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What kind of government do liberals want - ozp

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To know what liberals want, go to their publications. Most progressive politicians will never admit they are liberal or say what their true feelings are. They know most Americans would be appalled, but in their writing liberals are becoming audacious. No magazine, print or online, epitomizes the cancer that is infecting this nation better than Salon Magazine. Unlike so many liberal politicians and their adherents, Salon says what so many are just thinking but reluctant to say. With Salon Magazine, we have a glimpse into what kind of country modern Democrats like Hillary Clinton want and how they view the world.

Let me give you some sample Salon articles:. Another good illustration of what liberals want can be found in the homosexual movement, an important tool for destroying the culture. Some very disturbing demands were revealed but temporarily abandoned by the gay movement when they proved, at the time, to be politically unachievable. Federal encouragement and support for sex education courses, prepared and taught by gay women and men, presenting homosexuality as a valid, healthy alternative.

Repeal of all legislative provisions that restrict the sex or number of persons entering into a marriage unit. Repeal all laws prohibiting solicitation for private voluntary sexual liaisons and laws prohibiting prostituiton, both male and female.

For decades, liberals preached tolerance and love, but have given us, instead, bias and hate. Gordon College, a small Christian school, bans all sexual relationships outside of marriage, gay or straight its structures against homosexual acts apply only to behavior not desire. Because of this, Gordon College is in danger of losing their accreditation, a death sentence to any college.

The gay movement has since achieved government support, passage of hate-crime laws in all 50 states even though they are unconstitutional, passage of laws that make homophobic speech illegal unconstitutional , permeate every level of government with gay-friendly officials to codify the gay agenda, portray homosexuals as victims, legalize gay marriage to wreck the traditional institution of marriage, attack the Bible and churches, invent new translations of the Bible making it appear to approve of homosexuality.

Liberals must achieve two final things that are vital to complete the control of American society: Destroy the Judeo-Christian culture and repeal of the 2nd Amendment. The destruction of our Judeo-Christian culture is well underway and should be complete in our lifetime. Fifty years of secondary school and college indoctrination have left an indelible mark on our culture.

The repeal of the 2nd Amendment will prove to be more problematic. An armed citizenry would be unworkable to any Marxist regime. An attempt at gun confiscation would be a dangerous proposition for both sides. Liberals will probably have to attack either the manufacturers or what makes guns work, ammunition.

Eliminating ammunition will turn all guns into museum curiosities. What liberals want should be no mystery—control over every aspect of our lives, health care, what you eat, what you think, where you live, where you go to school, what you drive, even who lives and who dies.

Tolerance will go in one direction, theirs. They will stop at nothing to destroy our freedoms and what our founders have built. Liberal Support the use of embryonic stem cells for research. It is necessary and ethical for the government to fund embryonic stem cell research, which will assist scientists in finding treatments and cures for diseases.

An embryo is not a human. The tiny blastocyst embryos used in embryonic stem cell research has no human features. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to cure chronic and degenerative diseases which current medicine has been unable to effectively treat. Embryonic stem cells have been shown to be effective in treating heart damage in mice. Conservative Support the use of adult and umbilical cord stem cells only for research.

It is morally and ethically wrong for the government to fund embryonic stem cell research. Human life begins at conception. The extraction of stem cells from an embryo requires its destruction. In other words, it requires that a human life be killed. Adult stem cells are derived from umbilical cords, placentas, amniotic fluid, various tissues and organ systems like skin and the liver, and even fat obtained from liposuction. Embryonic stem cells have not been successfully used to help cure disease.

Liberal Oil is a depleting resource. Other sources of energy must be explored. The government must produce a national plan for all energy resources and subsidize partially pay for alternative energy research and production. Support increased exploration of alternative energy sources such as wind and solar power. Support government control of gas and electric industries. Conservative Oil, gas and coal are all good sources of energy and are abundant in the U. Oil drilling should be increased both on land and at sea.

Increased domestic production creates lower prices and less dependence on other countries for oil. Support increased production of nuclear energy. Wind and solar sources will never provide plentiful, affordable sources of power. Support private ownership of gas and electric industries. Liberal Euthanasia should be legalized. A person has a right to die with dignity, by his own choice. A terminally ill person should have the right to choose to end pain and suffering.

It is wrong for the government to take away the means for a terminally ill person to hasten his death. It is wrong to force a person to go through so much pain and suffering. Legalizing euthanasia would not lead to doctor-assisted suicides of non-critical patients. Permitting euthanasia would reduce health care costs, which would then make funds available for those who could truly benefit from medical care. Conservative Neither euthanasia nor physician-assisted suicide should be legalized.

It is immoral and unethical to deliberately end the life of a terminally ill person euthanasia , or enable another person to end their own life assisted suicide. The goal should be compassionate care and easing the suffering of terminally ill people.

Legalizing euthanasia could lead to doctor-assisted suicides of non-critical patients. If euthanasia were legalized, insurance companies could pressure doctors to withhold life-saving treatment for dying patients.

Many religions prohibit suicide and euthanasia. These practices devalue human life. Liberal Global warming is caused by an increased production of carbon dioxide through the burning of fossil fuels coal, oil and natural gas.

The U. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions in the U. Many reputable scientists support this theory. Conservative Change in global temperature is natural over long periods of time. Proposed laws to reduce carbon emissions will do nothing to help the environment and will cause significant price increases for all.

Liberal The Second Amendment does not give citizens the right to keep and bear arms, but only allows for the state to keep a militia National Guard. Individuals do not need guns for protection; it is the role of local and federal government to protect the people through law enforcement agencies and the military.

Additional gun control laws are necessary to stop gun violence and limit the ability of criminals to obtain guns. More guns mean more violence. Conservative The Second Amendment gives citizens the right to keep and bear arms. Individuals have the right to defend themselves. There are too many gun control laws — additional laws will not lower gun crime rates. What is needed is enforcement of current laws. Gun control laws do not prevent criminals from obtaining guns.

More guns in the hands of law-abiding citizens mean less crime. Liberal Support free or low-cost government controlled health care. Every American has a right to affordable health care. The government should provide equal health care benefits for all, regardless of their ability to pay. Conservative Support competitive, free market health care system. All Americans have access to health care.

The debate is about who should pay for it. Free and low-cost government-run programs socialized medicine result in higher costs and everyone receiving the same poor-quality health care. Health care should remain privatized. The problem of uninsured individuals should be addressed and solved within the free market healthcare system — the government should not control healthcare. Liberal Airport security — Passenger profiling is wrong, period.

Selection of passengers for extra security screening should be random. Using other criteria such as ethnicity is discriminatory and offensive to Arabs and Muslims, who are generally innocent and law-abiding. Conservative Airport security — Choosing passengers randomly for extra security searches is not effective. Rather, profiling and intelligence data should be used to single out passengers for extra screening.

Those who do not meet the criteria for suspicion should not be subjected to intense screening. The terrorists currently posing a threat to the U. Liberal policies are based on the highest principles of humankind and bedrock American values.

So what are the core principles that make progressivism the best course for America? What do liberals believe? It is probably true, as conservatives claim, that liberals are more open to government involvement in society. But why is that so?

If America is to continue on its path of greatness, if it is to continue making a better life for its people, our nation must not be afraid of new ideas. Liberalism is the best course for America. Liberals believe in progress.

Liberals are open to new ideas. We are forward-thinkers who are not afraid of social experimentation or new ways of doing things. Liberals believe we have a moral duty as human beings to make our nation and the world a better place. The only way that can be accomplished is by progress. As a result, liberals believe in taking an active role in shaping society.

We tend to be early adopters of new ideas.

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