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Can you wear bikinis in turkey - pwl

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Feel free to reach out to me via the below comments or drop me an email. High Heels and a Backpack Disclaimer: This guide on what to wear in Turkey may contain the occasional affiliate link. This means that if you choose to make a purchase through one of the links contained on this page, I will make a small amount of commission at no additional cost to you. I am travelling to Turkey in the last week of April. What do you suggest? Should i pack layers? What will be the weather there in april?

So confused! Where are you headed? Will you do any hiking? Safe travels, Melissa xo. Excellent post. Many people see Turkey as a place of sun and beach tourism and do not know that in Turkey in winter it is very cold and that it is necessary to bring warm clothes.

Hi please help, I am going to Turkey Cappadocia and the the coastal towns Antalia. I going 16 October to 1 November, do I pack winter or summer clothes. We doing the Ultra trail Capadocia then we touring the Mediterranean coast in Turkey. Hey, I am planning for a honeymoon in turkey in November. Can you exactly tell me how the weather of turkey would be?

Should we pack some jackets? Or it would be moderated. Hey Beeba, it really depends on which part of the country you will be travelling in. Turkey is huge and the climate is different between the eastern and western parts Anywhere east of Anatolia gets really cold! Where will you be going? How safe would it be for a solo woman traveller to travel to Turkey or even a group of women maybe, this question i am asking because I am planning to go on a trip either alone or with my girl gang but I am not so sure if turkey would be right place to travel alone as i have heard a issues of harassment.

Questions: I am not pants girl but I do wear leggins. Is it ok to wear leggins in Turkey. Is jeans and tshirt, trainers, biker jacket ok? Will it be warm at that time? What should I wear as I noticed your article only covered summer and winter? This would be for female attire. Please advise, your article is great! It was written in jest of course. I never implied that they do, I said that that was an assumption by people who are unawares of how to dress when travelling here.

Men should also avoid walking around topless. Boys are fine to wear shorts and t-shirts and girls can wear shorts and tops or sundresses in the same way that they would do in western countries. Older girls or girls that look older should follow the advice for women.

The key to dressing in Turkey between October and April is to have lots of layers. In the winter months, temperatures can drop quite low but some days can still be warm and sunny. For this reason, having a cardigan and lightweight jacket is essential as well as a hat, gloves and scarf that can be easily removed when the sun comes out!

The climate becomes more extreme the further east that you travel. Temperatures drop from more than 40 degrees Celsius in summer to well below freezing in December and heavy snow can leave many areas impassable. For this reason, a good quality winter jacket and thermal underclothes are recommended if you are travelling in central and eastern Turkey between November and April. It can rain in Turkey at any time of the year and downpours can sometimes be torrential. We recommend packing a travel umbrella from May to September and a waterproof jacket at other times of the year.

This post contains affiliate links that may earn us a commission at no additional cost to you should a purchase be made. Our full website terms of use can be found here. You can find our complete family guide to visiting Turkey here How do people dress in Turkey? Everyday attire in Turkey today What you will see local people wearing will depend on where you are in Turkey. What should women wear when visiting Turkey? What sort of footwear should I wear in Turkey?

Dressing for summer heat in Turkey It does get extremely hot in Turkey — up to 45 degrees Celsius in summer — and for this reason we recommend lightweight natural materials like cotton and linen when travelling between April and October.

Do I need to cover my head in Turkey? Get a grip on reality, and stop caring so much about nipples. Hi Mike — the sex before marriage tends to apply more to women than men. I know quite a few Turkish men who also consider it their right to have a mistress. Yes, they are targeted simply because they are viewed as being easy therefore are lower down on the social scale.

Yes you are supplying their economy with your money but they are supplying you with a low cost holiday. However if this is the case it does deflate the reasoning behind the moral outrage of seeing a pair of breasts on a beach. See you can twist logic however you want to win an argument. End of the day people should show a bit more respect across the board, world would run a lot better if they did. I am not a fan of topless sunbathing and I am a westerner.

I think that its a way for women to try and get attention. They can very easily pull their staps down or even wear strapless. However, why is it that we should respect their culture when they dont respect ours? I dont see them taking their headscarves off when they come here and wearing shorts and sundresses like we do. Yet we should be forced to cover our head if we visit their Country. Unless you are against the westerization of turkish society…?!

These countries need the money they make from tourists so should learn to cater for them by accepting their western ways. You bring up very good points Rayner. I am 83 years of age. Live in Britain most of the time. Go to Bali, Indonesia a lot. Then I realised that they really want to practice their English. So I will spend say, 15 to 30 minutes with them. I designed the first two ringed baby sling when I lived in Hawaii in I discovered that they use a baby sling in Bali since forever.

Even boys as young as eight will carry their very young siblings around in a sling. I feel so much at home as it is possible to be. I have my slings made in Bali as the seamstress is very good. I think that the reason why you will find in Denmark young women up to all sorts of ages sunbathing nude, as in other Scandinavian countries. It is a matter of economics.

If you rear a man say in England which has a very violent undertow, or of course America. Women are trained or brought up to say no, most of the time. Which of course they are perfectly entitled to do. But it has the effect of making many men frustrated and angry. Of course they are not, but in my personal experience, one does not have to go through the often complicated ritual present in England before a women will be open to sex.

I suspect that I am laying myself open to critism. The Scandinavian countries are largely socialist, wheras we in Britain and America are capitalist. Nudism in public places are frowned upon. Whereas in Denmark, and other sociolist countries, women will be nude in any grass covered space that is available.

The kind of heckling or even forms of violence that is in vogue in capatilistic or very religeous cultures is absent. Must go and have some lunch now. I enjoy this blog or whatever you call it. I would advocate a boycott of this land at all costs.

There have to be places to sunbathe top less or nude, and the Greeks can cook what Turks eat-why support a blood diamond economy. Btw, if you want to promote tourism, then you had best think kindly of who is providing you with a paycheck. Perhaps we in the West should expose this. Turkish disrespectful view of Western women and take said cash and uncovered tatas not withstanding to friendlier climes.

I recently read an article posted on Mail Online revealing the results of a survey in England. Having sex on a first date was considered a big no-no and would reflect bad especially on the woman. I grew up on the West coast of Turkey, precisely Izmir and Kusadasi. Meeting topless women on the beach and even nude at times has not been a big deal so far.

When mum used to take us to the holiday villages to swim in the pool, 80 per cent was topless. Turkish women normally do not prefer to go topless but whoever wants to do that, no one would have the right to say a word to you either. I now live in Malta, a Roman Catholic country where swimming topless is illegal and considered a shameful act while people dance without knickers on the box in a party area called Paceville.

Now, you decide. I agree with nathalie too. I am from Turkiye and I went beaches of Turkiye a few summer. There are lots of people who have never seen nude woman body in public in his life before.

This can struck a man who came to sea from inner side of Turkiye first.. This will be a little disturbing for you thinking somebody watching you while you are sunbathing topless.

If I were you I would prefer to go naked beaches in Turkey. American men are considered backward by wearing baggies and board shorts, and standard boxer-length is taking over from them.

I see the world becoming more secular and accepting of what was considered blasphemous in earlier times—even in Islamic nations. Tourists will always stretch local morals and customs, but we are learning that taking personal offense tp that is futile.

If he is a hotel owner that explains his relaxed attitude. Hotel owners are used to seeing foreigners sunbath topless. They accept it as part and parcel of the trade. The hotel owner I used to work for never battered an eyelid because he just became used to it. Happy new year to you as well.

Happy new year natalie. His friends and elder members of family visit there home and his brothers and sisters children also visit and they only wear bottom swimwear.

He is a highly respected man in this area of turkey who owns a few hotels. He is a unique MAN. Congratulations to your friend then. She has found a unique man.

For everyone man like him there are hundreds with a totally different view point. Sorry natalie i forgot to mention i visit my friend once a year who lives just out side sarigerme. She is married to a lovely turkish man and he nor his friends mind her or us sunbathing topless at there pool. She is english and he accepts that she does english things. Hi Julie — if you read the article before commenting, you will find out why Turkish friends and families have never mentioned it to you.

Become their wife or daughter in law and it is a totally different matter. Please also read the comment policy if you want your next comment to be published. Sorry i have been going to turkey since and have never been looked down upon for sunbathing topless.

I have met lots of turkish freinds and families and became really good friends with these people and never once have they mentioned this subject. So your the one who is being uptight about this.

Comment edited — please read the comment policy. Really Francisco?? You think that by getting her tits out, a woman is helping to modernise the country. I would have thought modernization starts with child education and the attitude towards the women in the home. I also remember most of the western world where women are very much judged on their looks.

As a Spaniard of age, I recall the same experience when Nordic and Scandinavian women used to sunbath topless in Spain in the 60s and 70s. It was against our tradition and culture. Nobody wanted their systers and mothers to be topless and Scandinavian women were suposed to be easy. No Spanish woman would go topless at the time.

But tourism broght new customs to traditional Spain and now you can see wormen in topless in all Spanish beaches. Sometimes topless wormen are the majority of women at the beach. Therefore, I have to disagree. When a foreign woman shows her tits in Turkish beach, it is modernising Turkey, in teh same way her mother modernised Spain. I found your article thought provoking.

I disagree with it. Western women, by Turkish standards, are very easy. That is part of Western culture. Feminists have fought since the s to end the double standard. I say that it is a mistake to pretend you are something you are not — lose the top. Kemal, every country in the world is identified as having a religion. Even if you do not like it. For example, most people when asked to identify America with a religion will say Christians.

To delve down into whether they are practising Christians and whether their beliefs and cultures have been influenced by religion is impossible. It is focusing on the mens reaction itself which is nothing to do with the women. Re the burqa, it is my understanding that this is not featured in Islam. The burqa was something introduced in the middle east countries and there is nothing in the quran about the Burqua. Also like you say, Turkey is a free country so my suggestion that a bikini top is worn is ample enough.

I observed a little bit your complete blog. I appretiate it too much. A very laudable work is yours. I think I should read all pages and comments of this blog as long as I will have time. Concerning the main subject, may be correct or wrong, but I have every respect to your opinions about demeanour of foreigners in Turkish beaches. Normally as it must be in a laic country, it is not surveyed officially. Is that correct? According to your logic, best advice you can give as to buy a strapless bikini top and never take it off, should not be satisfactory.

Islam requires much more than this. If islam must be taken into account perhaps something like burqa may be a better suggestion than a strapless top.

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