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What makes a novel publishable - kte

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The editor will deconstruct your novel and analyse it — so you know where it fails and why, how to improve it, and where and how it succeeds. If you already have a noteworthy presence in a group thousands of readers on your blog about Victorian science-fiction for example then you already have a potential readership for your book. Reach out to your group and pitch your idea to them. Test the response to your writing through your blog.

You are basically tailoring a book to a specific, pre-determined readership, so you know there is a market. Then you just have to make sure the book is well-written. If your blog attracts lots of readers, then this indicates you know how to string a sentence together pretty well. Knowing your book is good enough to publish gives you confidence when it comes to selling it, which makes the whole process of publishing that much easier.

A good book with a decent potential readership is much more likely to encourage recommendations and gather good reviews, and the better your sales will be. Editorial considerations, creative revelations and the occasional existential lamentation — sharing my experiences and personal recommendations exclusively with you. I will never share or sell your email address. You can unsubscribe at any time.

A publishable book is: written coherently something that other people want to read Without those two elements, your book is doomed to fail.

Instead, try these methods: Try to get your book traditionally published — even if you want to self-publish This may sound like madness if you are adamant about self-publishing, but hear me out. Afraid to read for fear your writing will be adversely affected? Some writers make that excuse for not reading. This mindset can sabotage new writers.

Give me a break. Step 2: Write for the market. Editors and agents want you to be aware of the market and to write for it. Senior editor Jennifer Brehl of Avon Books agrees.

How do you write for the market? Read Publishers Weekly. Read magazines on the genre you are interested in. Study the markets so you know what is happening. Later, you can rely on your agent to keep track of markets and trends, but beginning writers really have to know what the business is doing.

They make their living finding good, commercial writing they can sell. Reading is the best way to study a market. Watch what is selling, who the authors are, and read those books.

And keep trying. Step 3: Write for yourself. Writing for the market and writing for yourself can co-exist. Market-savvy writers understand the fine line here and know how to blend both elements. When the writing process is shaped externally, the result is always an obvious knockoff, an ersatz Rolex made in Hong Kong, and I can spot it.

Write what you love to read. Yes, Stephen King and Dean Koontz have had the horror market sewn up for years. The same holds for other genres, too. But these new writers were not lovers of the genre—in fact, they had done little reading in that arena. Writing romance requires a great depth of skill. In fact, nothing is easy or easier to write. Choose your genre based on what you like.

Says Anne Savarese, former editor at St. But often writers worry too much about tailor-making their work to what they think publishers want. If you have a novel in mind, you should write that novel as best you can. Write only the kind of books you love to read and never deviate from that. Find your niche and stay in it, and believe in yourself. Step 4: Learn how to write. You might have been an avid reader all your life and feel more than ready. And yes, reading other writers does help with your own writing.

But before students are even allowed in a hospital room or an operating theater, they must sit in lecture halls, read and absorb countless textbooks, and study, study, study. Can you imagine a med student on his first day being shown an operating table with a tray of instruments next to it—and being told to begin a surgical procedure on his own?

But the point is that learning how to write is not something that happens in a day, or in a vacuum. Yes, being an avid reader is an important part of the process, but it is an ongoing process—and there are other elements to consider as well. There are books on grammar, too. Of course, an agent or editor might overlook the glaring mistakes. Why lessen your chances? Step 5: Polish your product. Many new writers are so excited about the prospect of seeing their name in print that they rush too quickly to get their material out there.

Yes, it is cause for celebration. Many people will tell you they have a great book in them. But only a small percentage actually sit down and write that book. Or is it really finished?

Your product might not be ready for the marketplace. In the rush to publication, many new writers inadvertently defeat their efforts for success. They send out their first draft instead of their tenth. They send out sloppily prepared manuscripts.

They send out novels with grammatical errors and typos. They send out novels with technical errors, point—of-view problems, plotting mistakes, characterization inconsistencies, and loose ends galore. In the afternoon I put it back again. Self-editing is an important part of the polishing process. Writers learn a lot when they go over their material. I think you can get better if you keep working at it. Agent Elizabeth Wales agrees. These five steps to a salable product really do work—if you follow the steps.

Look back on our earlier example of the doctor learning his profession. Considering the investment of both time and money a doctor has to make to pursue a medical career, writers have it easy. A few how-to books, market guides, a well-chosen conference or two a year, and perhaps a manuscript critique, all add up to a small amount of money, comparatively speaking, and it is money well spent. Related Articles. Part 1. Choose a genre to write in. There are many different genres in publishing, from literary fiction to mystery to romance to thriller.

Choose a genre to write in so you can target a specific audience. Having a target audience can make your novel more appealing to publishers, especially if you choose a genre that is popular with readers. Genres like romance and mystery, for example, are popular with a large number of readers and are often read very fast. This means that publishers tend to accept more novels written in the romance or mystery genre to keep up with demand.

Create a unique story idea. To do this, you should strive to create a story idea that is unique and not like other novels that have already been published in the past.

Go for a unique idea that will catch the eye of publishers and the reading public. You may want to go on a tour of your local bookstore and look at the books that have been published in the genre you are writing in. You may flip through the first few pages of the books and read the synopsis on the back cover to get a sense of what is being published and what is being read. You should then think about how you can create a story idea that is different from what has already been published.

Maybe you add a unique twist to a common story idea, such as a thriller story about a serial killer who is a computer, rather than your run of the mill loner type killer. You may add in details from your personal life, for example, to create a romance novel that is about the pitfalls of finding love, rather than the more familiar images of fulfilling love in the romance genre.

Come up with a compelling main character. Your novel can also stand out by having a main character that is compelling and memorable. Give your main character unique traits or specific quirks that make them come alive on the page and feel different from characters that have been written before. You may also have supporting characters who are also strange and unique in your novel. This can make your novel feel distinct from what has already been published. You may include teenaged characters that identify as queer, for example, or characters that are biracial in your novel.

This can make your characters more unique and compelling to readers. It also allows you to appeal to readers who have never seen themselves represented in a genre of writing before.

Approach plot in an interesting way. Make your novel feel distinct by approaching plot in a non-traditional way. Though you can still use a plot outline to help you plan out your novel, you may play around with the standard idea of plot. This can help your novel stand out and allow you to expand your creativity as a writer. Rather than have the events in your novel appear in chronological order, for example, you may go back and forth in time.

This can make your novel feel experimental and unique, especially if you are writing in a popular genre. Part 2. Set up a writing schedule. Writing a novel takes discipline and focus. You will be more likely to complete your masterpiece if you follow a writing schedule, where you write a certain number of words or pages a day.

You may also choose a certain time of day to write and commit to writing during this time every day for weeks, months, or years, depending on how long it takes to finish the novel. Or you may create a writing schedule where you write 10 pages of your novel when you get home after work, before dinnertime. Make sure there is a central conflict. Regardless of which genre you decide to write in, your novel should have some kind of central conflict.

Having a central conflict will ensure your novel is engaging for publishers and readers. The central conflict should involve the main character of the novel in some way and it should make their life difficult or tricky. The central conflict should also propel the action of the novel forward. The murder could then be the central conflict of the novel that causes the main character to get involved in the case.

The main character will then need to deal with the central conflict throughout the novel. Use a strong narrative voice. A strong novel will have a strong narrative voice. The narrative voice of your novel could be the first person narrator who is also the main character in your story.

Or you may use a third person narrator who comments on the action of the story. Having a strong, distinct narrative voice in your novel will make it stand out to publishers and be more attractive to potential readers. Your narrator may then watch the action from above as a ghost and follow around the main character, a detective trying to solve the case. This is a unique approach to narrative voice that could help your novel stand out from other mystery stories.

Avoid cliche. A novel riddled with cliche will likely not grab the attention of publishers or readers.

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