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Max brallier can you survive the zombie apocalypse - utd

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Moral dilemmas. Strategic decisions. Will you be a hero? Or will you cover your own ass at all costs? Can you withstand the coming hours, days, weeks, and months? Or will you die amidst the chaos and violence of a zombie uprising? Or, worst of all, will you become one of them? Max lives in New York City with his wife and daughter. Max Brallier gives the pick-your-own-path format a devious and very adult twist. Any use of an author photo must include its respective photo credit Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse?

Tell us what you like and we'll recommend books you'll love. Sign up and get a free ebook! Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse? There are three or four that aren't terrible and don't involve immediate, horrific death. Which is somewhat better than I had expected, to be honest. Apr 03, Autumn Moon rated it really liked it. Can I survive the zombie apocalypse? Well according to the average outcome from my choices while reading this little gem This book is the adult version of all those Choose Your Own Adventure books we read and loved in childhood.

Can You Survive the Zombie Apocalypse is the very definition of a fun read. It's a great way to pass some time while waiting in the doctors office.

Each adventure i Can I survive the zombie apocalypse? Each adventure is fairly quick and if you don't like the outcome, well you can just start over. Now some of the choices presented for your character are a little, shall we say silly and probably not the best thing to do during a Zombie uprising, but on the whole I rather enjoyed this book.

It did provide me with quite a few laugh out loud moments and that is mainly what I look for in reads of this type. Life is serious, zombies aren't Anyway, if like me you devoured those Choose Your Own Adventure books and you love anything zombie related then this book is for you.

I rate it 4 out of 5 braaaaaaaainz. Dec 25, Olivia added it. A choose your own adventure zombie adventure. I loved these so much as a child. Be prepared to die. A lot. Nov 24, Mehsi rated it it was amazing Shelves: warning-english-books , away-laughing-on-a-fast-camel , cover-love , twinkling-stars , don-t-turn-off-the-lights , omg-zombies-got-my-brain. This is quite the original, creative book. You have choices to make now - lots of them. Will you survive the coming hours, days, weeks, and months?

Or worse of all, will you become one of them? The choice is yours. And hey, if you don't make it - you've got no one to blame but yourself. I recently r 4. I recently read another book by Max Brallier, and I wanted to know if he wrote other stuff.

Thus I stumbled upon this book, I was interested, zombies are one of my favourite scary monsters, and I just loved how the cover looked like a paperback from the 70s or 80s. But then I saw something even more awesome than zombies, even better than the cover. I saw this was an choose-your-own-adventure book! I love those! I was curious as to how it would be done, how many bad endings there were, how many good endings, how many endings were we have to fill in the dots ourselves.

But first I started reading it, I followed a route, but bumped into so many choices that I decided to make a chart. So I got my dear boyfriend, and we both started typing down all the possible endings, all the possible routes, and by Lord, it is BIG, HUGE, there are countless of routes, countless of endings. Some routes are really small and are relatively easily reached and some of them don't have too many sideroads , but some take ages to go through before you hit the ending of that route.

The biggest one is the military-based storyline. One I kind of enjoyed, but also kind of didn't. Yeah, I am conflicted. So yeah, I had a chart, and I decided to read it, since I want to reach most of the stories and the endings, and while I could do it blindly, I prefer a chart so I know exactly what line I followed, and which one I didn't.

This book is terrific. Of course the whole You did this, and You did that, took some time to get used to, but after a while you don't even think it is weird or strange and you just get lost in the story. The story about a guy, with a dead-end job, getting lost in the zombie apocalypse. Every choice you make leads to something, death, freedom, or something else.

At times I really liked the guy, at other times I just wanted to shake him around. I know, I picked the choices, but dear Lord, that guy wasn't really the smartest even without me picking the choices. At times I was just laughing my butt off from various situations which were just super hilarious, or silly. Or just because of puns, jokes yes, even in the apocalypse one makes jokes. We meet various people, depending on the choices you make.

I didn't like all the of the characters we meet, but generally we do have some great characters. I especially liked Yakuma, and Chuck. They were fantastic and they really kicked ass. Well, especially Yakuma. Yes, you heard that right.

This book isn't for the kiddies. There is tons of gore, quite a few references to drugs and alcohol, a bit of swearing, and several other things. But this book made me feel a bit sick in the stomach. Guts, intestines, heads being blown off, zombies tucking in a human.

The book also gave me a lot of goosebumps. Even though the main character wasn't one I identify with I am a woman for starters , with the POV we have, we were just smack dab in the middle of all the horrible stuff that happened. It was at times really gruesome, normally you can distance yourself a bit, still feeling sorry for the character of course, but you aren't as close to the action as it was with this book. I still got some routes to finish, some endings to find, but I did most of them.

My favourites would be Yakuma, Chuck and the apartment building story. There was another thing I didn't like, but that didn't have to do with the book, and more to do with my ereader. I still want to mention it though, as this is a review, and I want to mention everything. You could click on the choices, but sadly my ereader hated doing that, often flipping out, it sometimes took quite a few tries before I could get my ereader to understand that I wanted to click a link, and not wanted it to open the menus.

That was quite annoying, as I just wanted to continue the story, find out about stuff, and then my ereader would just be like: NOPE. All in all, this is one book I would really recommend to everyone. Looking for a fun, creepy, scary book? A book in which you can decide what happens to characters, main character? Then this is one you should check out. Jan 07, Peep Pop! Yeah, I don't either. I was like 1 years old when they came out. If I had to guess at what they were, again - I was probably too young to know what they were, I'd say they were books where you starred as the main character and you got to choose what you could do next.

Your outcome could either be good or bad, based upon your decisions. I was surprised that they gave me a choice. Actually, I was quite happy! I got to test drive my zombie survival skills!! You'll be happy to know that I if it follows the path I took in the book will survive. I will survive! At first, I had my husband help me make decisions. Then, after a while and like any good zombie movie , I started to question his decisions really, traffic is gridlocked so he thought it would be a good idea to get a car, just in case.

In case of what???? I met up with someone and he was actually pretty cool. I'm glad that I decided to do the ridiculous. We fought a few zombies but eventually we were able to keep them out long enough for me to take a nap - which is something everyone needs in between zombie fights. After my nap we had a mini showdown and needless to say I made the best decisions because I survived.

Well, me and my buddy! We were rescued. After that I got to thinking. I didn't want to survive. I wanted to be the stupid person in the movie that makes the dumb decisions. I wanted to be the dumb person that mocked someones fears only to get attacked while laughing at them. I wanted to trip while I was running away from a zombie!

You know what? It was harder than I thought! I kept trying and trying but mostly I just prolonged pain. I really did pay for my dumb mistakes but not as fast as I thought I would. I should show my husband this as proof of how impossible it is for me to make stupid decisions.

So all in all a quick fun read Very nice twist on CYOA books. I like the way it started out and how everything was introduced.

The only thing I didn't care for was that in the story I am a he and some of the decisions I had no control over. Oh goodness, does that sound like I'm nagging and that I want to control everything?? Oh well, better than a zombie apocalypse I'd say.

And don't you like how the cover even pays homage to the CYOA books? View 2 comments. Jan 30, Lexie rated it really liked it Shelves: books-owned-read , review-blog-pr. If you're going to stick the word 'Zombie' into a title, and then leave it up to the let's face it, confused and unfortunate masses to save themselves, don't make the endings wimptastic. The basic endings breakdown in this: 30 Bad Ends: meaning you either die or become a zombie 10 Good Ends: You somehow manage to live relatively content 8 Questionable Ends: You survive, possibly, but the future looks bad 1 The End: The 'True' ending to the book This book is gruesome, a little horrifying and almost If you're going to stick the word 'Zombie' into a title, and then leave it up to the let's face it, confused and unfortunate masses to save themselves, don't make the endings wimptastic.

The basic endings breakdown in this: 30 Bad Ends: meaning you either die or become a zombie 10 Good Ends: You somehow manage to live relatively content 8 Questionable Ends: You survive, possibly, but the future looks bad 1 The End: The 'True' ending to the book This book is gruesome, a little horrifying and almost stomach turning.

But if you're reading this to begin with I'm assuming you're not looking for gilded flowery writing. Brallier writes tongue-in-cheek. A few of the questionable endings are him berating you for making the 'stupid' choice leaving the kids to die, telling the hottest girl ever to go away to save yourself.

Personally I think it would make more sense not to trust a situation you have no control over. My sister and I were discussing some of the decisions and consequences Brallier has in his book and were doubted the wisdom more often than not. Interesting things can occur--you have a chance to join the Hell's Angels New York Chapter at one point in fact, but its very easy to let these things suddenly distract you. There is only one path to take to reach the 'true' ending and navigating the treacherous waters of the choices isn't as easy as it may sound.

It took me twenty tries to finally nail down how to puzzle out the path to the end, though it was worth it. If you are serious about finding it I suggest taking notes.

Make a note for each decision you make and the choice you could have made. Sounds like a lot of work, but heck those old Choose Your Own Adventure novels were a lot of work too! Inside jokes abound, especially when our lead character runs into a crowd dressed for the 'Undead Walk'. Their bad luck that their Zombie Walk was pre-empted by the undead. There's several arguments about this or that zombie mythos versus each other. Standard trivia things, but still amusing for a Zombie Enthusiast.

Is this a book for everyone? Heck no. Those with weak stomachs when watching horror films should never touch this book. Kids under the age of 14 should not touch this book.

This does seem like something that would be a fun party game or dinner discussion--pop out the book and then discuss with friends and loved ones whether preemptively killing your friend is a wise choice or will ultimately lead to your death. You're in your mid-forties, with fond memories of the Choose Your Own Adventure books. You especially liked the horror titles you have fond memories of The Mystery of Chimney Rock , so when you discovered that someone had written and published an adult CYOA book, written around a zombie apocalypse, of course you had to buy it.

You figure the author and publisher were counting on it. The thing is, you still want to read a good story.

That's what you liked about the CYOA books to begin with. It wasn't just the conceit of being the star in the story that appealed to you; it was also that they drew you in and made you want to find out what happened next. You find that the choices to make aren't meaningful, and neither is the character you're supposed to be. You remember the original CYOA books having your choices drive the character growth, but here you find that the character is already established: male, mid-twenties, obsessed with sex even in the midst of a collapsing society, and pretty pathetic.

What happens if the reader isn't any of those things? Why can't there be stories like this that feature different characters the reader can choose to better reflect who they are in the real world? Fiction is fantasy, sure, but when you're supposed to be the star of the book, the story should reflect as much of that person as possible. You find the book to be too juvenile for adults.

You think the book was written for males suffering from arrested development. More often that not, the stories play out where the main character isn't much of a hero, since he relies on other people to save him more than he does anything himself. You do have to give credit for the book working well as an e-book. Gone are the days of shuffling pages back and forth looking for the next section to read; instead, you have the luxury of clicking on a link and going straight to your choice.

It's just a shame you couldn't read a good story, too. View 1 comment. Feb 19, Terry rated it really liked it Shelves: gaming , zombies , gamebook. The zombies are getting close! Do you try to reload the rifle or pick up the morning star? Hop in a taxi or run for the subway? The main character is a male year-old New Yorker with a crappy apartment, a crappy job and — frankly — a crappy life. In many ways a zomb Quick! In many ways a zombie apocalypse would be a step up, so when a morning meeting is interrupted with news of a cannibalistic attack on nearby hospital workers his and your mind starts working.

Like a Choose Your Own Adventure, flavor text describing your situation precedes two or three choices: do you stay hidden under the platform or make a run for it? You turn to the page number indicated by your choice and keep reading. In my playthroughs, I never found an instant-kill scenario and was never trapped in one of those loops some gamebooks have.

While Brallier includes the requisite amount of gore needed to properly tell a zombie story, the various paths edge between horror and black humor — providing an interesting amount of variation especially in terms of the other survivors you meet. Instead of flipping to page numbers, the choices are smart-linked and the bookmark function let me jump back to explore alternate paths. Mar 25, Amanda Lyons rated it really liked it. Choose Your Own Adventure books were a pretty fun part of my early reading experience and this was no exception.

What makes a great Choose your own book? A wide variety of endings, possible story lines and great characters to run into along the way. You'll find all of that in Brallier's zombie book making it one of my favorite of this book type.

I don't want to delve too deep into the sort of adventures you're going to have here after all that's probably one of the more appealing aspects of cho Choose Your Own Adventure books were a pretty fun part of my early reading experience and this was no exception.

I don't want to delve too deep into the sort of adventures you're going to have here after all that's probably one of the more appealing aspects of choose your own- all the neat surprises but I will say that you're likely to have a chuckle at some of the outcomes, a kick about others and some great adventure fun with some more. There are plenty of ideas in zombie novels that get repeated and after awhile that can let the monster get run into the ground for horror fans.

In Can You Survive however quite a few original ideas and events occur that I have yet to see in fiction or film, from the slapstick to the surreal there really are a lot of neat ways for things to go down. Brallier also offers quite a few endings. As memory serves most choose your own's had a limit of about 20 endings and some of them got reused by differing plot paths half a dozen times.

Here I can only recall that happening once out of the 50 different endings available. The fact that there's enough variety in these plots that retracing your steps to get the other ending isn't at all tedious makes for a heck of an argument for checking the book out.

After all not even some of the best choose your owns from back in the day could say that by the time you'd gotten through most of the story threads.

Jul 30, Kat rated it really liked it Shelves: udate , zombie. They were amongst some of the most popular books in the library when I was in Primary School So when I stumbled across this book I had to have it. Right now. And thanks to the magical power of Amazon, I could have it almost now.

This isn't really a book I can review in great detail because, well the ending is different depending on the path you choose! The fun with these type of books is every choice you make influences how the story progresses and how far you get in evading zombies, helping the military or meeting a grisly end!

Real hell. Bad shit. Came to earth a while back. Man wants to talk to you about it. You see yourself, fully, for the first time in almost five years. Muscles still there. Muscle tone, lean and cut, could pass for thirty-five. Your face, the bloodshot eyes, the heavy lids, the bags beneath them, the scars—a stranger might ballpark you at sixty. The same two soldiers—one tall and thin, one boxy and angular—come to retrieve you.

Thin One leads you through a mostly dark, mostly cement complex. Place smells like decay. Down two halls, a flight of stairs, and into a dim room. Boxy refers to it as a briefing room, but it looks more like the back hall of a VFW.

One TV, empty cups of coffee, a flag on the wall, plastic folding chairs. A man in uniform stands behind a desk. You squint, still having trouble with the light. Name on his uniform reads Eigle. Thin One and Boxy hesitate. You place your hands on your thighs and wait for them to get out the butter knife and start spreading on the bullshit.

Eigle looks you over. Needly eyes gaze down a sloping, angular nose. His hair is white and thin, his gray mustache is stained with coffee. He steps forward, sticks out a rough hand. Shake it. Out there? Eigle takes a leaning half seat on a flimsy wooden folding table—the type you sat at as a kid at the weekly Methodist fish fry. The table sinks in the middle and creaks as Eigle reaches for the remote from the table and points it at the TV.

He hits a button. Hits it again. Looks at the remote, frustrated, bangs it twice against his palm, takes out the batteries, eyes them like they might provide some clue, slips them back in, then points it at the TV and clicks again.

The TV flashes on. Flashes on to terror, disaster, mass hysteria. Zombies, like the horror comics you read in grade school. Humans, consuming the flesh of other, still-breathing humans. You see New York City, smoking. You see rotting cannibals, stumbling through the streets. In fast-forward, you watch the country crumble and the world fall.

Eigle clicks the remote again and the TV flashes off. Zombie apocalypse. Society in ruins. Probably a few cities still fighting. Roving bands of cannibals, marauders, highwaymen. That about it? I have a mission for you.

The whole deal. Lay it out. You interested? Follow me.

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