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What do you mean by openness - ive

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Openness may also refer to a very general philosophical position from which some individuals and organizations operate, often highlighted by a decision-making process recognizing communal management by distributed stakeholders rather than a centralized authority. Sociability Spacing Willingness. The incident on April 15 reminds us all of the greatest asset of the Capitol -- openness and accessibility -- can at times be its greatest liability, discussing classified but extremely sensitive national security capabilities in an open forum could be exploited by potential adversaries.

We should not lose the momentum because there is some kind of openness from the Burundi government. But it seems to be the rebel side that is more concerned about the trajectory at this moment, while the regime camp enjoys momentum, the regime itself never showed much openness for compromise even in its most vulnerable moments, so we can expect its current sense of momentum to further reinforce maximalism as Damascus pushes for a decisive military upper hand.

Most Android devices ship with at least two app stores preinstalled, and consumers are able to install additional app stores, this openness means that even if a developer and Google do not agree on business terms the developer can still distribute on the Android platform. Defense Secretary James Mattis :. China's policy in the South China Sea stands in stark contrast to the openness of our strategy, what our strategy promotes, it calls into question China's broader goals.

China's militarization of artificial features in the South China Sea includes the deployment of anti-ship missiles, surface-to-air missiles, electronic jammers, and more recently, the landing of bomber aircraft at Woody Island. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe. If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly.

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Term » Definition. Word in Definition. Princeton's WordNet 0. Wiktionary 0. Freebase 4. Matched Categories Sociability Spacing Willingness. How to pronounce openness? Alex US English. They approach new things with great caution and prefer consistency. Individuals who are very low on the trait of openness are often seen as being rigid and close-minded. They may find it difficult to cope with changes. Individuals who are low in this trait may pass up opportunities to try new things, including changes that could lead to academic or career advancement.

Rather than move to a new place to go to a different school or make a career change to find a more rewarding job, they may stick with what is routine and familiar. According to one definition:. People who are high in this trait are more likely to seek out new experiences.

They enjoy things that are new, different, and surprising. They are also more likely to pay attention to their feelings and inner experiences. People who are high in openness tend to have many of the following characteristics:.

Openness to experience also tends to be correlated to another psychological trait known as absorption, which involves the ability to become immersed in imagination or fantasy.

This construct may also be linked to hypnotic susceptibility, or the tendency to be hypnotizable. A person's tendency to be either open or closed to experience are likely influenced by both genetics and experience. In psychology, this is often known as the nature or nurture debate. The nature side of the debate argues that certain psychological tendencies are largely caused by heritable factors, while the nurture side of the debate suggests that experience and environmental factors play the most pivotal role.

Openness to experience, like the other four factors of personality, is usually measured using self-report inventories. These questionnaires typically contain a number of statements and people then choose a response that best reflects how much they agree with the statement.

For example, a typical inventory might contain a series of statements similar to the following and respondents then select a response between 1 strongly disagree and 5 strongly agree. If you are curious about how you might rate yourself on this personality trait, this informal quiz can give you a general idea. Examples of statements that you might find related to openness include:.

If you strongly agree with most or all of these statements, then you are likely very open to experience. If you moderately agree with all or some of these statements, you are probably like most people and fall somewhere in the middle of the openness spectrum. If you disagree with all or most of these statements, then you might be lower on openness. The advantage of this type of measurement is that self-reports tend to be very quick and easy to administer.

One potential downside, however, is the tendency respondents sometimes have to answer in ways that are more socially desirable. In other instances, people select answers that reflect how they want to see themselves, rather than choose answers that are more reflective of their true behavior. Openness is often viewed as a positive trait. Open people have a higher level of intrinsic motivation to pursue knowledge for its own sake.

They are curious about the world and want to learn more about how it works. They are also eager to try new things, so they may be better able to adapt and thrive when faced with changes in their environment, situation, or relationships. Because people who are high on this trait seek novelty, they may also be more willing to engage in risky behaviors. Interestingly, however, some studies have linked decreased openness to increased risk for drug use.

Of the five traits described by the big five theory, openness to experience is the only personality factor that research consistently links to creativity. People who are high in openness tend to be more creative in general, are more likely to pursue creative achievements, engage in divergent thinking, and take part in creative hobbies. One study found that openness predicted creative achievement in the arts, where being high in the sub-component of intellect predicted creative successes in the sciences.

Because people with high levels of openness are interested in new things, they are often motivated to learn about new ideas and acquire new knowledge. Research has found that openness to experience is correlated with intelligence as well as what is known as crystallized intelligence.

Openness to experience has also been linked to what is known as the need for cognition. People who have a high need for cognition enjoy doing things like solving puzzles, brainstorming solutions to problems, and analyzing ideas. When listening to an argument, people who are high on cognition tend to focus on aspects of the ideas themselves, where people who are low on this need pay greater attention to things like the likability of the person presenting the argument.

Studies have also found that openness is linked to social and political attitudes. People who are high on openness also tend to be more politically liberal. They are more open and accepting toward people of diverse social, cultural, and religious backgrounds.

Studies have also found that openness is negatively correlated with right-wing authoritarianism and conservative political views. However, while openness is linked to certain social and political attitudes, it is important to remember that the development of such beliefs is far more complex than a singular personality trait.

While the traditional view has long been that personality traits play a role in the formation of later political attitudes, some research suggests that the correlation between the two may be a result of underlying genetic factors.

Such research suggests that other traits including conscientiousness, the need for order, intolerance of ambiguity, the need for closure, and fear of threats also play an important part in shaping overall political views. Openness can also play a role in relationships. Think of the dogs that you have known. Some were more extraverted—more sociable, outgoing, and active—than others.

Some were emotionally stable, whereas others seemed more neurotic. Some dogs are agreeable and friendly, and some are disagreeable, if not downright vicious. However, the personalities of dogs and chimpanzees can be characterized by a sixth trait that reflects how dominant they are. Some dogs and chimps are more dominant, and some are more submissive.

Of course, human beings differ in dominance too, but in humans, dominance seems to be part of extraversion rather than as an independent trait. There are a few final points about the big five. As you think about all of the people you know, they certainly seem to differ far more than you might expect based on only five personality characteristics. As we saw, people can range from very low to very high on each of these characteristics.

We could give every person a score from 1 to 5 on each of the big five traits. If we say we have only five traits, and that each only has five possible levels, from high to low, that alone would result in 3, different combinations of the five traits. If we wanted to classify people into all possible unique combinations of the big five traits, and we were going to use only five levels of each trait to do the classification, we would need over 3, unique categories.

Learn more about how strongly related a particular personality characteristic is to behaviors, emotions, or other characteristics. A highly emotional person who is disagreeable and mean will make his problems your problems and will be a difficult person to deal with. Neuroticism manifests differently depending on whether the person is high or low in agreeableness.

Every time you go out to eat, they get a different dish just to find out. Openness can be developed by finding open individuals and modeling their behavior, keeping communication channels open and clear, making sure information is available, and acknowledging each employee at work.

The factors of the 5-factor model of personality are neuroticism, openness to experience, agreeableness, extraversion and conscientiousness. By Mark Leary, PhD , Duke University The trait of openness involves the degree to which people are generally open or receptive to all sorts of things.

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