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This government can and must stop it. It is f—king Hebron, where our occupation is most ugly. Seems that this government is no different than the previous, occupationwise. Hebron contains the Tomb of the Patriarchs holy site, also known as Ibrahimi mosque, which is revered by both Jews and Muslims.
Palestinian Hebron resident Issa Amro, an activist against settlements, said the new neighborhood would exacerbate friction in the area. It means the restrictions on us as Palestinians. The area had served as a bus station before the Israel Defense Forces closed it for security reasons, Ofran said. According to data provided by the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, the population of the Israeli neighborhoods in East Jerusalem numbered , people at the end of According to the CBS, the annual growth rate of the settler population excluding East Jerusalem in was 1.
From the field. Statistics on Settlements and Settler Population Settlements. Is the old nuke deal with Iran already dead? Features Menu. Book Club. Don't Forget Us Here: Freedom, but at what cost? Beita: The human story behind the resistance 'icon'. Commercial surrogacy in Iran: A growing phenomenon. Publish date. Sort by Relevance Most Recent. Israeli settlers attempt 'largest settlement expansion in Hebron in two decades'. About 1, Jewish settlers live in Hebron under heavy Israeli military protection.
The neighbourhood would eventually contain 31 homes, Fleisher said. The construction was revealed by Peace Now, which published video showing a digger at work.