simply chuck one of the tabs in a pint of water, wait for it to dissolve and then drink it all up. Replace those vital minerals and crack on with the day in hand. Thank us later. Wall to wall sunshine during the day spent watching your favourite bands and artists can often be misleading.

It can trick you into believing that a pleasantly mild evening might be on the cards. How does the saying go? Yea, that's the one. It can get real nippy in the evenings, so be prepared. Our top tip - Pack a thick, warm jumper or two. Jackets, particularly rainproof ones, will be a second stroke of genius. Don't get caught out by the weather.

You've remembered the deck of cards for your drinking games woi-oi and you're ready to get turnt up! But whatever will you sit on? It might not be considered a proper festival essential as such, a place or thing to perch on that is, but after three days of sitting on the hard ground, inebriated or not, your backside will sure wish you had added 'something to sit on' to your festival checklist.

An enormous picnic blanket will come in handy for sitting on and playing card games with your mates, whilst providing added space for your drinks, snacks and neighbours too. A camping chair with a cup holder will see you rise one better, overseeing the floor dwelling peasants playing their games, as you relax in hands-free style.

Not good. Therefore taking your own is always a good idea. Keep your cash with you at all times, either in your wallet or, if you really must, in a zipped pocket. Money is very easily lost or stolen at festivals. Many festivals now provide cash machines so you can draw out money at the festival, incase you run out of funds or it's lost or stolen. But unless you're willing to pay some truly eye watering dispensing fee's, we suggest drawing out your funds before you get to the festival site.

As the sun retires for the day and the darkness creeps in, the festival campsite typically transforms into a much more challenging environment. Full of obstacles and trip hazards, it's a scene similar to that of a Mission Impossible film cue soundtrack. A throng of multicoloured yet highly invisible guidelines obstruct all paths from your tent to any given destination. Throw in some rogue camping chairs, empty cans and maybe even a sleeping drunkard and your mission, whether you choose to accept or not, is one that requires great skill.

In these testing situations, a torch will prove invaluable, not only when navigating the festival campsite but when trying to identify your tent in a sea of similar looking tents. This will make finding your tent a much easier task. Again we speak from experience here - remember to take an old or spare mobile phone with you instead of your plush, fancy new gadget, because it'll probably end up in a less than perfect state come the end of the festival.

This covers all manner of bases. Condoms are a must for any festival romances, in addition to the wet wipes we mentioned earlier that are also essential in this instance you filthy animals , whilst sun cream is important on the off chance that it isn't pouring down for the majority of your weekend. We also recommend earplugs , if you're hoping to leave the event with your eardrums still intact that is.

This applies to both adults and children, so don't leave yourself short. Many festivals, such as Creamfields and Leeds and Reading Festival , now also offer lockers and cloakrooms where you can protect and store your belongings safely for the entirety of the events duration. These facilities are available to rent on a first come, first served basis.

Two varying terms for this word: the first being the obvious. If you do find some time to pull whilst you are there then be sensible and remember the condoms before you invite your new found friend back to your sleeping bag. Not the most gracious of devices we'll agree, but a quick fix to an awful predicament you're bound to find yourself in, at a festival. So bag it up and take it to what will be a clearly marked and signposted, designated area for rubbish.

You do not want to be contracting a case of sun stroke on the first day of the festival, so slap that lotion on. Don't be shy.

A hat can be crucial in the fight against taming wild and unruly hair, whilst shades can cover up those tired, bloodshot eyes. The ones that say I've been raving since I got here and I can't find my tent. Check out the guy above, entertaining himself by the looks of things at Latitude Festival. Stylish and sensible. We approve. If manning up for the showers isn't an option, if there's even showers available that is, then the least you can do is brush your teeth.

All festivals are bound by law to provide fresh and clean drinking water points on campsites, so you have no excuse not too.

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