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How can a fever be detrimental - yrn

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And now she has a temperature of degree how long can she have that high of a temperature and not cause brain problems? I know John Hopkins is doing everything they can to help her. Her case is very unusual for kids to get. I have heard that there has only been 2 other cases and hers is the third case. My mother told me whenever I was 2 years old, I had a fever of F and I lived. I was 2 at that time and is bad for that age. I once had a fever and a sore throat and chills.

My Sri Lankan domestic helper wants to know what causes a child to have on and off fever for almost a year? The child has seen many Doctors in Sri Lanka but the fever is still there.

There can be multiple things, but leukemia cancer is one of them. She needs to have her child thoroughly diagnosed ASAP. It could have been pneumonia. Did you ever figure it out? I would get him to the doctor. If the pain in his ribs are from right under his peck around to the back it could be pleurisy. A very uncomfortable but treatable lung infection. In my opinion any infection of the lungs need to be taken seriously. If you have a fever and are lethargic, why on earth would you suggest that it could be meningitis?

A good fever usually makes you lethargic. If you have a fever and no respiratory symptoms coughing, sneezing, runny nose , get to the doctor. If your temp is over , get to the doctor. I have just been rotating Tylenol to Advil every 3 hours for the time I have had it. Haddon fever chills at night only treating malaria at I still feel sick three days after. Not one word about vaccines in the article nor the comments, while fever and seizures, etc.

I can only imagine the horrors he went through to preserve his legacy for the people. My 4 years old son had fever at night Then in morning itwas He was given paracetamol 5Ml at AM. Suddenly it was rise at , and last reach at between PM to PM. In between he was given domestic treatment for cooling down by putting wet cloths in normal water at head feet and chest and given 5ml Mefenamic Acid mg.

Its down to within 20 minutes. Then went to doctor now he is very fine in three hour after getting temperature I had a fever of I took some medicine, took a cool bath, and took a nap.

I was so scared it was the end for me because I was told that by a temp of you would die. But this article made me feel before knowing things just get worse around I feel a lot better now. I regularly every weeks have temperatures of around This illness has literally ruined my life since it started and is not showing any real promising sign of abating though I do have a team of doctors really committed to helping me. Whenever I am approaching such temperatures the pain and uther side affects is unbearable and my veins have finally packed in from constant cannulation and bloods.

I had a fever degree c but i wont go to doctor for checkup i have the same thing that i do regular in daily routine but i ignore the cold things like curd and in came back to degree c.

Should I go to the hospital? If your fever is degrees and you did not take it rectal, then you have to add 2, or 3 degrees pending wher you took it. I thought my son had a degree tempature but when i went to the hospital , they tock it rectal, and it was He had meningitus and it was very serious, but the doctors saved him and all his limbs. You do not wait with a high fever!!!

Recently a person on my facebooks son died because he had flesh eating disease and his parents waited too long, his fever was not that high I think. I just had a fever of c doctor gave me injection and said I have flu I have sour throat chest pains and my eyes are burning. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Risk factors and common complications of fever. Fever Temperatures Common causes and types of fever Signs and symptoms associated with fever Diagnosing and treating fever Risk factors and common complications of fever Fever FAQs.

Back to top. Find this interesting? Share it! Normal human temperature is around 37C, but may vary by up to 1C. Diagrammatic representation of the mechanisms of damage from hyperthermia. Generation of fever The traditional mechanism of fever generation in sepsis was exogenous or endogenous pyrogens stimulating the organum vasculosum of the lamina terminalis OVLT in the brain Fig. The pathway is probably more complex — more recent work has identified other cytokines, and that neural pathways may have a role.

Neural pathways may account for the rapid onset of fever, with cytokine production responsible for the maintenance, rather than the initiation of fever. A fever in infection is common in animals, and it offers a survival benefit.

There are several reasons: human pathogens may replicate less well at higher temperatures; many antibiotics work better; and the innate immune system is more effective. However, at temperatures above around 40C, mortality increases, suggesting that at this stage the deleterious effects of hyperthermia outweigh any benefit. In contrast, a non-pyrogenic fever is not of any perceived benefit.

Deleterious effects happen early Mechanisms of damage from fever There are many pathophysiological mechanisms for the deleterious effects of a fever Fig. Direct cellular damage: Hyperthermia is directly cytotoxic, becoming significant at 40C.

Direct cell death in humans occurs at temperatures of around 41C. Cell death is intimately related to protein denaturation. Local effects: The inflammatory response is incompletely understood, but many pro- and anti-inflammatory mediators are released. IL-6 offers protection from thermal damage, and is ubiquitously raised; antagonism of IL-1 improves survival. Of interest is that the cytokine profile in both classical and exertional heatstroke is similar to the profile in exercise, and to that produced by absorption of endotoxins.

Two drug-induced hyperthermic conditions neuroleptic malignant syndrome NMS and malignant hyperthermia MH show an inflammatory response.

Systemic effects: non-pyrogenic hyperthermia increases gastrointestinal and blood-brain barrier permeability, stimulating bacterial translocation and endotoxin absorption.

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