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Can you troll in wisconsin - edn

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Wisconsin In Your Inbox spinner. Thank you! You'll receive your first newsletter soon! Love Wisconsin? Get more stories delivered right to your email.

Your e-mail: Sign Up. As with many fishing and hunting regulations, motor-trolling rules are as much a product of societal demands and perceptions than scientific facts and necessities. Obviously, until outboard engines were invented, motor trolling wasn't an issue. History suggests we can thank a Norwegian immigrant named Ole Evinrude for creating this nearly century-old controversy, for he invented outboards.

He co-founded a custom-engine shop in , invented the outboard engine in , and founded the Evinrude Motor Co. By , he invented lighter, more efficient two-cylinder outboards, and before long, people were toting them all over the state to fish. We can also assume fishing guides who rowed clients around soon lost business to engines. We can further assume purists thought it sinful to fish with help from a machine.

And just to be sure, we can also assume many good folks thought motor trolling would kill fishing itself, and so in they persuaded righteous lawmakers to ban the tactic. That statewide ban on inland waters stayed intact for 35 years, until the state opened five waters to motor trolling in When Earth kept rotating on its axis, policymakers brazenly opened Racine County and seven northwestern counties to motor trolling in And when policymakers lived to tell the tale, they added many waters larger than acres to their infamous list in , except, of course, for muskellunge waters.

This change does not affect boating regulations, so anglers must still comply with any motor restrictions applicable on the lakes. As before, a person holding a valid disabled permit that authorizes trolling trolling, Class A, Class B with trolling would be authorized to use an electric motor on lakes with ordinances enacted that prohibit the use of motorboats on navigable waters.

Yes, the trolling line restriction only applies to the number of lines being trolled. Any person can fish statewide with up to three hooks, baits, or lures at a time. If you are trolling with one line that has one lure attached, you can cast at the same time with another lure. The same goes for boats — if two people are each trolling a line from a boat, they are still allowed to use additional non-trolling lines up to their maximum of three hooks, baits, or lures per person.

Motor trolling Fishing Wisconsin. Trolling defined According to NR

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