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Bed bug bites do not spread when scratched, but scratching can lead to skin infections. Bacteria thrive in our environment, waiting for their turn to enter our system. Repeated scratching of bed bug bites can lead to skin breakage.

This tiny opening will allow bacteria or viruses to go into your bloodstream. If left untreated, pus may develop at the site of infection. If the scratching continues, the discharge from the affected area can spread the infection to other parts of your skin.

Thus your simple bed bug bites can be life-threatening if the infection is left untreated. Some people can have an extreme allergy to bed bug bites. Therefore, they may show extreme symptoms from the bites on their skin. The victim will start to feel like they have a lump in their throat and may have difficulty swallowing. To avoid further complications from bed bug bites, it is best not to take these bites for granted. They may look small and less dangerous, but they can still develop into more complicated skin problems.

Except in rare cases of anaphylactic shock, the prognosis is excellent. Cases that involve tens to hundreds of bee stings merit a more guarded prognosis. Future insect bites should be avoided because many reactions worsen with repeated exposure to the offending proteins or toxins. You should always tell your veterinarian if your pet has ever experienced an insect bite reaction so that preventive measures can be taken in the future.

Many pets that demonstrate insect bite hypersensitivity are also hypersensitive to flea and tick bites, pollens and molds, and many foods. Speak to your veterinarian for information on products that are safe and effective for preventing insect bites in your dog. In some casesusually when someones exposed to staph in a hospital setting, like during surgerystaph bacteria can get into your bloodstream, Dr.

Fey says. This can cause a blood infection known as bacteremia, which can initially lead to a fever and low blood pressure. Once in your blood, this kind of staph infection can spread to your heart, bones, and other organsand result in a number of serious or even deadly infections.

Those include pneumonia , and also a type of bone infection called osteomyelitis, which could lead to swelling or warmth in the infected area, according to resources from the Mayo Clinic. Bacteremia could also lead to an infection of the lining of your heart known as endocarditis. Symptomslike fever, chills, night sweats , joint pain , pale skin, and weaknesscan develop very slowly, suddenly, or even come and go, per the U. National Library of Medicine. Hi, I am Aaron Easton.

I am a Systematic Financial Manager with 5 years of experience growing revenue through effective team and project management. Extensive knowledge of client-focused team-building with training in diverse industry supervision. View all posts by Aaron Easton's Blog. You are commenting using your WordPress. You are commenting using your Google account.

You are commenting using your Twitter account. You are commenting using your Facebook account. Notify me of new comments via email. Notify me of new posts via email. But because many red fire ant stings can be toxic, it's important to seek emergency care if you notice them crop up on your body. Spider Bites: While many spider bites might just appear to be the work of a mosquito, if you look close you may notice distinctive, red fang marks accompanied by redness, tenderness and shooting pain.

That may mean you've encountered a black widow, the most common harmful spider in California. With venom reported to be 15 times stronger than a rattlesnake's, a black widow bite requires immediate emergency care and anti-venom. With venom just as deadly, brown recluse spiders are another eight-legged creature to be wary of in the Golden State. The venom of a brown recluse spider is more deadly than that of a rattlesnake.

But unlike a rattlesnake, bites by a brown recluse can appear harmless at first. Then, two to eight hours later, victims experience symptoms that include severe pain at the bite site, severe itching, nausea and vomiting, fever and muscle pain. If you think you've been bitten by a brown recluse, get medical attention quickly. Fortunately, it is very rare for a person to die from either a black widow or a brown recluse spider bite.

Scorpions: Scorpions thrive in warm, dry climates and live in the deserts around us. Some inflict stings no more serious than those of ants or bees. A scorpion attack may cause redness, swelling and burning that can disappear after 30 minutes. But other stings such as from a bark scorpion, common in the California deserts adjacent to Arizona can be deadly.

Symptoms of a bark scorpion bite include vomiting, profuse sweating, itching, respiratory paralysis, convulsions, muscle twitching, swelling and pain. If stung by a scorpion, get medical care fast. Sand Flies or Sand Fleas: Sandflies are tiny, biting bugs that mostly are irksome and are commonly found along the beaches of California and Florida. A sandfly bite often leaves red, itchy bumps -- itchier than mosquito bites and that often last longer. Remedies that can help quell the itch include Calamine lotion, antihistamines and hydrocortisone cream.

Bed Bugs: Los Angeles is not immune to bedbugs , whose bites appear as tiny, red and itchy spots on your skin. One California-based exterminator company reported a percent increase in its bedbug work from to Bed bugs feed off your skin and create nasty, persistent infestations.

You can spot them on your mattress, as little black marks. Because bed bugs can plague your home or apartment, it's important to get rid of them quickly so they don't keep coming back. Whether it's bedbugs, fleas, midges, bees, wasps, biting flies, kissing bugs conenoses or mosquitoes, if your infestation is serious enough, don't be silly -- call for not only medical help if besieged but also professional extermination or public health assistance.

Besides dressing right when active and outdoors, reconsider those bug-attracting perfumes, colognes and sprays. Cover and avoid food in trash cans and dumps. Wear insect repellant. Don't set down beer or soda cans and leave them unattended, then reach without looking to guzzle from them. And don't go out of your way to agitate insects. Frankly, as with snakes and jelly fish and sting rays all of which I've written about before , bugs and the other creatures great and small can just as easily go their own way, coexist in the environment and not bother us.

These are proven remedies to resist scratching your affected skin. These remedies are not only effective on bed bug bites but are also applicable to other insect bites.

You only have to choose which one works best for you. Is this cause for concern … View answer. Treatment is based on the type of insect bite, the number of bites, and the severity of clinical signs. Treatment typically consists of removal of the stinger or other insect parts, followed by administration of anti-histamines and anti-inflammatory agents such as corticosteroids as needed.

In patients that progress to systemic or anaphylactic shock, supportive measures such as intravenous fluids, corticosteroids, oxygen therapy, and epinephrine are often required. In these severe cases, electrolyte levels will be monitored and a urinalysis will be performed to evaluate urine output and kidney function. Treatment for insect bites depends upon what insect has bitten and how sever the reaction is.

While there are numerous ways to treat insect bites, the suitability depends on what the insect is and how the person bitten is affected. Insect bites can be painful and itchy in general and fatal in certain cases. It is imperative to find out what insect has bitten in case of painful bites resulting severe reactions.

Seek immediate medical assistance in situations of sever discomfort and reactions while home remedies and OTC anointments can sooth mild discomforts. But some dogs bite out of fear or frustration, and this type of biting can indicate problems with aggression. It is always best to seek the advice of a doctor when you have concerns about your health. Bed bugs feed about every five to 10 days, but infestations can break out quickly. A significant increase in bites over a period of time could be an indicating factor that your home has been infested.

Detecting the presence of bed bugs in a home can be a challenging task. The sooner you treat a bed bug infestation, the better. Working with pest prevention specialists can reduce the amount of time you spend looking for a solution and prevent bed bugs from infesting other parts of your home. Try not to scratch the affected area to avoid infection. The pain, swelling and itchiness can sometimes last a few days.

Ask your pharmacist about over-the-counter treatments that can help, such as creams for itching and antihistamines. If you have a more serious reaction, your GP may prescribe other medication or refer you to an allergy clinic for specialist assessment and treatment.

A small hole, or the sting itself, may also be visible. The lump may have an inflamed area around it that may be filled with fluid. This is called a weal.

Insect bites and stings usually clear up within several hours and can be safely treated at home. If youre bitten or stung, you may see or feel the insect on your skin during the attack. Some people dont notice the insect and may not be aware of a bite or sting until one or more of the following symptoms emerge:. If you feel ill or experience flu-like symptoms in the days following an insect bite, see your doctor for tests to rule out infections or diseases you may have contracted from the insect.

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