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Is it possible to create an emp - kac

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For this EMP you are going to take the circuit board and capacitor out of a disposable camera. Practice safety. You are dealing with high voltage equipment and could get shocked. When removing the capacitor in particular, be cautious. Method 2. Obtain a disposable camera. It doesn't have to be anything fancy, just a cheap point and shoot you can pick up at any convenient store. Make sure the film is all used up before taking apart the camera.

Open the case. Using the flat edge of a screwdriver, carefully pry the camera apart. Be careful not to touch the printed circuit board or any metal parts inside. Slip on a pair of rubber gloves. You'll be dealing with the potential of getting a painful shock if you accidentally touch the flash capacitor, which carries about volts.

Locate the capacitor. It is commonly a black cylindrical item, with two leads coming out of the bottom. Discharge the capacitor. Use an instrument with an insulated end to avoid getting shocked. An insulated tool has a rubber grip that prevents an electric current from shocking you. You should hear a quick pop followed by a small spray of sparks. As you remove the board, continue checking the soldered sealants on the circuit board by the capacitor.

Remove the board and capacitor. After carefully taking apart your disposable camera, remove the board and capacitor. Mark on the battery holder, which side is positive and negative with a marker.

Remove the battery from the device before continuing. Method 3. Prepare your wire. Locate your wire and cut it to the desired length. This wire will connect the switch to the capacitor. Solder the wire. Solder the wire to one of the two terminals of the capacitor. Use a quality soldering gun to avoid a messy circuit board.

Solder a blob of lead free rosin core to the surface. Then heat the wire to the blob with your soldering gun. It should dry shortly to create a firm connection. Attach to the switch. You might need to solder the wire onto the switch, but most switches you buy have screwable ports for wires. Prepare your coil. Wrap a strip of tape around your circular object with the adhesive side facing outward until it overlaps.

Terrorist organizations also have access to EMP devices, but the effect would be more localized and less devastating. The U. Government has taken efforts to protect the electric grid against an EMP threat, including hardening our infrastructure and updating technology.

The recovery time after an EMP would depend on several factors, including the location of the explosion, the type of attack and the altitude at which it occurred.

The severity of damage done to the telecommunications and electric grid would also factor into the recovery time. Depending on the type and the size and scope of the attack, recovery could take anywhere from hours to months or more. Remember, Google will not be able to help after the fact.

Here are some ways to stay ahead of it. Gas stations will eventually run out. Learn how to make biofuels that you can create yourself. The graphic above is only an estimate — and would vary in the real world based on size of the weapon, altitude it was set to explode at, the atmospheric state, magnetosphere state and other variables.

The time to recover from an nuclear EMP could be hours, days, weeks, months or years. Recovery would vary depending on the scope, location, size and type of explosion, and altitude of the EMP attack. The scope of damage to the electrical grid and technology infrastructure nationally would be a big factor in recovery time. If the blast was small enough or far enough away, vehicles may be disabled temporarily but might be able to be restarted. There is no clear, easy way to predict impact, duration and scope of an EMP.

The biggest risk is a multi warhead nuclear EMP attack resulting in multiple atmospheric nuclear bursts. Multiple bursts spread out over the USA would likely cripple if not destroy the entire power grid. A total power grid failure would require months to even years of recovery work. If the power grid fails, water and natural gas also fail soon after the burst. A terrorist group would have trouble successfully setting off a high altitude air burst.

It is more likely they would likely use a ship and float in a nuke to a major port city. The lower altitude greatly restricts the range of the EMP damage. Unfortunately the proximity to the ground would increase local physical damage, gamma radiation and fallout. A dirty bomb would tend to be devastating locally, but would not result in a widespread EMP. The amount of energy created in a nuclear EMP is difficult to calculate.

We can estimate EMP energy based on historical nuclear tests. A nuclear test using a 1. The nuclear detonation caused electrical damage in Hawaii between to miles away.

If the same 1. A modern hydrogen bomb is 3 kilotons all the way up to 1. Aircraft may be impacted, but the metal fuselage would function partially as a Faraday cage. That means aircraft would not necessarily as susceptible, depending on proximity and many other variables. The distance from the detonation, the altitude and the magnetosphere will determine the amount of damage to electronics. Ultimately the area in the blast would very likely see a regional electrical grid failure.

A functional vehicle would not necessarily do you any good if the gas stations can't pump. Cars are more resilient than many other electronics. A car is well grounded because of tires. So the tires isolate the vehicle and the metal frame and panels can protect the electronics to some extent. The tires isolate the power flow. Do not get out. Getting out causes your body to create a ground route a circuit from the power line to the earth through YOU.

This same protection helps you if there is a smaller EMP so all cars and trucks might not fail like in the movies. The older the car or truck the less sensitive it would be to an EMP. A grounding unit fuse on the car battery would help, but will not eliminate the risk. The problem is that a car still has a 12v positive and negative in the battery, an antenna for the radio and wiring.

The electronics in a car or truck would likely survive. A solar flare or Coronal Mass Ejection CME created by the sun through normal activity results in electromagnetic radiation that travels through space. This type of EMP is less damaging to electronics but more damaging to the power grid. Scientists can detect a coronal mass ejection CME and have time to issue a warning. It takes about 5 days for a CME to reach earth. Our magnetosphere protects us from most solar radiation and EMP effects.

Although rare, larger solar flares get through the magnetosphere and impact the earths surface. That is what we are worried about. A very large, extended Solar Flare EMP could destroy some or all of the high voltage backbone transformers, locally or globally. These transformers are critical to the U. Even if only a few hundred of the larger transformers were destroyed it would likely disable the entire interconnected system for weeks, months or even years.

Small electronics could survive a solar flare, cell towers could, some cellphones may survive also. The bigger problem is the power grid damage. An extended Solar EMP is a big problem. In general a large long lived solar flare would be far worse than a single nuclear EMP, damaging or destroying satellites and the power grid. You can get warnings and alerts for known solar flares on your computer or smartphone. Here are some references:. The recovery time for small solar EMP could be days to weeks like in Canada.

The time to recover from a large solar flare EMP could be months to years. The effects of an EMP vary widely depending on the scope, weather, grounding, location, intensity and length of the burst. The largest risk is damage to the electrical grid and technology infrastructure. A major EMP would not directly kill people but the resulting loss of power and communications would result in short and possibly severe long term impacts.

It could also disable or destroy some satellites if the flare was strong enough. Although unlikely, a solar flare could also cause cars and trucks to stop working temporarily or permanently.

The largest recorded CME was the Carrington event. It lasted multiple days and impacted the entire planet. It caused telegraph wires in the United States to burst into flames, starting fires along the telegraph lines. Telegraph machines scorched paper printouts, gave operators electric shocks, and transmitted gibberish. Telegraphs continued working for hours even after being unplugged from the batteries that powered them.

For two days, the light show northern lights and electromagnetic storm continued, then faded. A repeat of this event would be disastrous to our electronics dependent modern environment, impacting part or all of the planet. The scope of a larger flare would be devastating. In there was a small solar flare that caused Toronto to be without power for an entire day. There was also a smaller flare that knocked out power in the entire province of Quebec in The odds of these events are hard to predict, but the likelihood is as high as 1 in 8 for the next 10 years varying with the solar cycle.

You can shield or protect devices by protecting them from the pulse or radiation. These are primarily for a nuclear EMP.

Here are three ways:. Would a power strip protect my device from an EMP? It would protect your device from a power spike from a power spike from the power grid, and help with a small EMP but it would not protect from a larger EMP. It would protect from power spikes, but not direct EMP radiation. Does an EMP permanently destroy electronics? Only if the EMP is large enough, and close enough and the device is not protected.

What is an EMP Gun? A device that creates a short electromagnetic pulse or beam. The best course of action for most people is to focus on events such as a 72 hour power outage.

Short duration trouble is more likely than long term problems. It is possible but quite unlikely that a global event could occur due to: a solar flare, major meteor storm, pandemic, major volcanic activity, war or any number of other catastrophes. We suggest you plan for the far more likely small solar flare, snowstorm, power outage, tornado, earthquake or hurricane.

Prepare for likely short events first. Then if you have the resources and understanding, prepare for the less likely ones like a solar or nuclear EMP. Prepare as you would for a hurricane, tornado, earthquake or other extended natural disaster.

The government recommends we have 72 hours, we recommend 7 days to start, 30 days as a target and your stretch goal of 1 year. A capacitor is generally a double-pronged, cylindrical shaped component found on most circuit boards. Your disposable camera should have a capacitor for its flash. Wearing rubber gloves can save you from getting an electric jolt while handling your camera circuit and flash capacitor.

Expend the charge in your capacitor by engaging the flash after removing the batteries from your camera. Any stored charge in your camera can result in an electrical shock. Find a safe place to test your EMP device. Depending on the materials you have used, the effective range of your EMP shouldn't be more than a few feet in any direction. Be that as it may, any electronics caught in your EMP may be permanently destroyed.

Keep in mind that EMP's indiscriminately influence electronics. This includes life-supporting devices, like pacemakers, and valuables like cellular phones. Any damage you cause to these devices through your EMP could result in legal repercussions.

A grounded platform, like a tree stump or plastic table, is an ideal testing surface for your EMP emitter. Find a suitable test object. Since the electromagnetic pulse field will only affect electronics, you may want to buy an inexpensive electronic device from your local electronics store.

If your electronic device ceases to function after your EMP, you have successfully created an electromagnetic pulse.

Many office supply stores have affordable electronic calculators that you can use to test your EMP. Reinstall your camera battery.

You will need electricity to re-charge your capacitor, which will then provide the current to your electromagnetic coil and create your EMP. Be sure you have placed your test object close to your EMP emitter. Allow your flash capacitor to charge. You can do this by removing the wires from the electromagnetic coil, allowing the current from the battery to feed into the capacitor, and then with a insulated manipulator like rubber gloves or plastic tongs , reattach the wires of your coil to your capacitor.

Using your bare hands could result in a taser-like zap. Activate your flash capacitor. By activating the flash of your camera, you will release the stored electricity in it, which will surge through your electromagnetic coil and create your EMP.

The nature of the EMP field you are creating will affect any electronics, even those that are switched off. If you have chosen a calculator as your test object, after activating your capacitor, if your EMP has worked, the calculator will not turn on. Depending on the kind of flash capacitor you have used, the voltage required to charge your capacitor will be variable.

The approximate capacitance for a disposable camera should be between microfarads, and the voltage will likely be between volts.

Sams, Method 2. The construction of your handheld EMP device will go most smoothly if you have all the tools and components required for construction on hand. You will need: AA battery AA battery holder Copper wire Cardboard Disposable camera with flash Electrical tape Iron core circular shaped preferred Rubber gloves recommended Simple electrical switch Solder and soldering iron Walkie-talkie antenna [9] X Research source.

Remove your camera circuit board. Inside your disposable camera, you will see a main circuit board that controls the functions of your camera. Remove the batteries first, and then remove the circuit board, taking note of the position of the flash capacitor. Capacitors generally look like cylinders attached to the circuit board with two prongs. This will be a necessary component for you EMP device. Wind your copper wire around your iron core.

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