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What scales should i learn to shred - pru

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They involve a series of hammer-ons and pull-offs performed as hard and fast as you can maintain for 15 seconds at a time. If done correctly, you will really feel this exercise in your fretting hand, wrist and forearm. Once again, it is advisable stretch your hands, wrists and arms before beginning these exercises.

Take your first index finger on your fretting hand and hold it at the fifth fret on the third string. Then hammer on your second middle finger one fret up as hard as you can at the sixth fret on the third string and immediately pull it off as hard as you can.

Do this over and over for 15 seconds. After 15 seconds, without stopping, perform similar hammer-ons and pull-offs with your third ring finger one fret up at the seventh fret for 15 seconds.

Without stopping, follow this with a similar second set of hammer-ons and pull-offs using your fourth pinky finger at the eighth fret. Throughout these sets of exercises, your first finger should be held at the fifth fret on the third string.

Without stopping, place and hold your second finger down at the sixth fret on the third string and hammer on and pull off your third finger one fret up at the seventh fret for 15 seconds. Then, without stopping, follow this with a similar 15 seconds of hammer-ons and pull-offs of your fourth finger at the eighth fret. Throughout these sets of exercises, your second finger should be held at the sixth fret on the third string. Perhaps we crack open a few tabs and lift a couple lines of music.

When we practice effectively, we set an intention, a goal or accomplishment to reach, and a method for reaching it. Pro Tip: If you want to start practicing more effectively right now, get yourself a practice journal!

It can be disorientating for guitarists to understand which scales work with which keys. With this in mind, we created a cheat-sheet; a key and scale-finder that you can use again and again. As we repeat the process of playing a line of music over and over, our brain begins to better understand the inner workings of that line of music.

These guitar shredding exercises are meant to be practiced repeatedly in order to help you build confidence and momentum in your guitar playing. Pro Tip: What you should take notice of with this guy is the direction he takes his playing. All of the musical lines he plays lead to a point, or a transition to another musical line.

The fastest guitar shredders in the world all possess an amazing sense of precision and accuracy in their playing. We cannot stress enough that in order to master these guitar shredding exercises, you need to start slowly and build up speed.

Pro Tip: A great practice regimen that we love is starting out with a metronome set to 80bpm. Play any line of music of your choosing at this speed, and focus on playing evenly. If you find this speed is too fast for you, reduce it by 5BPM and start working your way into that tempo.

To make a stupid example, we could arrange the notes in the following way:. But, as you can see… that is not a very helpful way to layout the scale. We would start to create something useful. Now, this is a lot more useful than our first attempt, and creates several very nice benefits for our guitar playing. Three note per string scales are the only way of arranging 7 note scales that give you a beautiful consistency with your pick direction. Look at the following tab for the above three note per string major scale, with the pick strokes added:.

The major benefit of this scale, is that as the pick moves in the direction of the string change. We get the same effect on the descending section of the scale:. Again, we can see that the pick stroke starts naturally in the direction that the pick is moving in. This consistency of pick direction, or economy of motion, is why shredders love 3 note per string scales, as it allows you to, with practice, generate massive speed for playing your scale.

Last edited: Dec 22, Tim Bowen said:. Megatron Member. Messages 1, For a lot of my students who have interest in various rock styles, aside from arpeggios, I'd recommend 5 pentatonic boxes as well as the blues boxes 5 major scale shapes and 7 -3 note per string scales there's lots of other things you could add, in time, but these will serve you well.

Plus you'll see where all you other licks and solos you've already learned were generated. And Practice these in all keys. Guitar keys, but eventually all keys.

Megatron said:. Guitar keys just means some of the keys that come up more often than others in some guitar driven music. For now, I wouldn't get to worried about major or minor or even modes. Not saying it isn't important. Guitar players can get really stuck on stuff like that. Learn the scale shapes. Drill them daily. Try to play things in all keys. And rather than Major or minor or even modes-try to see how everything relates.

Often times a scale or shape could be either major or minor depending on the harmony chords moving underneath them. CharAznable Silver Supporting Member. Messages 17, Tampitump said:. What do you mean by "guitar keys"? Are major scales more important than minor?

I thought this style was mostly minor. That's confusing to me. Messages 4, You might want to study some jazz instructional material to get a better handle on harmony, chord and scale construction, etc. Even if you don't want to play jazz, the Aeolian, Dorian and Mixolydian modes will get you far in styles from blues to metal.

So will learning how to construct and play arpeggios and find scalar notes based on neck and chord position CAGED, etc. Premier Guitar magazine has a ton of lessons online covering scale and arpeggio concepts for everything from jazz to shred. Messages 23, There are no special scales for this style.

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