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What does inhale love exhale hate - yjz

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His mercy rains upon us, i learned in my discipleship class "Love Sacrifices and Lust takes. That's love. No matter what you do, even if you feel you have made the most amount of mistakes in the world, we are forgiven. Our God is a God of second chances. If you ask for forgiveness you are forgiven. It's as simple as that.

God loved you before you were born, he knew what your name would be, what color hair you would have, even how many eyelashes you have because he is passionate about loving us, about being there for us, and about knowing everything about us, so remember you are never alone, and remember that you are ALWAYS loved.

Inhale His Love Exhale their Hate. Yes it was not a perfect proposal I must say. There were no captured photos and video of the actual proposal itself. No, your beauty should come from inside you — the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. God will indeed send people who will truly pray for you. Thank you to my Three Household Sisters Generation for sharing your lives with me and for lifting our prayers together to One Almighty. Skip to content November 10, November 10, graxieblog Leave a comment.

We would like to share our official photos during our big day.. S Thought of sharing this.. April 20, April 20, graxieblog Leave a comment. Pre-nuptial shoot is a great way to create everlasting memories.

We would like to share our official engagement shoot and story. We actually booked to Timeless elegance Abu Dhabi eight months ago from our engagement shoot date. We personally opted a team Photo and video located within the vicinity of Abu Dhabi, for this is the place where we met Chad and me and our love story began.

I must say that Timeless elegance team did a very great job for us! They were very professional and have brilliant creative minds. We are still in awe how lovely the outcome of the photos are.

We will be forever grateful to your team for you just not captured moments and pictures of us, but you indeed told a story of a two humbled hearts loving and uniting soon as one through your photographs.

Thank you Sir brian and Anton! More power to your team! So here it is our official pre-nup photos, In every picture tells a story and every love story is beautiful but ours is my favorite. May we always be reminded and inspired that no matter how long it will take, Love will always find our way in his most perfect time and it will be worth it! September 29, graxieblog Leave a comment.

April 18, graxieblog Leave a comment. March 29, March 31, graxieblog 1 Comment. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth.

It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.. It's kind of irritating. I want to feel like he's talking to me and hanging out with me because he wants to, not because I've been sticking around. And right now I feel like it's the latter. I don't want to feel like a second choice, like "she'll do I guess..

Or at least address the situation. I know what I deserve and even though I know we aren't together, I do think I deserve a little more than what I'm getting. I mean if he likes me and really means that, then he would really want to see me and hang out with me. Not just blow me off when I tell him I'm home.

I think the next time he calls me, I'm not going to answer. Make him sweat a little bit. Let him see how it feels when I call him and he doesn't answer and doesn't call me back. I'm going to stop doing that if he never answers or calls back. So I don't understand why he always tells me to call him.

I always say, "yeah, okay I know him all too well. He has ass-hole tendencies. I just refuse to sit around and wait for him. I do have a life besides him. I do want to make time to see him, but I can't do that if he never talks to me or hangs out with me.

I would think he would want to see me since I don't live here and can't just see him any time I want to. I just almost get the whole "he's just not that into you" vibe from him a lot of the times. He's so back and forth that I swear I could get whiplash! I just don't know what I should do. I guess the best and easiest thing would be to just say something. Communication is the best after all. We'll see how it all plays out. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions, but I don't think so Thursday, February 16, Valentine's Day and the Aftermath.

So - I do realize that this is a couple of days late, but I've been pretty busy with school and haven't had time to really sit down and write this out.

I saw and thought about several things on Valentine's Day that really struck something inside of me and I knew that I needed to let it out. First of all, Valentine's day is a great holiday. You don't need to have a boyfriend or girlfriend to celebrate love. There are different types of love that should be celebrate just as equally. True, as a single girl I did find myself wanting someone to send me flowers or wanting to have someone special I could share it with.

But I didn't let myself get too depressed about it because it's really not that big of a deal. The thing that DID irk me however was the fact that I saw several people I know, who have boyfriends, complain about not being able to see or spend time with them for Valentine's day. At least you HAVE someone. Even though you might miss them, at least you have someone to miss. It just irritated me so much! Yeah I get that it was Valentine's day and the norm is to do something special, but seriously Not just one day out of the year, so don't get butt-hurt because you couldn't see him or spend as much time with him as you wanted.

Life happens. Not everything is going to be perfect, but if they at least sent you a text or called you or plan on making it up to you somehow later on, then why does it even matter??? To be honest, I wasn't expecting anything. And for the most part, I didn't get anything. Which is fine. But in the morning, I did get a text from the guy I'm talking to saying happy valentine's day.

Just the fact that he took the 2 seconds to send me that text, especially on valentines day was enough to make me happy. At least I know that I was on his mind and he cared enough to send me well wishes. Being as busy as both of us are and the fact that we have the whole distance thing against us, I've learned to cherish the small things.

Because in the end, that's what really matters. It makes my week whenever I can talk to him. Sure it may not be much, but at least it's something.

I think people just get too wrapped up in their expectations. The higher your expectations, the greater your disappointment.

And I've learned this all too well. So it just irritates me when people complain about something when in reality, it's not that bad. Life would just be so much better if we just didn't sweat the small stuff. Sunday, January 22, Random Quote. Just saw a random quote and a whole bunch of thoughts and feelings were aroused in me and I just had an urge to write another blog! It was about time anyway I find myself in this exact situation right now.

There's a guy that I've been talking to for awhile now and recently things haven't exactly been perfect. Like the quote, he's made me mad for many different reasons.

Yet, when he calls me yesterday, I pick up the phone without hesitation. And he actually commented on that. He apologized for being such a "dickhead" in his terms and said the fact that I picked up the phone despite how he's been acting towards me just tells him that I'm someone that is worth it.

I even told myself, if he calls me I'm going to ignore it. I wanted to make him miss me, I wanted him to see what his life was life without me. And he did, for like a week. But I guess the good news is that he did actually come to this realization himself. I really wish I could explain why I decided to pick up the phone instead. I think it just goes along with the quote - I really like the guy.

I think more than I've liked anyone before. He's someone who I can truly be myself around, and that's just something that you can't pass up. That isn't something that happens all the time. Especially with someone who doesn't judge you for it, but just likes you more because of it.

I feel like we click, like it's just so effortless and easy to be with him. It's even becoming easier and easier to be myself around his friends and family. And to hear that they really like me on top of that is just so awesome. And it's really scary, but seeing myself with this guy in the future is something that I've thought about several times before. It's something that I can actually see happening.

I know every girl says that about every guy she's been with. But I feel different this time, I feel something in my gut. I feel like this journey isn't done yet and I don't know if it'll ever be finished. It just feels like we are both supposed to be in each other's lives. I like him a lot. And I don't see that changing anytime soon.

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