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What is ionized radiation - ynr

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It would certainly simplify matters if biological effects of radiation were directly proportional to the absorbed dose. Unfortunately, biological effects depend also on the way in which the absorbed dose is distributed along the path of the radiation.

Studies have shown that alpha and neutron radiation cause greater biological damage for a given energy deposition per kg of tissue than gamma radiation does. It was discovered, biological effects of any radiation increases with the linear energy transfer LET. In short, the biological damage from high-LET radiation alpha particles , protons or neutrons is much greater than that from low-LET radiation gamma rays.

This is because the living tissue can more easily repair damage from radiation that is spread over a large area than that which is concentrated in a small area. Of course, at very high levels of exposure gamma rays can still cause a great deal of damage to tissues.

Because more biological damage is caused for the same physical dose i. This fact that radiations of different types and energies give different biological effects for the same absorbed dose is described in terms of factors known as the relative biological effectiveness RBE and the radiation weighting factor wR. The radiation weighting factor is a dimensionless factor used to determine the equivalent dose from the absorbed dose averaged over a tissue or organ and is based on the type of radiation absorbed.

The resulting weighted dose was designated as the organ- or tissue equivalent dose:. An equivalent dose of one Sievert represents that quantity of radiation dose that is equivalent, in terms of specified biological damage , to one gray of X-rays or gamma rays.

Equivalent dose is a non-physical quantity w R is derived from biological consequences of ionizing radiation widely used in dosimetry measured by dosimeters. Ionization energy , also called ionization potential , is the energy necessary to remove an electron from the neutral atom. A nitrogen atom, for example, requires the following ionization energy to remove the outermost electron. The ionization energy associated with removal of the first electron is most commonly used.

The n th ionization energy refers to the amount of energy required to remove an electron from the species with a charge of n There is an ionization energy for each successive electron removed. The electrons that circle the nucleus move in fairly well-defined orbits. Some of these electrons are more tightly bound in the atom than others.

For example, only 7. Helps to understand reactivity of elements especially metals, which lose electrons. In general, the ionization energy increases moving up a group and moving left to right across a period. We hope, this article, Ionizing Radiation , helps you.

If so, give us a like in the sidebar. Main purpose of this website is to help the public to learn some interesting and important information about radiation and dosimeters. What can I do to reduce or eliminate exposure?

Exposure to ionizing radiation is well regulated in most US workplaces. Guidelines are in place for pregnant workers and should be followed closely.

A radiation protection expert can give you guidance about radiation in your specific workplace, and what the regulations are. Aircrew are exposed to ionizing radiation at levels which may be of concern during pregnancy. Additional Resources Guidelines on radiation exposure for pregnant workers external icon Learn more about how radiation affect pregnancy external icon Fact sheet from the Health Physics Society on radiation and pregnancy pdf icon external icon. Links with this icon indicate that you are leaving the CDC website.

Some beta-emitting radioisotopes, such as iodine , are administered internally to patients to diagnose and treat disease. Gamma and x-ray radiation consists of packets of energy known as photons. Photons have no mass or charge, and they travel in straight lines. The visible light seen by our eyes is also made up of photons, but at lower energies.

The energy of a gamma ray is typically greater than kiloelectron volts keV--"k" is the abbreviation for kilo , a prefix that multiplies a basic unit by 1, per photon, more than , times the energy of visible light 0. If alpha particles are visualized as bowling balls and beta particles as golf balls, photons of gamma and x-radiation are like weightless bullets moving at the speed of light. Photons are classified according to their origin. Gamma rays originate from events within an atomic nucleus; their energy and rate of production depend on the radioactive decay process of the radionuclide that is their source.

X rays are photons that usually originate from energy transitions of the electrons of an atom. These can be artificially generated by bombarding appropriate atoms with high-energy electrons, as in the classic x-ray tube. Because x rays are produced artificially by a stream of electrons, their rate of output and energy can be controlled by adjusting the energy and amount of the electrons themselves.

Both x rays and gamma rays can penetrate deeply into the human body. How deeply they penetrate depends on their energy; higher energy results in deeper penetration into the body. A 1 MeV "M" is the abbreviation for mega , a prefix that multiplies a basic unit by 1,, gamma ray, with an energy 2,, times that of visible light, can pass completely through the body, creating tens of thousands of ions as it does.

A final form of radiation of concern is neutron radiation. Neutrons, along with protons, are one of the components of the atomic nucleus. On This Page. What is ionizing radiation? How much ionizing radiation am I exposed to? What is the risk from exposure to ionizing radiation? More information. We are exposed to low levels of ionizing radiation every day. Ionizing radiation can fall into two categories: natural and manmade Ionizing Radiation from Natural Sources Ionizing radiation that comes from natural sources is typically at low levels.

For more information on possible health effects from radiation and radiation dose, click here These low levels of exposure vary with location, altitude and type of building materials used in home construction. In nature, sources of ionizing radiation include: Radiation from space cosmic and solar radiation Radiation from the earth terrestrial radiation Radon Radiation from building materials Ionizing Radiation from Manmade Sources Every day, we use Ionizing radiation to help us live healthy lives.

Natural Sources Natural sources of ionizing radiation usually release ionizing radiation at low levels, which also means the amounts of radiation absorbed by our bodies doses is usually small. For more information on radon, click here Manmade Sources Medical diagnostic exams are the main manmade source of ionizing radiation exposure in the U.

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