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What is wrong with Betty Parris? She has been cursed by the spell, she was sick in a comma. Frightened and worried. What news does Susanna bring from the doctor? That he cannot discover no medicine for it in his books. What rumor is circulating about Betty? That he is touched by witchcraft; that she can fly.

Abigail was dancing, It was sport. Why is Reverend Parris so worried about his reputation? What did Parris see in the woods? He saw Mercy naked through the tree. What does Abigail claim is the reason she was discharged from the Proctor household? She would not be Elizabeth slave. Elizabeth is evil and sniveling. This material is available only on Freebooksummary.

What news does Susanna bring from the doctor about Betty? Why is Reverend Parris so worried about his reputation? A dress on the ground and a girl running naked, Tituba was doing dark magic. What does Abigail claim is the reason she was discharged from the Proctor household? Betty rises from the bed and chants more names. The scene closes as Abigail and Betty, in feverish ecstasy, alternate in piling up names on the growing list. Hale calls for the marshal to bring irons to arrest the accused witches.

Therefore, there is a good deal of pressure on the average citizen to inform on the blasphemous speech of his or her neighbors in the name of Christian duty. Rebecca, a figure of respectability and good sense, fears that an investigation into witchcraft will only increase division within the Salem community.

The specter of witchcraft allows citizens to blame political failures, the deaths of children, and land squabbles on supernatural influences.

But with Hale present and the scent of witchcraft in the air, the slightest unorthodox behavior automatically makes someone suspect. Because she can no longer truly deny her involvement in witchcraft, she accepts her guilt but displaces it onto Tituba. She admits being involved in witchcraft but declares that Tituba forced her into it. In this manner, the admission of involvement with witchcraft functions like the ritual of confession. The ritual of confession in the witch trials also allows the expression of sentiments that could not otherwise be verbalized in repressive Salem.

Moreover, she states that the devil tempted her by showing her some white people that he owned. Tituba is normally a powerless figure; in the context of the witch trials, however, she gains a power and authority previously unknown to her.

No one would have listened seriously to a word she had to say before, but she now has a position of authority from which to name the secret sins of other Salem residents. She uses that power and authority to make accusations that would have earned her a beating before. At dinner he compliments her seasoning of the meal. What is wrong with Betty Parris? What news does Susanna bring from the doctor?

What rumor is circulating about Betty? Why is Reverend Parris so worried about his

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