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The key to treating rib flare is improving alignment and muscle balance. And not just muscle imbalance in your back and abdomen, but also shoulders, legs, feet, and pelvis. How you stand, sit, carry your kids, and exercise at the gym can all be part of improving rib flare. Added weight during pregnancy can also play a role. Pregnancy rib pain can be the result of your baby physically kicking you in the ribs, stretching out under your ribs, or just moving by your ribs.
The pain can also be caused by your muscles stretching out. In some rare cases, it might be caused by a medical complication.
The rib cage can be uncomfortably kicked or moved by the baby during pregnancy, and it may change sizes a little even after delivery.
Your growing uterus can further strain your already straining chest and stomach. Back to Top. In This Article. What causes rib pain during pregnancy? There are a few possible causes of rib pain during pregnancy, including: Hormones.
The same pregnancy hormones that are responsible for loosening your joints — especially that aptly named hormone, relaxin — can sometimes cause the ribs to expand. The cartilage attached to your ribs can loosen and expand during pregnancy, causing inflammation read: pain in the area. Increased pressure from the uterus. As your uterus continues to expand — and your breasts keep getting bigger — your rib cage may be, quite literally, under some pressure.
Your little contortionist may have sunk a foot into your ribs, and surprise! How does rib pain change during pregnancy? Those who have morning sickness may even lose a few pounds. Second trimester: As your baby continues to grow, you may experience some rib pain and shortness of breath , which crops up as your growing uterus pushes up against your diaphragm and compresses your lungs. Third trimester: Rib pain tends to continue later in pregnancy, when the uterus is expanding in earnest and putting more pressure on the ribs.
Your baby is also growing bigger — and likely throwing a few jabs or kicks into your ribs too. How do I relieve rib pain during pregnancy? Wear loose clothing. A too-tight shirt or dress can add more pressure to your already-aching ribs. Stick to maternity dresses, loose sweaters and extra-long tanks and T-shirts. Take a bath. During pregnancy, however, experiencing pain around the rib area is not uncommon. As though you need any more bodily weirdness going on at the time.
Moms-to-be can make some adjustments to decrease the rib pain, though. Taking warm baths, practicing gentle stretches such as yoga, and taking pain relieving medication with a doctor's approval are a few ways to help deal with rib pain , according to Medical News Today.
If you're at all concerned with aches and pains in this area, then don't hesitate to reach out to your doctor for advice. Although they aren't the first area of the body you think about when it comes to pregnancy, the ribs are affected by the growing baby as well.
The rib cage can be uncomfortably kicked or moved by the baby during pregnancy, and it may change sizes a little even after delivery. So if your ribs, of all things, feel a bit different, then rest assured that you are far from alone.