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Can i see mercury tonight - vsi

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To do so, look at the waxing crescent Moon and follow it straight up around 45 minutes after sunset. According to Time and Date, Venus will be visible until while Mercury can be seen until Source: Read Full Article. Home » Science » Mercury and Venus to be visible tonight: How to see.

Mercury and Venus to be visible tonight: How to see. Venus: Life could be discovered by spacecraft says scientist When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. This is because as one side of Earth reaches night time, it is facing away from the Sun. Viewers in the southern hemisphere can also see Mercury but the viewing angles are not as favourable, and September will offer a better chance of success. Starwatch Mercury.

Starwatch: your best chance of the year to see Mercury at night. Observers in the northern hemisphere can start tonight to look for the elusive target.

Stuart Clark. When it appears in the morning, it can be found in the east like the rising Sun ; when it appears in the evening, it is found in the west like the setting Sun. Finally, Venus appears to have phases like the Moon. Mars is famous for its rugged reddish landscape which gains its color from iron minerals in the soil.

You can locate Mars by researching where it is located in relation to constellations. Use a star chart to orient yourself in the night sky, learn where constellations are, and use them as landmarks to find Mars.

Mars will move out of the constellation Taurus on the 24th of April and move into the Gemini constellation. The largest planet in our solar system, Jupiter and its many moons have been impressing astronomers since Antiquity. Its famous Red Spot may look tranquil from a distance, but it is in fact a massive storm that has lasted for over a century. Jupiter is one of the brightest objects in the night sky, ranking just behind the Moon and Venus.

Check out Naked Eye Planets for a super-detailed description of when and where Jupiter will be visible in the night sky during The best views of Jupiter will occur on the 8th of August when it reaches opposition to the Sun.

This means that it is relatively bright and close to the Earth, as well as visible all night. If you have a telescope, challenge yourself to find not only the planet itself but also its details and features. Can you find its largest moons? Its gas bands? Its famous great Red Spot? This ringed planet has inspired countless people to fall in love with astronomy. Did you know that Saturn is losing its rings though? For most months of , there is at least one night when you can use the Moon as your anchor to locate Saturn, which will appear nearby.

Since the Moon is so easy to spot, it serves as a very useful guide toward Saturn. These circumstances will occur on the nights of:. Note that the relative positions of the Moon and Saturn, as well as the precise timing of this occurrence, will depend somewhat on your own location on Earth.

Like Saturn, Uranus has rings, and it also has 27 moons that we know of! Uranus is also quite large, around four times wider than Earth. Despite its relatively large size, Uranus is very difficult to see with the naked eye, and without technological help, it pretty much just looks like a star. I highly recommend getting a good telescope or pair of binoculars to see it closer-up and in more detail. Aries will spend the entire in the constellation of Aries the Ram.

Look for Uranus on the following dates:. One strategy for finding Uranus is to wait until it appears in conjunction with other, brighter planets. I also recommend consulting this handy Uranus Finder Chart , which traces the path of Uranus along the ecliptic. You can also find printable finder charts for Uranus on this page.

Like Uranus, Neptune is an ice giant with a gassy atmosphere of molecular hydrogen, atomic helium, and methane. What sets Neptune apart? In , look for Neptune in the constellation Aquarius, where it will spend the entire year. Then, use this finder chart or this one , for the Southern Hemisphere for more specific help with locating Neptune in You can also find printable finder charts for Neptune here.

This year, Neptune will appear in the northeastern part of Aquarius. Neptune will be in conjunction with Venus on January 27, with Mercury on April 3, and with Mars on June 12; the January 27 conjunction is best seen from the Northern Hemisphere, while the latter two conjunctions are both best seen from the Southern Hemisphere.

Pluto is too tiny to see with the naked eye. Pluto will be at opposition on July 18, , which is, depending on weather conditions, the best date for observing. I tend to keep track of when the next New Moon will occur. So, why pay attention to when the New Moon is? Without the presence of moonlight, the sky is darker, and you have the chance to spot faint objects. Excess moonlight can put a damper on some viewing opportunities. The Perseids might be washed out by a bit of moonlight again this year, but the Geminids should be in fine form, as in they occur close to a New Moon, so the skies will be dark.

On the other hand, the Moon is awesome in its own right! You may also be interested in viewing lunar eclipses or using the bright Moon to locate harder-to-find objects such as Saturn.

So, each phase of the Moon has its advantages and disadvantages, and it all depends on your personal goals. In any case, you should have a basic awareness of the phases of the Moon. You can use websites like Moon Giant to keep track of the phases of the Moon. Moon Giant also provides Moon calendars , lets you virtually explore the surface of the Moon, and has a gallery of vintage NASA pictures.

You can see a lot with just your eyes or with a good pair of binoculars. However, planets such as Neptune or Uranus are best viewed with a telescope. Your telescope probably comes with some sort of finderscope , which helps you locate specific objects in the night sky.

Finderscopes have a wider field of vision; they show more of the night sky at a lower magnification than your telescope. This wider view helps you find things more easily.

Of course, you still need to have a general idea of where to look. Center your finderscope on your target. Or, if you belong to an astronomy club, you can ask for help from more experienced members.

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