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Should i chat my ex on facebook - zzg

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It's one thing to keep a photo of an ex in a shoebox as a reminder of the good times you both shared. But Facebook is like a shoebox that constantly keeps filling with photos, snarky status updates, FarmVille requests, birthday party invites, SuperPokes, and on and on. How can anyone hope to move on from a Super Poke?? Residing in New Jersey enables you to participate in various activities, and everyone has a favorite.

In New Jersey, Halloween is also celebrated in a spooky way. There are many scariest haunted houses in NJ to celebrate Halloween. If you want to confront your greatest fears, Halloween Scariest haunted houses are ideal.

It is simple to obtain on-time car service. Because daily car service NYC gives residents and tourists a quality experience. As a result, getting a car service to New Jersey for travel purposes is simple. Demons, spiders, shadows, limited places, loneliness, and everyone's greatest horror, jokers, can all be found in most houses.

If you have heart conditions or other health complications, they all warn you not to go. However, these are the scariest houses in New Jersey for those brave individuals who like being scared. The Brighton Asylum is an immersive interior scariest house with performers, Cinematic sets, visual effects, and more. It's a commercial building with a storehouse. It sells mainly regular, and combination passes. This location hosts a variety of activities during the year. If you have spare time on Halloween, you must pay a visit to this residence.

In October, the place is loaded most Friday-Sunday nights. You can obtain an on-time car service to New Jersey to view this house. If you are with buddies, you can also visit this house by utilizing a train service in New Jersey. This place also conducts darkness and ghost hunting evenings. You can wear a piece of unique lighted jewelry that will expose you to a comprehensive dramatic haunted experience.

Nightmare on River Road is a horror spot in New Jersey. The missing joker of the inside haunting leads guests through a cornfield walk, hospital, and graveyard, where the past interacts with the current. If you are an adventurer and live in NYC, you must visit this location to remember your Halloween one. It is simple to arrange an on-time car service to New Jersey.

As a result, you may obtain daily car service in NYC. Furthermore, during the Halloween celebration, the train service in New Jersey also offers a terrifying journey. Do you have the stamina to take this all the road until Halloween this year? This terrifying haunted house offers the 2 Floors of Horror, which contains puzzle corridors, spectacular graphics, and real situations with different actors.

Visitors can solve a death case by exploring the residence. You may also visit this ghostly home by taking advantage of the train service in New Jersey. Some who accurately respond will be eligible to win a gift. If you reside in New York City, you may visit this mansion to make your Halloween more memorable. It's simple to get an on-time car service to New Jersey. Because you can get daily car service in NYC. This year, there's a new spooky home titled "The Dark Side of the Hayden House," a tunnel that's entirely black and doesn't allow torches or smartphone lighting.

In New Jersey, there are some terrifying haunted houses for Halloween celebrations. These places have a reputation for being scary. These haunted places are an excellent way to extend your Halloween experiences while traveling with your family and friends.

As a college student, my backpack is an extension of myself in many ways. It contains my notes, pens, and computer vital for my success in college. It contains the snacks and water bottle I need to survive long days on campus. It also contains the "in-case" items that help put my mind at rest if I forgot something from home: extra hair ties, masks, and that backup-backup snack.

With so much in my backpack important to me and my life on campus, it is no wonder that I can get apprehensive about it when it is not with me or in my line of sight. And that makes me wonder. I can be a little cynical of society. It is not so much that I distrust anyone in particular, but I realize that a lot of trouble and hassle can come from one person who just doesn't care about others.

It is not that I think that everyone is going to steal my backpack or its contents, but one person sure could. I did not think about it too much until I found myself leaving my things in the university library while going to the restroom last week.

I hurried along so that I could get back to my things, but in the process, I realized that perhaps I was not as distrustful as I thought I was. Admittedly, one of the reasons I left my things and backpack at a table while using the restroom instead of taking it all with me was laziness. I did not want to have to put everything in my backpack, lug it all to the restroom, only to have to set everything back up a few minutes later.

Yet, I found another reason to leave my things behind: the stranger across the table from me. I never said a word to the man. I don't even think we made eye contact. However, I had been sitting across him for over an hour, so in some strange way, I trusted him. When I got back and everything was just as I left it, I mentally approved of the man who had "watched" my things. Again, I never said anything to him.

I realized later that this strange relationship was reciprocal. When the man left his things on the table later that afternoon to leave the room, I mentally charged myself with the duty to make sure his things were safe. It was almost as if I was saying, "Don't worry, sir. You watched my stuff; I will watch your stuff. The whole thing puzzles me.

Even the thought of "long enough" puzzles me. Would I have trusted the stranger if I had only sat at the same table as him for half an hour? Would I be more inclined to leave my backpack for longer if we had sat in each other's presence for longer?

I don't know. Maybe one day a psychologist or sociologist will answer my questions. In the meantime, I am bewildered by the general distrust I have of society, and yet the unusual trust I have of a stranger. Don't let this stop you from making your car smart. You can change the one you have using smart gadgets that transform your car into a smart car. Cars are no longer just a mode of transport, where you only worry about the engine and how beautiful its interior is. These days, everyone wants to make their cars smarter, those with advanced technology systems.

It makes sense for several reasons. It can make your vehicle more efficient and safer when you need to drive. Also, a smart car allows you to do more things you love doing while traveling. For example, you may want to play your favorite music, use your favorite apps, or even get directions. And just like with anything, the more you can do with it, the more value you get from it. Here are five excellent gadgets that will help you make your car more valuable and efficient.

Dashcams are cameras that you mount on the dashboard of your vehicle, typically looking out through the windshield. It is one of the best ways to keep your car and yourself safe.

You can use it to capture video or take pictures. It can help you monitor your driving habits or those of people who drive your car. You may also use them for recording road safety and other road-related incidents.

If you want accessories, consider the land rover defender accessories And if you want to mount your camera outside your car buy go pro roof rack mounting brackets, You can then rotate your camera so that it takes photos from different angles and directions. They also come with sensors that will detect and notify you of a crash that might happen. It also goes into an emergency protocol to help save your life. Others have speed camera alerts to notify you where speed cameras are on your route.

On the other hand, if you're both single and you're interested no reason why you couldn't put the moves on him :. I'd keep it small though.

I am not a face book person. Don't even have an account. But a few years back, I received an email from a woman I dated 17 years before. It was a short one paragraph email saying hello and hoping all was well with me. After a few back and forth emails with me wondering wtf?

It had not ended well and I think she wanted to have it end better. Maybe she also wanted me to know she was not still the crazed lunatic I thought she was when we broke up. Didn't here from her again after those 3 emails until 3 years later at a reunion of about 20 friends from those days.

It certainly made the reunion easier. I think it would be better to respond in a non committal low key way and see if you cannot find out what he wants if anything. He has already messed up your head by friending you, and if you don't respond you will always wonder.

What is the worst thing that could happen? Maybe you will find out he is not what you thought he would be after all these years pining after him and you can move on.

Maybe it will rekindle your relationship. Maybe he will tell you he made a big mistake. Maybe he will curse you out, but so what? Facebook's business model is about connecting people with information about them, so that information can be sold to marketers. The more connections we have, the more valuable we are to Facebook's customers marketers, not us; we're the product.

Everything it does must be seen through that lens. So Facebook's architects find as many ways as possible to steer us into making those connections. You have friends in common? That's one way. You attended the same school? That's another. You worked at the same company?

There's a third. Always steering you towards making that decision to connect your identity with someone else's, so you become more valuable to the company's bottom line. So maybe he was just manipulated into friending you, because that's what Facebook does.

Or maybe he feels the same way you do, that you're the one who got away. Only one way to know for sure. And it's none of us who has the answer to that one.

Here is my criteria for friending someone on Facebook: if I ran into this person in the supermarket, would I say hi to them? If I would say hi and chat, I'll friend them. If not, I'll click "ignore" or just let the friend request sit so they think I never go on Facebook hi, old boss! This approach has served me well so far. So, that's my angle. My advice to you: if you'd say hi to him in the supermarket not because you're forced to, but because you're all, "hey!

It's [Dude]! If you'd run away or ignore, don't friend him. No biggie either way. There are people from my high school class who I really do not remember who keep trying to friend me because they do a mass import of Class of ' So maybe he did that?

Or maybe he's madly in love with you. No way of knowing without asking. Honestly though, without a message, I'm thinking it's a "hey, you're someone I know" sort of thing.

If I were him, this would probably be the explanation: I'm trying to think of everyone who could reasonably be my "friend" on Facebook. Often you don't need to actively think of the person's name; it'll be automatically suggested on the website because the two of you have a mutual friend.

For me, the question is: was this person even slightly important in my life? An ex-girlfriend is automatically important enough to add on Facebook. Mefites can go ahead and snark about how some people add everyone they know on Facebook!

It's a website based on adding lots of people you know, and both of you are on the website; therefore, he added you. I think you sort of already know this, but you want the excuse to think about the idea of him coming back into your life. I love finding exes on Facebook! I especially when it when they haven't locked down their profile so I can see their wall and photos without having to friend them!

But I do have some exes who are friends, like my high school boyfriend. It's been ahem 20 years since I graduated from high school, and he and I were in touch by phone maybe two or three times after college. But I was delighted to find him there--he's my FB friend, and I've been happy to learn what he's up to and see nice photos of his wife and kids. I posted prom pictures of us and tagged him in them and made all of our friends happy and giggly to see our early 90s looks. We even had lunch this summer when I was in his town for a conference.

Look, he's balding! Look, I'm a lot heavier now! But, yeah, all this, there's nothing to do. As long as I don't have weird leftover feelings for people, I'm totally glad to be in touch with them for Facebook, if I genuinely like them.

Which is to say: I wouldn't read much into this other than he wondered what you were up to. Feel free to 'ignore' the request if you think you'll keep wondering otherwise. This may be missing the question a bit, but my main question is not what does he want, but what do you want?

Do you want "closure" in tics because like Stagewhisper above I don't believe that life works that way , or do you want to ignite a raging bonfire with that torch you're carrying? Or do you want to keep him in limbo in your mind, as he is now? People that have friended me on Facebook include - people I was once at school with when I was 5 - people I have spoken to in a bar for five minutes - people I see once a year at a conference - friends of friends that I never actually met - people I have no connection with and have never met - long ago ex boyfriends Some of them I have friended back, mainly the school people, because it's fascinating to see from their pictures how a bunch of five year olds have turned into adults with spouses and kids.

None of these people ever communicate with me at all; presumably their interest is limited to seeing what I look like these days. Sure, sometimes people go on Facebook adding sprees.

But if the person you're adding was a significant part of your life at one point, that particular add has a little bit of a pause before the click. I would accept the add, just so you can have access to messaging him. Wait a day or two he may message you or write on your wall in that time If nothing, then I would drop him an email.

Something like, "Hi! It was a nice surprise to get your invite. Here's my email address, as I don't use Facebook hardly ever, but didn't want to miss out on the opportunity to say hi after all this time. Hope to chat with you soon! Bye, anon. Underspecify this one though I say this because it sounds like you've thought about him a lot over the last decade and there could be a real cognitive dissonance between your fantasy and his reality.

A lot can change in a decade, good and bad. There could be a million reasons why he friended you, running the whole gamut from absolutely meaningless to hmm, I miss her and wonder if things could ever work out again. You'll never know unless you try to find out. So why not accept the invite and send a quick mail saying 'I'm never on Facebook, but it's nice to hear from you - how are you?

Seriously, you're already thinking about him every day. I don't see what you could possibly have to lose, but you have a lot to gain - at the very least, some sort of closure. It is a bit of a miracle - go with the flow and don't be afraid. Around the time I turned 40, I reached a sort of peace with my past. I'm not sure how or why it happened, but all the bad feelings died and I was just left with good ones.

I still remember all the hurtful things that happened, but they don't hurt any more. When that happened, I went from avoiding my past to enjoying it. Or do we stay Facebook friends with an ex? Yes, we had a history together. But, now, I need to move on. I think it takes about a year of no communication before you can return to any communication. Suzana E. I only keep Facebook friends whom I can genuinely call on as a friend—to meet up, call to help ease my pain or theirs after a breakup, have fun with.

To get back together? I mean, were you ever truly friends with them?

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