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Can you register a subdomain - ktn

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In spite of its low entry barrier, the internet is a mighty complex territory filled with technical jargon that at times may sound eerily similar to Klingon. Building a strong online presence starts in a fairly straightforward manner - simply create a website and purchase a domain name. However, things get more complicated once you want to grow your site, improve your performance and come across new terms such as subdomain. If you know what is a domain , you may already have a general idea of what a subdomain is, based on the obviousness of its name.

Subdomains are a prefix added to your domain name in order to help navigate and organize sections of your website. They are primarily used to manage site areas that are extensive enough to require their own hierarchy, such as online stores, blogs or support platforms.

Unlike subdirectories, subdomains operate as entirely different websites. This allows you to target specific content types that are different from those of your root domain. As a result, your chances to build a niche authority and organic traffic increase.. Furthermore, you can also provide backlinks to your primary domain to strengthen its presence.

Assuming that all the subdomains end up resolving to the same IP address and they really don't have to :. How the webserver handles that depends on the webserver. You can configure a separate Document Root for each — and you should to avoid duplicate content penalties in search engines , unless you are going to do stuff to dynamically determine the content based on the FQDN. However you like. It is widely considered to be a good idea to pick either " with www " or "without www" as your canonical primary site and redirect the other one to it.

Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Ask Question. Asked 10 years, 4 months ago. Active 2 years, 2 months ago. Viewed 81k times. There are several reasons why you might want to divide your website into distinct sections using a subdomain. For example, perhaps you offer B2B business services but want to write a blog.

Setting up a subdomain for the blog part of your website divides that specific written content from your product landing pages and white papers. You might also want a subdomain if you are setting up an eCommerce section of your website. Creating a subdomain for your online store will tie it in with the website while allowing the freedom to create something that stands out. The first step is to log into the cPanel dashboard for the website you want to add the subdomain to.

Note that a primary domain is not necessarily the domain. For more information about these see publicsuffix. DNS records are centrally managed by name servers and records can and do point any which way.

The basic text nature of dns records pretty much requires it to be so liberal. In fact, this is why spoofing and man in the middle control of dns servers are a problem.

That said, there are rules that domain name registries follow through contractual obligations. Breaking these rules, i. So the implicit understanding that makes it hard to obtain a subdomain on someone else's domain is simply the financial self-interest of the registrar.

I own a domain, let's say "xyz. With a simple webtool at my hosting provider I can create whatever subdomains I like. Some are predefined: www. I don't need permission from anyone and I don't pay anything extra for subdomains. Nobody else can create subdomains under my domain, only through me. The same goes for mailboxes, like name xyz. Most data is hosted by my provider, up to 10 GB. With the help of DDNS and some configuration at the provider I can also make a subdomain point to a server in my home, e.

This server is just a 32 GB flash drive plugged into the router, it could serve large media files. Sign up to join this community. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top. Stack Overflow for Teams — Collaborate and share knowledge with a private group. Create a free Team What is Teams? Learn more. Does DNS allow third parties to register subdomains? Ask Question. Asked 3 years, 1 month ago. Active 3 years, 1 month ago. Viewed 8k times. I have one of those questions that rely on the rule sets for DNS lookup.

Improve this question. Anders Tony Barry Tony Barry 2 2 silver badges 4 4 bronze badges. Strictly speaking you do not register sub-domains, you register the domain and if the registrar permits the registration then you can create DNS records for zero or more sub-domains which can point to resources on your own hosting, third party vendors, content delivery networks etc. It is these DNS records which allow clients like a browser to resolve the sub-domain to an IP address, not domain or subdomain registration.

In a simplistic sense the domain registration provides a means to point the client to the DNS server you nominated for the domain which need not be your registrar.

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