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Mark Margolis Shadow as Shadow. Michael Alldredge Sheffield as Sheffield. Ted Beniades Seidelbaum as Seidelbaum. Brian De Palma. Oliver Stone screenplay by Howard Hawks screenplay uncredited Ben Hecht screenplay uncredited. More like this. Watch options. Storyline Edit. Tony Montana manages to leave Cuba during the Mariel exodus of He finds himself in a Florida refugee camp but his friend Manny has a way out for them: undertake a contract killing and arrangements will be made to get a green card.

He's soon working for drug dealer Frank Lopez and shows his mettle when a deal with Colombian drug dealers goes bad. He also brings a new level of violence to Miami. Tony is protective of his younger sister but his mother knows what he does for a living and disowns him. Tony is impatient and wants it all however, including Frank's empire and his mistress Elvira Hancock. Once at the top however, Tony's outrageous actions make him a target and everything comes crumbling down.

He was Tony Montana. The world will remember him by another name Did you know Edit. Trivia During the scene where Tony and Elvira are sitting in the Cadillac at the car dealership, Al Pacino surreptitiously slips on the hat that Michelle Pfeiffer was wearing while she was looking away, which was not scripted. When she turns back and sees him wearing it, her amused reaction was genuine and to her credit, she stayed in character and ad-libbed a line. Brian De Palma decided to keep that unscripted exchange in the movie to show Elvira's gradual warming up to Montana.

Quotes Tony Montana : You wanna fuck with me? Crazy credits In the opening we see a crawl text with narrator that reads: "In May of , Fidel Castro in an effort to normalize relations with the Carter Administration opened the harbor at Mariel, Cuba with the apparent intention of letting some of his people join their relatives in the United States. Within seventy-two hours, 3, U. In the next few weeks, it became evident that Castro was forcing the boat owners to carry back with them not only their relatives but the dregs of his jail population.

By the time the port was closed , 'Marielitos' had landed in Florida. An estimated 25, had criminal records. This is the story of that minority those they call 'Los Bandidos'. Alternate versions To get a 16 rating in West Germany, most of the violence and profanity were toned down.

Connections Edited into User reviews 1. Top review. The Real Scarface. A classic is also something that everyone praises but no one has read. People and critics and rappers for that matter deem this film 'an epic gangster classic' or 'eptiome of gangster films. It is praised for all the wrong reasons.

Scarface is a terrific film that deserves praise from all over, but not all the praise it gets from audiences today, and therefor the fine points it so poignantly makes are missed by the general public. First off, the film is about a Cuban refugee, with a past of wanting to escape communism grasp and find happiness.

But the layers of De Palma's directing genius, and the great story written by Oliver Stone yes I know, he actually wrote a real good one here play into all of it. The characters are all looking for an escape, as escape is a natural element dealt with in the film by all.

Each character has something to offer, that makes them likable by everyone who could appreciate this film. They are entwined in a world of mystique and money, but all that has a price, as they all learn.

Each character thinks they are getting better chances in life, when in true dramatic irony, they are actually getting worse. All those who praise the film for it's drug usage, it's violence, it's dialog, totally missed the point.

There is nothing really positive about the film besides the characters positive expectations of themselves. And that is why the film works so well. The devastation through out the film serves to deliver the message of the film, not to look cool or attract viewers.

Brian De Palma doesn't make movies for cult gangsters, or brainless action fans. Next on, the film is an adult drama. It is not a 'gangster film'. It has it's share of action, but the action is plotted very carefully, so it has a point.

It's not like "Aliens"- an example of a big dumb action film, and most audiences perceive this film as a big dumb action gangster film about doing drugs and shooting people. If this film is about that, then it is about how bad it is.

Not a promotion of it. This being said, the film is indeed a great film. It has great cinematography that pulls you into the story. It has a very dramatic score in true Giorgio Moroder style , which simply could give you chills, or bring you to tears. The film is rather lengthy, but it is a story, and each moment counts. The acting is terrific. Al Pacino - enough said. Crazy credits "This picture is an indictment of gang rule in America and of the callous indifference of the government to this constantly increasing menace to our safety and our liberty.

Every incident in this picture is the reproduction of an actual occurence, and the purpose of this picture is to demand of the government: "What are you going to do about it? The government is your government.

What are YOU going to do about it? Alternate versions Due to censorship requirements in several states, a second ending was shot after the film was finished, in which Camonte doesn't try an escape, but is sentenced to death and finally executed on the gallows.

This alternate ending was shown only during the original theatrical run in certain states. All prints, home video, and television versions in current circulation use director Howard Hawks' ending, in which Camonte tries to escape and is shot down. The DVD includes the alternate ending as a bonus feature. Soundtracks St.

Louis Blues Written by W. User reviews Review. Top review. Unlike James Cagney and Edward G. Robinson in their career making roles as gangsters, Paul Muni after Scarface was able to avoid being typecast for his career. Only rarely did Muni return to a gangster part in his career.

It must not have been easy for him because Muni is absolutely mesmerizing as the totally amoral Tony Camonte. After Scarface was released Muni was inundated with offers to play gangsters which he rejected.

Interesting because without knowing it another of the cast in Scarface, Boris Karloff, would be ultimately trapped in the horror film genre. Muni assuredly avoided Karloff's fate. Another cast member, George Raft, got his big film break playing Muni's right hand man.

For Raft this was art imitating life, these were the people who were his pallies in real life, there was never any acting involved. Camonte is the ultimate killing machine. He knows only one law the law of the jungle. He'll rise by any means possible, use anyone it takes, kill anyone who gets in his way. He has only two weaknesses, an obsession that borders on incestuous desires for his sister Ann Dvorak and a kind of affection for his factotum Vince Barnett.

That's the kind of affection you have for a pet. Barnett who usually played drunks and hangers-on got his career role out of Scarface. What comic relief there is in the film he provides. He's got some good moments as a 'secretary' trying to take a phone message with bullets flying all around him.

Had he been not dispatched to take the message the machine gun bullets would have found their mark easily in the taller Muni. Scarface is also art that imitates life. Capone could have sued, but right about then he was having much bigger problems with Internal Revenue. We can't forget Karen Morley who played Poppy the girl who likes to go with a winner. She shifts from Perkins to Muni and away from Muni when it becomes necessary. In her own way, she's as amoral as Muni. Scarface along with Public Enemy and Little Caesar set the standard for gangster films.

The updated remake with Al Pacino in Muni's part is a good film itself and got a lot of its audience with some really gory scenes.

Muni did it with talent alone. Details Edit. Release date April 9, United States. United States. The Shame of a Nation. Metropolitan Studios - N. The Caddo Company. Box office Edit. Technical specs Edit. Runtime 1h 33min. Black and White. Related news. Jun 7 Indiewire. May 15 Den of Geek.

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