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How do you judge prophetic utterance - qyw

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If our lives consist of these qualities, there are no regulations to stop us from doing anything we want to do. There are no laws to forbid these fruits — neither by any government nor by God.

When we are living in that realm, you and I are as free as a bird. The fifth test is fairly simple: If a prophecy contains predictions concerning the future which are not fulfilled, the prophecy did not come from God. Deuteronomy —22 talks about the possibility of a person making a prediction which does not come to pass. There is a situation referred to in Romans where people begin correctly, but then they go too far. Here is a situation that happens on occasion.

People start prophesying in the Spirit, but then they get excited, puffed up, enthusiastic, and they go beyond that which The Holy Spirit actually gave them.

I have seen many instances where this has happened. The persons were not out to deceive, nor were they false prophets. They just moved beyond the realm of the Spirit and reverted back to the flesh. Now we come to the sixth test, which is very important. However, it is possible to wrongly conclude that if the prediction does come to pass, the person giving the message must automatically be considered a true prophet. In fact, we are warned against jumping to this conclusion in Deuteronomy —5.

Basically, even if a prophecy contains correct predictions or supernatural revelations, if it promotes disobedience against God, the word is not from God. The last test is subjective, but legitimate. You must remember that you have something inside you which was put there by God to warn you.

When you walk in the Spirit, there is an awareness inside you that bears witness to the truth and rejects that which is false. If you are warned subjectively by the Spirit within you that something is wrong, start operating the other eight tests. If the person prophesying is wrong, the other tests will show it.

Added to that, this last test will warn you personally. I want to receive and judge prophecy in a way that will be helpful and constructive for me and for those around me.

Please help me to operate effectively in this vital area. Once again, we send you our love and thanks for your partnership with us. We deeply appreciate your prayers and your gifts. Materials used by kind permission of Derek Prince Ministries.

Back to Top. Your email address will not be published. Then people, especially those starting to step out, will feel safe have a go and make mistakes. Ideally, a group of people should be responsible for that judgement, not just one. However the form of judgement contained in 1 Thes is different:. The Greek word for examine is dokimazo a — to test to approve. It has the connotations of someone looking at something and accepting that which is good in it, and leaving behind the bad.

The same principle applies if you want to prophesy. Having faith does not mean we reject discernment. We must be sure that a word comes from God and that the content is sound. However, those who doubt are unlikely to benefit much from prophecy as James points out:. For that man ought not to expect that he will receive anything from the Lord, being a double-minded man, unstable in all his ways.

A good example of this is found in Daniel 5 where God wrote on the wall. It can feel a bit like polystyrene - lots of words but not much content. The meanings of some prophecies are not black and white, and at first glance we cannot see the wood from the trees! So how do we judge these? It is important to test the spirit behind each prophecy. There are three choices: the Spirit of God, the spirit of the evil one and the spirit of man. He and his brother James came up to Jesus and asked to be put in the highest places of authority, one sitting at his right hand and one at his left hand when he came into His glory.

But it is not this way among you, but whoever wishes to become great among you shall be your servant; and whoever wishes to be first among you shall be slave of all.

For the son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many. Here it is obvious now that they were acting more out of the spirit of this world than the Spirit of God. At that time it probably seemed perfectly reasonable to them to request this.

Surely this should be the ultimate aim for any disciple worth his weight in zeal?! A good way to test this is to ask what the fruit of obeying the word is, not how accurate it sounds. Also among the prophets of Jerusalem I have seen a horrible thing: The committing of adultery and walking in falsehood; and they strengthen the hands of evildoers, so that no one has turned back from his wickedness.

All of them have become to Me like Sodom, and her inhabitants like Gomorrah. If a prophecy is mainly from the spirit of man it can come from unhealed wounds in a person. It can have an air of domination, manipulation and control. I did not speak to them, but they prophesied. But if they had stood in My council. Then they would have announced My words to My people.

It can also come from a person who is sensitive in their spirit, and is picking up what is going on in the natural, and giving from that. Often a word will have some of both these sources in it.

Does the prophecy, even if it convicts you, build you up? If the one giving the prophecy denies that Jesus was fully divine and fully human, then that person is a false prophet. There is also a moral test that the prophet must pass. Is the person giving the prophecy exhibiting moral character consistent with his office? Jesus warned of these false prophets. The fruit that people exhibit is the fruit of their doctrine and the fruit of their lives.

Does the prophet live a life glorifying to God? If, however, someone meets all these criteria, are we to assume that their message is supernaturally given? Not necessarily. Apart from false prophecy, there are other types of messages that may seem worthy, but are not sent directly from God.

The ones who are to judge whether a prophecy is God-given are the people in that particular assembly where the prophecy is uttered. The prophecies should not be spoken without the people commenting upon them. The basis of their judgment is a supernaturally given discernment by God.

The Bible says that prophetic utterances should be allowed in the churches. Paul wrote the following to the Thessalonians. These criteria are what the New Testament sets for testing a prophetic message. The tests have not changed over time. Any prophetic message today has to be evaluated according to the biblical rules — there are no exceptions. However, we must note that it is not certain that the gift of prophecy is still meant to be exercised in the church today.

There are many believers who think the New Testament teaches that prophecy was only a temporary gift for the church. Now that divine revelation is completed, and the Scriptures are written, there is no more need for the prophetic gift. This being the case, there is no need to test prophetic utterances because God is not speaking His infallible truth through prophets today.

Christians are divided as to whether God is still giving the gift of prophecy to the church. If the gift still exists, then there are certain tests that should be applied to modern-day prophetic messages.

They include the following. This is primary. The God of the Bible does not contradict Himself. Thus, He will not say something today which contradicts that which He has earlier stated. Furthermore, any prophetic message that is given must exalt the Person of Jesus Christ. Unless the prophetic word exalts Christ it is worthless.

In other words, they must practice what they preach. Because someone meets these above criteria does not necessarily mean that the message is from God. Indeed, with the best of intentions, someone can speak what they believe to be a prophetic word when, in actuality, it is nothing more than their own human words. Finally, it is the leaders of each particular assembly of believers which should be the ones who make the determination. Prophecies should be tested, and if they hold true, they should not be despised.

We must, however, note that there is the view that the gift of prophecy, as found in the New Testament, is no longer functioning in the church.

It was given for a specific time to fulfill a specific purpose. Since the purpose has now been fulfilled the gift has been withdrawn. Thus, there is no such thing as prophetic utterances today. Since the text and audio content provided by BLB represent a range of evangelical traditions, all of the ideas and principles conveyed in the resource materials are not necessarily affirmed, in total, by this ministry.

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